AARP...did I miss something?

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I have sent their ahhhhhh 'membership invitations' in their own postage paid envelopes, along with a message stolen from THR's "Standing Wolf"

I DO NOT conduct business with anti-second amendment bigots


A nti
A merican
R epugnant
P iss-ants

Not anywhere near "The High Road", but that is the best I can say about them.

I get equal or better discounts, plus free car towing/maps/routes with AAA.
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Then, some liberal-minded folks saw the large checking account and hijacked the organization and used it to support a liberal and an anti-gun agenda.

Anyone would be deceived to think that the AARP actually represents retired folks. They solicit funds from retired folks to fuel their political agenda. It was a brilliant hi-jacking though.

Well said and accurate. I'll never be joining.
One thing you fellas have missed is the link between AARP and COLONIAL PENN INSURANCE. AARP is one of dozens of "non-profit" "public service" organizations that have close ties with Colonial Penn. Many of these so-called "non profits" don't seem to have any other purpose than to sell insurance. Colonial Penn gives kickbacks to the officers of the organization for pushing Colonial Penn's "insurance" to the members.
Like a lot of other organizations, and "threads" on forums too, the AARP got hijacked.

It succumbed to the intoxicating potential profits from the insurance and financial industry, and judging by their massive amounts of daily TV advertising around the country, they must be making a ton pushing insurance products to older Americans.

And yes . . . they are very anti-gun in their lobbying efforts, and have been for several years now.

Don't give 'em any of your money . . . or you'll never get rid of the jackals at your door wanting more, MORE, MORE!

I am a member of AARP. I belong not to get any insurance or giveaways, but I wont to know what they are up to. I have goin to a few of their meetings. I may be the only consertive there. I have ask {How much will the plan put the U.S. into debt ?} All the AARP stand for is more hand outs from the state and federal goverment.
Mike, that was a dandy letter. I sent AARP one very much the same some thirty years ago. I haven't received anything from them since.
At one time, an AARP lobbyist showed up to testify for a handgun ban at a hearing in New Jersey. When a state representative asked whether older people might not need a gun for protection, the AARP official stated that "Those senile old bats shouldn't be allowed to have guns, they would probably shoot themselves." So much for supporting the interests of the elderly.

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