Bill Oreilly anti view

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I count myself as a Keith Oberman viewer. He is a great reporter. O'Reilly is not. Glenn Beck, well Glenn Beck needs to see a psychiatrist in my opinion.

As far as O'Reilly, he doesn't like guns. Big deal. Neither did Reagan or any of the Bush's. How does everyone feel about those guys?

LOL! Olbermann is incredibly antigun. He was freaking out about the decision in Heller.

You always come out saying Reagan is antigun after being corrected numerous times. Are you trying to make people believe Republicans are more anti-gun than Democrats?
Oreilly is an ego-maniac of the worst kind. If you think Obama wants to be King of the U.S. old Bill wants to be king of the world. I quote "once I got rich" from one of his shows. If that isn't the remark of a striving wanta-be elite, you tell me what it means to you. He dances to whatever tune gives him the ratings, and the money. If he's proud of his show, bringing people on and cutting them down before they can reply to his questions, more power to him if his audience continues to support him.

After the oath-keeper run-down, I AM DONE WITH HIM. Fair and balanced my butt.
The Oathbreakers only exist to try and give themselves an excuse to disobey lawful orders from a black CIC. They're as sleezy as the JBS consipiracy fruitcakes they hang out with and are a disgrace to any uniform they ever wore.

Hows life on the far left side of the leftwing?
Drop an E-Mail to the Oath Keepers and maybe the next time they have in interview on television you can fill in for the founder>

I would love to. However, I do not fit into their demographic. If anyone wants to have me publicly speak for the 2nd amendment I will gladly do so. I have a degree in political science and I wrote my senior paper on the individual right that the 2nd amendment guarantees. I also speak in public every week. The problem that their representative had in giving this interview was that he got stuck in broken-record mode. He kept repeating the same "clever" phrase and then answered the question incorrectly. You have to anticipate the arguments against you so that you can give more than one "clever" answer.
But, he's a New Yorker, and we all know how they view guns in general...

Another example of the few giving the many a bad name.

I know many, many Long Islanders and out of the city New Yorkers who are strong 2nd amendment folks.

Rural areas around big cities often have opposing views of city rat dwellers.

Olbermann's a card carrying communist, O'Reillys an I'm too smart for you egomaniac, Glenn Beck is an entertainer first and foremost.

Believers in the contstitution and BOR need no TV talking head as its right there in black and white.

Limited government first and foremost.
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Aside from the O'reilly/Olbermann debate going on, can I ask a simple question?

Did any of you people actually see the O'reilly interview and his subsequent answers to emails the following day?

I don't know the answer to this, but it got me thinking and a bit worried.

O'Reilly's claim was this: during a "TIME OF DECLARED EMERGENCY", the government can and does/will throw the constitution out the window in order to basically restore order and that the solution for the government, be it local, state, or federal, is to take it to the courts who provide the balance and ruling on the constitutionality of the action taken. If the court finds it to be unconstitutional then they will stop the order. He used Abraham Lincoln and the civil war when he suspended Habeus Corpus as an example, followed up with Katrina and New Orleans and the fact that when it went to a judge, he put a stop to the city taking firearms.

Any thoughts from anyone other than what complete tools O'Reilly and Olbermann are?

Can anyone validate the legitimacy of his argument or claim?
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