US concealed carry association

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chuckusaret said:
You guys are worried about the return address? Plain Brown envelopes?

I'm a not-yet-ccwing gun newbie, but even I can understand that reasoning :)

NRA envelopes and gun catalogs don't advertise that you actually <gasp> CARRY A GUN! Outside! In public! Around people! <gasp>
chuckusaret said:
You guys are worried about the return address? Plain Brown envelopes?I guess you don't belong to the NRA or don't receive any gun catalogs. In fact just got a Gander Mountain and a Cheaper Than Dirt catalogs in the mail today.

Chuck, you made me Chuckle.... I don't advertise at the office, but it is amazing that whenever someone has a firearm or a CC question they are at my door. Concealed is concealed, but people aren't dumb and are naturally nosy.

AFA Catalogs/Gun Mags/NRA appeals,,, if there isn't one in my mailbox, the mail wasn't delivered!
You guys are worried about the return address? Plain Brown envelopes?I guess you don't belong to the NRA or don't receive any gun catalogs. In fact just got a Gander Mountain and a Cheaper Than Dirt catalogs in the mail today.

i thought they were joking, like it's just cool to get secretive looking stuff in your mailbox lol. if not, yea, it's kinda foreign to me also. my mailbox is loaded with CTD catalogs, mail from the NRA, various other knife/gun/tactical literature...... and collection notices :(
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