Bill Oreilly anti view

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Feb 17, 2007
Southern Idaho
Never liked the guy and now I know why.

Many on here do like him though Im sure and may not know how he feels on 2A. But may assume he is pro 2A due to his "so called conservative" stance. More like ok for me but not for you....

It appears he thinks its extreme to consider disrming the populous during an emergency Unconstitutional.

Basically saying it was ok for the Katrina gun grabs etc.

So thats two amendments in the Bill of Rights he doesnt care about...he already agrees with the patriot act AFAIK..thusly tossing out the 4th
His statement tonight was that the courts trump your 2nd amendment rights......yet on other shows he proclaims how the legal system is broken and needs fixed. He's shown how Judges are biased and make decisions based ideology not law....he seems somewhat confused.
O'Reilly's view of private firearms ownership has been clearly stated by him many times over the years, on TV and in his oped and magazine articles and in his weekly column. If any one is surprised by this then I suspect the surprised party needs to pay more attention to what is being said around him by everyone.
Do not allow your self to be taken by surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah I got over him a long time ago, all he does is poke people to stir controversy. I was flipping channels and saw that he was going to have the founder of the Oath Keepers on, so I stayed and watched. (I didn't click the link above) He was an ass to the guest, and he obviously has no notion of what happened in N.O. post Katrina or why it was even illegal. As far as looking out for your rights, he's as selective as the ACLU.
O'rielly takes a bad stand on this issue. I completely support the oathkeepers and urge all to read the list of orders they will not follow
@ Justin
The fact that a populist windbag like him is able to command such great numbers of viewers truly is an example of the stupidity of the average person.

Its not just him....look at Oprah, "The View" Glenn Beck, Keith Olberman etc viewers

They are all different but the same none the less just on differnt side of the fence. They blab their tripe, factual or not all for ratings and people eat it up taking every word as gospel. They only seem to care about hearing their own voice and image and nothing really at all for the viewers rights.

Media has been in decline since Cronkite retired. He didnt seem to spin anything and only added humanity to his reports and remained neutral to most views ideas.
I count myself as a Keith Oberman viewer. He is a great reporter. O'Reilly is not. Glenn Beck, well Glenn Beck needs to see a psychiatrist in my opinion.

As far as O'Reilly, he doesn't like guns. Big deal. Neither did Reagan or any of the Bush's. How does everyone feel about those guys?
I watch O'Reilly all the time, I agree with him alot, but not on this issue.
I wonder how he would feel if he was there being disarmed by the state,
an then having nothing to protect himself or his family from real criminals...
..I liked how the Oather asked where in the Constitution does it say we can
ignore an violate the 2 amendment? He had no answer. Heres an answer..
"The said Constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to prevent
the people of the United States who are peacable citizens from keeping their
own arms." Samuel Adams, 1788
Just wanted to jump in before this thread gets locked!
O'Reilly is wrong on the issue. One wonders if he would agree that the Government has the right to suspend the first ammendment in times of crisis....if so, in line with his own logic, perhaps his show should be suspended during periods of crisis until such time as the issue is ruled on by the court. I would say it is a pretty safe bet he would disagree with suspending the first ammendment for the public good during the next Katrina like event.
oreilly is a windbag. You can never hear any of his guests because he's always talking over them or shouting them down. Makes having guests sort of pointless.
Looks like oldskool needs to go to school.

Well he does claim to be in the land of makebelieve.

O'Reilly has gotten progressively worse the longer he's on the air. I find myself disagreeing more and more with his views. Must be the air in New York, or up in the Hamptons.
hogshead said:
Is there anybody we can like?

Judge Napalitano, the guy who occasionally appears on the O'Really show as a legal whizkid. Seriously, I would venture the guess that he might give The Big Irish guy a second thought on this issue.

I was perturbed by his view on this issue. Sort of an "it's legal until the court says it's illegal" idea. Huh? No it is either legal or illegal. The 2A was intended to be most important in an emergency.

jcwit said:
O'Reilly has gotten progressively worse the longer he's on the air. I find myself disagreeing more and more with his views. Must be the air in New York, or up in the Hamptons.
Justin said:
The fact that a populist windbag like him is able to command such great numbers of viewers truly is an example of the stupidity of the average person.

Curiously, atleast with regards to the 2A, he started out bad, got better, and apparantly has regressed. Prior to Katrina he had come out in favor of gun registration at one point. After Katrina, he stated he agreed people needed their guns because he knew the authorities couldn't protect everyone all the time. And, now he has reverted to his original stance, justifying it apparantly with a non sequitor reference to Lincoln's suspension of Habeus Corpus. Not sure how he dredged THAT up in relation to the topic?
As for him being a populist, yeah, he certainly tends to be that. I'm not sure that he "commands" people -- he certainly doesn't "command" me. A lot of times he presents a reasonable common sense point of view .... but then he goes completly off the deep end at other times.
And boy he stuffed his foot in it this evening ......
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Surprised that a "conservative" is an Anti? :rolleyes:

Antis come in all supposed stripes. Don't mistake "party" or some broad ideological affiliation as any dedication to RKBA. You're deceiving yourself if you do and foolish to follow some Pied Piper into the deep.
@ hso
Antis come in all supposed stripes. Don't mistake "party" or some broad ideological affiliation as any dedication to RKBA. You're deceiving yourself if you do and foolish to follow some Pied Piper into the deep.

And there in lies my point. People assume he is conservative/repub so therefore must be pro 2A. They believe him and dont REALLY listen to what he is saying. This also goes for the rest of the "Noisey" media types. The "louder" they squak the less they think people will question them.
slabuda said:
.... People assume he is conservative/repub ......

Well, even O'Really has said he's neither "conservative," or "republican." He once claimed to be a "traditionalist" (whatever THAT means). Certainly no one should mistake party affiliation for respect for the second amendment (or any other Constitutional issue), but it would be really nice if the education system would turn out more graduates with a better, more consistant philosophy of life, and a better comprehension of "original intent," than it does today.
But I guess that would not be in the best interest of The Fearful Leaders.:neener:
O'reilly's chief stock in trade is blather. You know, one of those words he tells viewers not to do. He's right on a bunch of issues and wrong on a few others. He is certainly not a believer in the second amendment. The constitution empowers individuals and protects us against governmental excesses. Some people just can't see it.
Surprised that a "conservative" is an Anti?

Antis come in all supposed stripes. Don't mistake "party" or some broad ideological affiliation as any dedication to RKBA. You're deceiving yourself if you do and foolish to follow some Pied Piper into the deep.

Well said. Most leaders from both ends of the spectrum are concerned with one thing, and that's holding on to power. They could care less about you and your beliefs. Vote the issues, not the party.
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