2008 Democratic Party Platform (Chicago Tribune)

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This is one of the major reasons I will be voting Ron Paul or Bob Barr. We need real politicians and not those who only desire to be elected

You mean, like Ron Paul and Bob Barr? I take it they have absolutely no desire to be elected.

Good thing, cuz neither of them will win.
This is one of the major reasons I will be voting Ron Paul or Bob Barr. We need real politicians and not those who only desire to be elected.

You know, I was ready to do something like that based on issues other than the 2A. No vote for a RINO from me. Then I seriously thought about firearms legislation, court appointments, and the fact that the next AWB will not be sunsetted.

I've got to vote against Obama. The most effective way to do that is to vote for McCain.
Because another Columbine/Virginia Tech/ect...ect..... is inevitable, and when it happens, the wrong people are going to be in the right place at the right time to do the wrong thing. Most "pro gun" candidates are not pro EBR, pro high cap mag, pro select fire, pro suppressed, or even pro ccw. "Reasonable restrictions" will be defined to a large extent by this President and this Congress.

Well,I don't know who's your daddy but I will bet you $10,000 Yankee dollars that no new permanent AWB or CCW ban will ever take place within our lifetimes.
If you're game ,we'll designate our most trusted Nevada:D member to hold the money.
Are you game?
Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean...

Part of the problem right there. Mentally imbalanced person in charge.

You think the Dem's are bad.This is one of our own THR members on another thread.He could be replacing Howard on the DNC.The enemy in our midst:


This is hardly a typical cycle.
For every action there's a reaction. It's econ suicide to finance a war on burrowed money while cutting taxes for the wealthiest. It never happened before and no doubt won't ever happen again. More than one Treas Sec tried to tell the "moron" but he knows better than all the specialist. $15 billion a month for five years in Iraq alone and really NO end in sight, will only make this country hurt all the more.....to say nothing of our own crumbling infrastructure which is on perpetual hold.
When you roll up a debt, the likes of which the globe has never seen as this "no nothing" did you must pay the price...as will our children's children. From a surplus of millions on his first day to a debt of trillions now! The price is a "devalued dollar".Don't forget no gov't oversight on predatory lending...now we get to bail 'em out.
A tax can be voted down, folks.....Burrow and spend is how they get around it. See they know the unborn can't vote!
McBush would be no better..By his own admission he's almost as void on economics as the current ZERO.
Get used to shrinking dollars and increased costs until "nowhere man" and his look alikes are history!
I'll be shocked if America buys more of this nonsense for another 4-8 yrs!
Americans don't forget when they get hoodwinked this badly! Especially in the wallet! That's why there's no real Reps in the running this time.

Fed Bulk ammo 18 months ago $8.96 then jumped to $11.97 10 months..... today $13.97 and no end in sight!
We all just got our earnings hammer like no tax could...all thanks to a guy who cut class a few too many times for a few brewskies on the Pierce Legacy System.
The good news is the day of BS and fear politics is pretty shot.
That's the first step to putting humpty dumpty back together again.

RKBA is so off Dem's radar. Its just not an issue either way right now. Its all about the economy, health care, and the Iraq war. Nobody cares.
We forget that, even thought THR is one of our favorite sites, we are really a niche or even fringe group.
Nobody cares right now. Be thankful for that. Even if they did, a new SCOTUS opinion says we are in the right, so they care even less than usual. We won't have to worry re: RKBA until the Iraq war is over and everybody has gov't healthcare...

Famous last words..... :cuss:

I hate to break it to you that think we are not going to have any problems with our gun rights, but you are fooling yourself. It will not be a full frontal assault, but it will sneak in from the side and there will be nothing you can do about it. An Obama presidency, a democratic controlled house and senate, with a probable replacement of Justices Ginsburg and Stevens, and we are going to have a lot of headaches.

Ahhh The Sky Is Falling once again in THR-land

People that make these comments on THR only show their ignorance as to what is happening to gun laws in this country in different states. The gun laws may be fine where you are at currently, but give it time to get to you, read some stories out of Legal here on THR and see what you have waiting for you.
Valkman ,that may not be necessary.
whosyrdaddy is very upset about a post I made in another thread,
So he's is clamoring for me to be banned.See this post:

Low Road Flyer

Originally posted by Solo Flyer:

Well,I gotta admit,this is best Bush bashing I've seen on this forum.
CRITGIT is to be admired,an out and Socialist,holding nothing back,on an overwhelming Conservative firearms discussion board.But he's got a job to do and by golly he's out there performing it.
Sadly,for him ,his broken and failed ideology will once more bite the dust of history's dustbin as Obama goes down to inglorious defeat.
Is it possible that the Brady's gave him to us in exchange for Mary McFate?
No,too much speculation.Probably only The Shadow knows.
In the meantime ,our man will try to rally the troops(all 3 of them)to his cause and the Stalinist propaganda will continue whenever the little chipmunk sees a likely thread opening.
Forge on brave Socialist Warrior,CRITGIT!
We will give you the proper going away ceremony at the appropriate time.

Making personal attacks against a fellow forum member and insinuating that said member is a mole sent by the antis is very low road and if there is any justice on this forum you will be getting your "going away ceremony" in the form of a PM ban notice.

I've got to vote against Obama. The most effective way to do that is to vote for McCain.

The reality based on where you (or I) live is that it wont make one bit of differece. Our states always go Democrat. Silly thing that electoral college.

be afraid...be very afraid.

A dollar in the tank reducing our time on the range because ammo prices increased.
A person trying to be a leader who is not qualified will:
  • infringe our RKBA and reinstate the weapons ban,
  • increase taxes, making it even harder to acquire ammo for our hobby / sport because we have even less money,
  • increase social program spending regardless of the fact that the nation cannot afford it.
This list can be expanded substantially (obviously)
but gives specific examples of where we are headed if the left takes control of our executive office.

I have always voted Democrat in the past, but this time with this much at stake, I won't be doing so.

Why did the people of our nation allow the media to select the "Electable Candidates"?
That one still has me shaking my head in disbelief.

Buy what you want to own NOW, before it becomes banned by a federal regulation with no sunset.

Be afraid...be very afraid
I'm not worried about another Assault Weapons Ban nor am I worried about the Democrats holding a clear majority in congress for much longer. Its not even on the radar right now and you know the pro-gun folks in congress and the senate will be able to keep that trash to a minimum.
There are far more pressing issues right now.
I'm not worried about another Assault Weapons Ban nor am I worried about the Democrats holding a clear majority in congress for much longer. Its not even on the radar right now and you know the pro-gun folks in congress and the senate will be able to keep that trash to a minimum. There are far more pressing issues right now.

The problem is Pelosi is VERY ANTI GUN. On a scale 1-10 she is a one. Right now there are "pro drilling" dems who support drilling in the OCS but she will not allow a vote.
There are "pro gun" dems who support a bill to restore 2nd ammendment in DC but she won't allow a vote.

It doesn't matter what moderate dems want/need if the leader of the party is extreme left wing.

If dems gain another 10-15 seats she won't even need the pro gun dems support. When that happens it becomes "you vote our way now or you don't get $$$ to get re-elected in 2 years". PERIOD.

Right now Pelosi needs the votes of the 20-30 pro gun dems.
Right now Pelosi needs to worry about the bill dieing in senate (where dems lead is smaller)
Right now Pelosi needs to worry about enough support to override a Bush Veto.

Fast forward a year.
Support in house gains 20 seats. The moderate dems are NOT needed at all. If they vote against the party they will be punished. No moderate or right wing bills will EVER make it to the floor.

If the senate goes 60% dems then they can prevent Republicans from filabustering and push anything the party wants through.

If Obama is president he will sign anything the party sends his way.

If an atmosphere like that if you don't think they will try AWB II, high cap magazine ban, ban .50 cal weapons, ban "armor piercing ammo" (which based on the bill they tried to pass included virtually all modern hunting calibers). Enforce microstamping on all guns (as "reasonable restriction").

Why would they do all this? Power. They can't fix Iraq, they can't keep US safe with a policy of apeasement. They can't fix the economy by preventing drilling and raising taxes.

They can keep the base happy by going after all those "gun crimes".

The republicans have lost the house this year. Likely they will lose more seats in senate maybe even enough to get the magic number 60. If McCain loses the dems control it all.
Just going to say this. People keep jumping up and down about heller, but all it did was delay wholsale handgun bans for a a little while. I am not very happy with the bush administration, but lets not pretend that the other party does not have a anti-RKBA as a major plank of there agenda. If you vote democratic, or don't vote or vote for a independent who cannot win, don't whine if we have eroded RKBA.
RTKBA issues do not have to be a priority for the Dems for them to do damage. An administration and both houses of congress would green light any half brained anti legislation that is introduced. Ms. "shoulder thingy that goes up" McCarthy is probably frothing with anticipation that her bill will finally become law. It's been her SOLE mission in congress. So much for serving the people when you have a personal crusade. Her perennially tire tracked bill is getting ready for prom night.
RTKBA issues do not have to be a priority for the Dems for them to do damage. An administration and both houses of congress would green light any half brained anti legislation that is introduced. Ms. "shoulder thingy that goes up" McCarthy is probably frothing with anticipation that her bill will finally become law. It's been her SOLE mission in congress. So much for serving the people when you have a personal crusade. Her perennially tire tracked bill is getting ready for prom night.

This is exactly right. Those posters here that are gun owners and think nothing is going to happen, just don't understand how things work. I'm very nervous for November, and if you own guns, you should be too.
I really don't see how this is all that different from the past few years.
Even Dubya from Texas stated he would sign a new AWB if it made it to his desk.

You keep calling your reps and keep telling them if they wish to keep their jobs, they had better make sure you keep your guns. All it takes is enough pro-gun reps to attach a mountain of crap to an anti-gun bill to get it flushed down the toilet.
RKBA is so off Dem's radar. Its just not an issue either way right now. Its all about the economy, health care, and the Iraq war. Nobody cares.
If this was true, why would they specifically put it in their Party platform?

Look - you need to accept certain basic truths. Some people hate guns. These people will ALWAYS hate guns. Some of them hate guns so badly that they will trample over your rights to own a gun just to keep from having to confront the notion that others around them have guns. These people will often attract other people that hate guns.


This is a never-ending fight of principles. We will never win. We can voice our opinions and educate others. But there will always be those that will oppose the RKBA. Pretending that they're marginalized or somehow not a factor in your future is an unsound tactic, and is not justified by any past behavior.

THEY NEVER GIVE UP. Neither should you.
because rbernie, they need to include those sorts of things to keep as many party members as they can.
Its the same reason they still tell everyone they hold a pro-choice stance even though it doesn't really matter anymore.

Like I said, its all about hounding your elected reps to keep fighting for your gun rights. The battle won't be won or lost in the white house nor can it really be fought in the white house.
They have an approval rating of 9% right now---I really don't think its the slam dunk for the Dems that everybody is spouting off.

No, Congress has a 9% approval rating.

And 40% of the country thinks the Republicans control congress. >.<

I'm trying to be optimistic, REALLY trying...
The democratic platform on guns is news how?

I mean seriously: the party is anti-gun.

Maybe some people in the party are neutral or even pro-gun to a degree but they are the exception not the rule.
Also: parliamentary rules and party allegiances are VERY important.

A good number of Dems want to vote for offshore drilling, and since they owe their party something, they won't overrule Pelosi and force a vote.

The vast majority of people in DC are motivated by one thing: keep their jobs. That will win out over principle and beliefs any day of the week.

If a party is anti-gun, it is in our interest to keep their power as limited as possible, sometimes even if it means voting against one of their pro-gun members. They chose their party, now it's our turn to choose.
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