The Problem Is Gun Owners

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Dec 26, 2002
The lowest current estimate of gun owners in the United States that I have seen is 44 million. More commonly, I see estimates of 65 and even 80 million gun owners.

By definition, all of these people are over 21, without felony records or dishonorable discharge and generally possessed of all the traits that would allow you to vote.

In the 2000 elections there were 111 million registered voters. This means that gun owners could compose anywhere from 40% to about 78% of the electorate. With those kind of numbers, gun rights should not even be a issue any candidate would dare oppose; but we all know that isn't the case.

Our first, primary and most important problem is overcoming the divisions and schisms in our own ranks to get gun owners to vote their guns. Rather than converting blatant antis, we need to be out talking to the "I don't need one of those to hunt ducks" crowd and explaining calmly why they need to be concerned about issues that obviously don't concern them.

Yelling at them won't do any good, calling them names won't help. Until we can clearly state why our problems are their problems in a convincing fashion, we will get nowhere.
Many Democrat stratigists believe being anti gun is part of what cost Algore the election ... just look at the growth of CCW in this country ... despite a few set backs (brady law, AWB and '86 Firearm Owner's "Protection" act) we seem to be winning.

still no reason to relax
There are approx 5 million serious gun owners out of that 44/65/80 million figure. These 5 million serious GOs are nearly one-issue voters. The remainder are not motivated. How do you reach out and attract them to the table when most of them probably do not exercise their right to vote anyway?
Article on the Dillon site on this very subject...

The language is a bit over the top, but I'm sure ya'll can understad where the guy is coming from.

If you don't vote like a gun owner, YOU SUCK!

Editor's Note: While we're certain that the sentiments expressed in this editorial don't apply to regular Blue Press readers, we're pretty confident that most of you know gun owners to whom these sentiments DO apply -- if so, please pass this article on. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author, although ours are similar.

By Peter Caroline

According to most estimates, there are between 75 and 80 million adult gun owners in the United States. That's more people than voted in the last presidential election. So why is it, when there are so many gun owners, that we are not the DOMINANT voting bloc in this country? Because most of that 75-80 million are stupid, lazy, hypocritical barfbags. Well, I'd like to say something to that group.

Sure, you drive around in a pickup truck with a gunrack and some hairy-chested bumper stickers, and you talk big at the gun shop or the Legion Hall. But will you shell out 35 bucks and join the NRA? Oh, you don't agree with the NRA's stance on this or that, or the NRA is too soft on something or too unyielding on something else? Or maybe long ago the NRA didn't send you your free cap or bullet key ring on time. Well, you know what? That's a dumb cop-out and you're an ???????. Whether you like it or not, the NRA is the only...I repeat ONLY, effective representation you have in the cesspool of Washington politics. Even the NRA's worst enemies -- YOUR worst enemies if you have the capacity to think about it -- agree that it's one of the most powerful lobbying forces on Capitol Hill. That means no one else fights your battles for you better, and if you don't understand that simple fact, you're too dumb to exist!

OK, you don't give a damn about the NRA but you still want to keep your guns. So why, in the name of all that is holy, do you vote for "gun-ban" candidates? Oh, you don't? So who does? Maybe it's all those other people who were voting while you were sucking a brewski and watching the game on TV. Or maybe you're a good union guy, and the union votes Democrat.

Some years ago, Mario Cuomo, a dedicated anti-gunner who happened to be governor of New York, described gun owners in a most uncomplimentary fashion. But the most damning thing he said about gun owners is that they don't vote, and therefore should not be considered as a factor in any election. How about that? Mario Cuomo is a liberal Democrat and, as such, is wrong about most everything, but he's absolutely right about you. And I can prove it. If you non-voting gun owners in New York State did get off your asses and vote like gun owners, obscenities like Mario Cuomo couldn't even be elected as dog catcher. The same goes for Charles Schumer; he wasn't bad enough as a congressman from Brooklyn; you dumb schmucks had to let him become a senator! What's next...Hillary?

Then there's my old home state of Massachusetts. Over one million Massachusetts gun owners must be really proud to claim Teddy Kennedy as their senator. And John Kerry, the Kennedy clone, is no better. The entire Massachusetts congressional delegation, both gay and straight, is anti-gun. And you Bay State gun owners are the dildoes that put them in office! Because you sat on your fat asses, you've got Chapter 180 -- aptly named because it turns your gun rights around 180 degrees -- and you've got an attorney general who wants to be governor and thinks every handgun is a faulty consumer product. Once again, Massachusetts gun owners, where were you on Election Day?

Look at every state with asinine, repressive gun laws and a preponderance of anti-gun politicians -- California, New Jersey, Connecticut, cite several horrible examples -- and you will find enough gun owners to form an unbeatable voting bloc, IF they would get their thumbs out of their butts and vote, for a change. Jeez, what a concept!

We all know the excuses: I'm too busy, my vote doesn't count, they're all crooks and it doesn't make any difference, I gave $5 to Quail Unlimited so I don't need to vote, yadda, yadda, yadda. Well, here's the bottom line...your vote does not count if you don't use it. If you don't vote, then effectively you are on the same side as Rosie (I'm-not-a-hypocrite) O'Donnell, Sarah Brady, Bill and Hillary, Al Gore, Teddy Kennedy, Charles Schumer and every other low-life bottom feeder who knows what's best for you. If you don't vote like a gun owner, you are a butt-boy for the anti-gunners, and you bend over forward to please them.

Think about it. 75-80 million gun owners in this country; only 3.6 million NRA members, and who knows how many active pro-gun-voting gun owners. You can argue all you want about your inalienable rights. Rights are like body parts; they only work if you exercise them. And yours are looking pretty flaccid right now. If you don't vote in the next election, your enemies will elect a president who will be able to name three or four new Supreme Court justices. Which means that by the 2004 election, you will have no guns. And shortly after that, you will have no vote and no rights. And you know what? If you let that happen, it will be exactly what you deserve.
In the 2000 elections there were 111 million registered voters. This means that gun owners could compose anywhere from 40% to about 78% of the electorate. With those kind of numbers, gun rights should not even be a issue any candidate would dare oppose; but we all know that isn't the case.

But....A lot of the anti voters are centrally located (big cities) and they elect anti politicians. Of course, big city politicos get more news coverage (not necessarily new coverage, but a larger than normal audience) than rural candidates. We all know what happens when you get a bunch of anti's together...laws get pushed through, policies get applied. Definitely not the way it should be, but it's the way it is.

Just something to consider....

Gun control, the Democrats, & 2004

The issue of gun control is DOA for 2004. Dean is paying the same lip service to the AWB as Dubya, but if elected, is likely to leave the issue alone as he favors gun laws returning as a state issue. Handgun Control Inc., operated by Republican Sarah Brady, is running on its last fumes and had to incorporate the Million Mommies to keep the latter viable. Face it, the Democrats learned their lesson in 2000 and will not make the same mistake.
If gun owners VOTE, then 2A-friendly candidates win. Do you really believe that ALL people in urban areas are sheeple? The majority of voting Americans are GUN OWNERS. All they have to do is get off the couch, quit making excuses, and vote!

ps. Thanks for the article, Langenator
Most of the gun owners that I know don't vote.
When I ask why, the answers I get range from " my vote don't count.
to, They can't take away my guns! We have the second admendment!"

The ones that do vote....most vote anti gun. When I ask why, the two answers I get most of the time are "I aint voting for no damn republican! "Or "They can't do that, we have the second admendment!"
I live in California, most gun owners that I know voted for gray davis the second time!!!!!!!! You should hear how many of them call me a liar when I tell them that they can't buy a handgun.....because they have not taken a state aproved safty course!!! Then I tell them to try it. They then come back with there head hung low, saying somthing like "I didn't know that was a law!"

But they still will not vote for their gun rights!
Abenaki......fed up with gun owners!!!!!!!!
Yeah, and how many of those millions of gun owners believe in "common sense" gun control, like throwing someone in prison for having a scary looking gun? Millions of gun owners don't give a damn about what happens to your handgun or "assault weapon" as long as they can keep their side by side fowling piece or their three thousand dollar engraved skeet shooting shotgun. Some of these traitors are even members of the NRA. They're easy to recognize: "I support the second amendment, but I don't think you need a (fill in the blank)".

Paul Begala, Tom Diaz and Diane "Skeletor" Feinstein are gun owners if I'm not mistaken. Not so sure about Tom but I heard he had a handgun, even while he writes a book admonishing us to outlaw all handguns. Sarah Brady also has a .30-06 she bought for her son. These people are all among those gun owners you mention.
As a twenty five year proponent for voting and gun rights, spending month after month at the local gun shows trying to get gun owners and hunters involved, I can say with full authority...

Hehehehe......never ceases to amaze me.

I've had gun owners tell me that mag capacity limits, smart guns, and assault weapons bans are good things because they help protect people.

I've had life members of the NRA tell me that the Lautenberg ban was a good thing and should be kept on the books.

I've heard time and time again from gun owners that it doesn't concern them as 'they' aren't coming for their guns.

I used to try and debate them, but gave up as it'd never work. Generally put, I'd get to a certain point in the discussion, and they'd just come out and say 'I don't care'. I'm to the point where I honestly think that these folks won't see the light until the cops are knocking on their door asking them to turn something in.......
On this very forum people have said that the AWB and Bush's extention of it are good things because they help domestic gun makers and punish foriegn ones.

But its not just gun owners-- its most americans. Most americans have this vague relationship with politics-- they don't care, or are disgusted, or are "too busy" to get involved.

So they tend to vote by party. The listen to what the republicans or the Democrats are saying this week and pick one. They never bother to notice that the republicans raise taxes and grow the size of the government while Democrats sometimes do the opposite (under clinton, the federal payroll shrank). They never bother to notice that Democrats often enact racist policies and republicans are often less racist.

And then they get wrapped up in their issue. I think most people are single issue voters. Most Democrats I know think that republicans will ban abortion (probably right) and will not consider them because of that one issue. I won't speak for what most republicans think, but I think most of htem are single issue voters as well.

Less than %50 of the eligible voters vote, and let me tell you, the candidates we get to choose from universally SUCK. Ron Paul aint' running for president anytime soon. Why is that? He'd make an excellent presdient, but the republican leadership will never let him run. The Democrat candidates are equally as bad.

Until all americans wake up and start paying attention the republcian and democratic wings of the socialist party will continue raising taxes, removing liberty -- both gun, and such things as the patriot act, due process, free speech, etc. etc.

I think things are going to continue this way until something serious happens-- either an extended depression (getting more and more likely thanks to our adventurer in chief), or some major catastrophy or miscarriage of justice that actually wakes people up.

How many of you were woken up by Ruby Ridge or Waco?

Until americans-- the mass-- wakes up and recognizes they've been sold a bill of goods -- by both parties-- things will continue they way they are.

That's why I welcome all these things-- Silveiera-- even if it goes against us is a good thing. The war on Iraq, the PATRIOT act, these are good things as long as they wake people up.

Its inevitable that we will reach a tipping point. I just hope it happens soon enough that I can still be alive after freedom is restored to this country -- and that I survive the chaos in the interim.

I don't see any other way. The state ignores us, and gets away with it-- look at the police raid of that school in SC. Nothings going to happen there-- they know they don't have to do anything other than say "we're investigating" until the hubub dies down.

If someone has another plan for restoring liberty, lets hear it. I think we'd all love to hear, and get behind, a better plan!

But its not just gun owners. ITs americans. Americans are content with the way things are going becuase they don't see what's happening yet. And since this has been going on for at least 70 years (Both economically, and on the gun issue, and even the war on drugs has been going on that long)... I don't think they're going to wake up soon unless something big happens, or the tipping point is close.

I hope there's a better plan out there.
I share a huge frustration with the "majority of gun owners." Mostly, they have no clue, & too, many of of "most strident supporters" are of the "let's just enforce the current laws on the booksw" folks - which dusgust me to no end.

Sell-outs, lackies, & fer God's sake, how can you even hold that point of view!?

You would sell out your own "cache of weapons" (if you had a clue), you would encourage the newly-inspired NICS (for a "more quick" violation of your rights & registration of every purchase), a transcript of every purchase, .... why the hell not? Let's just go back to the registration of every ammo purchase?

Wouldn't it just save one life?

Nope. It didn't.

You younger-folk (&older sell-outs), what the hell did the 'GCA '68 do with the registrastion of every purchase of the billions of .22LR ammo, the cost of registering every buy of any ammp?

Nothing. None. Zip. Nada.

The same will be accomplished by your buying into extra NICS checks for "felons," or anybody else.

You are buying into a false philosophy. None of these "gun safety-anythings" does anything to promote your safety.

You do! through your prficiency with firearms, your dedication to public safety, your study of current law & your diligence.

Laws don't, cops don't .... YOU do.
On this very forum people have said that the AWB and Bush's extention of it are good things because they help domestic gun makers and punish foriegn ones.

Please point me to the thread where anyone said anything like this or learn to refine your reading comprehension skills.
By definition, all of these people are over 21, without felony records or dishonorable discharge and generally possessed of all the traits that would allow you to vote.

I believe it would be 18. i personally own guns and vote yet i am not 21.
I being a norwegian, and not an american, I do not have the same laws as you.

The crime in Norway is on a rise, and the use of guns in crime rises.

I dont see the point in owning a gun, if its not for hunting. The use of guns for protection seem to me like feeding crimininals with the right to own guns, and an opening for youngsters to get a hold of guns from their home.

The problem is most members of any movement are passive and only a few are passionate about the issue. Think about how many issues you hold an opinion about and aren't really passionate about them. You probably have only partially informed opinions about them. What we have to do is try to give people a stake in defending our rights.

By the way, don't feed the

The use of guns for protection seem to me like feeding crimininals with the right to own guns, and an opening for youngsters to get a hold of guns from their home.

Thing is criminals have the guns anyway.

And as for the youngsters, that's what the safe is for. and i have been handling guns since i was about 7 and never once had a problem. It's all about education teaching the children how to respect them. One day the answer to the question why do you own guns? will be For The Sake of My Children.
Moreten? If someone broke into your house while you were home, could you drive him out? If you were at work, could your wife or mother? Are you sure that you want gun control? For you too? Or just everyone else?
This is a tough one for me. I feel no more comfortable being a one-issue gun voter than I do being a one-issue abortion voter.

The world is complex, and so are the issues facing our country.

I believe that GW was the best candidate on guns.

But I hate what he did with the Patriot Act, abortion, Iraq (both fighting and spending) and stem cell research. (And please, don't flame me or try to change my mind in this thread -- it's not the subject.)

The same thing goes for my local candidates. Unfortunately, we as citizens don't get a line-item veto.

In Minnesota, I think that Paul Wellstone was an absolutely principled man with whom I disagreed in most respects, and that Norm Coleman was a weasel slimeball who shared many (but by no means all) of my political beliefs.

So it comes down to this: Do I want the Second Amendment, or the First, Fourth, Fifth, Tenth, etc.?

It bums me out big time that I have to make choices like this every time I vote.

And I do vote. Sometimes even for gun-grabbers, as the lesser of two evils.

Gun owners suck? I suck? The whole :cuss: system sucks!
I agree - the mythology is that all gun owners are social conservatives and should all band together to vote for the GOP. Unfortunately, most gunowners are gunowners in the sense that all toaster owners are toaster owners.

Also, the GOP is full of much social conservative crap that is antifreedom. Who needs that?

The people who call for all gun owners to get together assume that a progun candidate will also support their conservative social agenda and get the gays, the Blacks, blah, blah also.

The test would be the someone like Dean if he were really proactive RKBA but a liberal Democrat vs. Bush, who is at best luke war on guns. He can get a big one for abortion and tax cuts though. No real action on the RKBA but Aschroft can cut liberties and cover stone mammary glands to protect morality.
The people who call for all gun owners to get together assume that a progun candidate will also support their conservative social agenda and get the gays, the Blacks, blah, blah also.

On the contrary, you don't have to buy into a conservative social agenda to support gun rights. You don't even have to vote Republican. Imagine what a huge shot in the arm it would be for the Second Amendment if Democrats stopped campaigning gun grabbers for national offices simply because their fellow gun-owning Democrats stopped nominating them in the party primaries?
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