Have You Seen This Guy?

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Jun 3, 2008
Went to a small social event today and you never will guss who was there. Zack the commie. It was just a small event and he ruined it all. How did he ruin it a buddie of mine informed him about me being a gun owner/ hunter/ christian and guss what happened next. Picked a fight with me right there on the spot about my views and belifes. And I will have to say that I controled myself in the according manner. But what he said was out of this world. "GUNS ARE BAD", "GUNS KILL", " I AM A TERRIBLE PERSON FOR KILLING BAMBIE", "AMERICA IS TERRIBLE", "WE SHOULD ALL BE LIKE THE REST OF THE WORLD DISARMED", "AMERICA GIVES US TO MANY FREEDOMS" and the one that really burned me the most was "ALL VETERANS ARE MURDERS" and that did it for me I used some :cuss: words to tell him where to go and to leave my dinner. So my question is has anyone every met a guy like this?
Yeah I met that kind of ass at a halloween party. After trying to spill liberal feces all over me, he got drunk and called my wife (who happens to be black) a "monkey bitch" because she told him he needed to calm down.

I bet it was a sight to behold when Capt Jack Sparrow was getting thrown down a set of stairs by Don Johnson haha.
I've come across a few like that and hate it when I do. Perhaps they should buy a one way ticket to their favorite place: red china.
After trying to spill liberal feces all over me, he got drunk and called my wife (who happens to be black) a "monkey bitch" because she told him he needed to calm down.

That you didn't shoot him on the spot is a testament to your will power.

But yeah, I've seen those types. Over the years I've become more and more choosy of those I am around in a social setting.

I don't get invited to nearly as many parties, but the last big party I DID get invited to involved halftracks, Ma Deuces, and free ammo......
He's just one guy. He has lots of cousins.

"Are you sure that knife is legal?"

"Shouldn't you be wearing a helmet?"

"Folks died to make America free, not to grow long hair."

"If I was in charge you bipolars would all be locked up."

"Well, I'm just like a policeman."

"Is that exhaust pipe legal?"

"Wisconsin is a safe state, you don't need to protect yourself!"

So you see guys, you're just commenting on the nuts from your neighborhood. The winds have carried their seeds all over the country.
Lets get it on the record, china's government is authoritarian fascist, not liberal.

While the concept of no-personal property and government dominance of all aspects of life is rather "progressive" the whole pollute to the moon thing is not.

Their fascist leaders are thrilled about the organ harvesting and wall-to-wall censorship. Religous freedom is non existant (ask the Falun Gong), and freedom of expression is out the window if it goes against the party line.

That's kind of the price of a free democracy, everyone gets to voice their opinion, speak their mind, worship how and who they please. Regardless of their intelligence.

It's sad that in the 21st century some people, are perfectly willing and able to straddle the line between ignorance and stupidity.

Sorry you had to be one the recieving end of it.
Every now and then, you just run into those people. Unfortunate it had to happen at a social event. I've gotten it before just walking around in town, running errands, etc. California is not a military friendly state, and, being stationed out here, Every now and then you'll get someone yelling "Baby Killer," Or "Murderer." I just take it in stride now. If not for Baby Killers and Murderer's, they wouldn't be able to talk trash. :)

The hunting argument is easily destroyed, always keep calm be polite, I always bring up the Excise tax we pay on guns and hunting fees that go to the state for conservation...the millions of acres (Pennsylvania anyway) that are basically wilderness as State Gameland because of us "evil" hunters money.

If you are really good at the gift of gab, it is easy to poke and push buttons and get one of these rabid freedom hating folks to fly off the handle, with a few well placed comments...all the while you remain calm.
Texasrifleman: It took everything in me not to completely go off my rocker and kill him. My wife knew it too because as soon as the guy said it, her reaction was not to curse him out but to see where I was. I caught the tail end of his comment and chucked that piece of garbage down the stairs.
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I have a hard time believing that there are many people like you are describing. I have never heard a "liberal" Talk in such a manner. I have heard many times conservitives pick fights with all sorts of decent people however. Even in the media you will not find a O'reily or mike Savage equivilent. Liberals just are not full of hate like too many conservitives can be IMHO. The very fact that you are saying "It took everything in me not to completely go off my rocker and kill him." is not a too friendly.
I caught the tail end of his comment and chucked that piece of garbage down the stairs.

Well, I'm drinking tonight so here's to you for not killing him.
If I had been on the jury you'd have walked.

That's truly sickening behavior. Sad that it's all too common.
I had a similar conversation a month or so ago with a guy who was dead-set against guns in all shapes and sizes and stripes, regardless of who had them or for what reason, including (in some cases, at least) the police. Yeah, it didn't make a lot of sense. This guy also happens to be a conservative who is so far to the east of center that when he gets on an airplane, he insists that it have two right wings.

It's easy to denegrate so-called "liberals" on this forum; it happens in threads every day. But it's a lump-sum judgment that is not always accurate, as has been pointed out on this forum numerous times before and doubtless will be again.
The guy I referenced heard that I carried and decided to make it his personal mission to act like a wiseguy and tell everyone that I must think i'm some macho tough guy. He also tried to talk to me like I was 5 when I took him up on his nonsense. His defense? To get drunk and curse at a woman.
This guy also happens to be a conservative who is so far to the east of center that when he gets on an airplane, he insists that it have two right wings.

Oh they (antis) are assuredly on both sides of the political fence.

Insanity and an unnatural fear of inanimate objects doesn't have a political affiliation.
cornman said:
Liberals just are not full of hate like too many conservitives can be IMHO.

I spent most of my life thinking i was a liberal, and came to realise just a few years ago I was really a libertarian.

Anyway, both sides have their wingnuts, and many (if not most) people have their trigger issues where they would REALLY just like to exert control over other people who aren't actually hurting them, regardless of political affiliation.
My father in law likes to do this to me, at first I was nice about it, now I make him look like an ass everytime he opens his mouth about it. The guy is slowly learning, my wife get pissed at me every time I have to talk down to him but hell, what are you going to do. :evil:
My father in law says: "You just have to many" :rolleyes:

Back when I showed him my collection I had 8... :barf:

I have a guy I work with, he is major left, but he does like guns... He thinks we all should have to have a national ID to even beable to shoot one... We have a big old arguement about that one... He is the kind of guy that likes to tell everyone he has guns, and then tell everyone I have guns too... :fire:

They are going to fire him soon for always leaving work early, I can't wait. :)
Liberals not full of hate. Could have fooled me. I do not believe it was conservatives sending the wife of Tony Snow hate mail after he died. Have you ever been to that huffington post. Those people eat their young. Liberals are some of the most narrow minded people I have ever met. It is there way or the highway. If you do not agree with their "progressive" views then you are labeled a racist, redneck, bitter, uneducated or what ever else they can dream up.

Ian Sean said:
The hunting argument is easily destroyed, always keep calm be polite, I always bring up the Excise tax we pay on guns and hunting fees that go to the state for conservation...the millions of acres (Pennsylvania anyway) that are basically wilderness as State Gameland because of us "evil" hunters money.

If you are really good at the gift of gab, it is easy to poke and push buttons and get one of these rabid freedom hating folks to fly off the handle, with a few well placed comments...all the while you remain calm.

I usually ask if they eat meat, and if so, if they know how livestock are raised. Then I ask them which is more humane, harvesting a wild animal, or raising it expressly for slaughter, KNOWING how the living conditions of those animals are. They can see the point, even if they don't want to concede the argument. Most either admit I have a point, or change the topic.

Just remember, "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind, and won't change the subject." -- Winston Churchill

Yet, he prefers to live in America, rather than someplace else. This alone, tells you how strong his conviction are.

How did he ruin it a buddie of mine informed him about me being a gun owner/ hunter/ christian and guss what happened next. Picked a fight with me right there on the spot about my views and beliefs.

Did your buddy share your views with him, just for the purpose of creating some fireworks at this social event?
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