Gun control satire on news article comments

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Jul 12, 2007
Glorious Motherland California
I ran across the recent story of two individuals who were killed after a heated argument led to a sword fight. The story was interesting enough, but when I read the comments, I couldn't help but laugh. Nearly every comment says something along the lines of "This is why we need instant sword background checks!" or "I hope this serves as a lesson to the enemies of sword control!". The overwhelming satire was a bit encouraging.

See article here (scroll down to the comments):
Hey man, those damn swords are getting out of control. It's all the rave with the gangs nowadays with their drive-by-slashings. Will somebody please think of the innocent bystanders!! Our nations kids are losing fingers at an alarming rate.

We do need instant background checks

and serialized swords

and tighter legislation for the sharpening elements

and guidelines for a swords sharpness....(the "cop'killer" swords are out of control, damnit)

and licensing requirements

And, for crying-out-loud, felons and immortals must be banned from ever coming near a sharp instrument.

Seriously though, when I lived in the bay area, we were driving through the city one sunday morning. Some ratty-looking homeless-type person stepped out in the street in front of our car and drew a sword and took a stance like we were some sort of mechanical dragon or something. Do you have any idea how much it hurts to laugh that hard when you have a hang-over?
I may have just damaged a very expensive leather sofa.

Seriously though, I have had discussions with anti-gun nuts and have said to them, "so let's say your wish was realized, there are no more guns...what would you like to see banned next? Remember the old days when all those swords were running amok killing people?"
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