Lesson to everyone, do not do what you see guys in movies do, and my painful lesson

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Sunray, no need for that. We all do stupid things, it's called "being human". Most of the folks first thoughts would have been, well, that was a stupid thing to do until we look at our past (with anything that we've done stupid) and then thank the original poster for bringing these things to our attention in case we have a "brain fart" when we see it.

Look at it this way. You survived, without death, major injury or great bodily harm, your "Darwin Experience." Lots of people don't.

Famous last words, usually uttered after a beer or six,."Hey guys, watch this..."

Nice burn though.
Well, good to see you weren't more seriously injured. Seems like it could have hurt a lot worse than it did. This is partly why I run a very tight B/C gap on my Dan Wesson.

Famous last words, usually uttered after a beer or six,."Hey guys, watch this..."
Ah, the typical AIS (Alcohol Induced Syndrome). I've proven my theory many times over. At one point, someone who's had a few too many will come up with a "brilliant" idea. To which, someone who's B/A% is even higher agrees with said idea. Something like this:
Subject #1: "You know, I can't see straight or even think for that matter, but I think it'd be a cool idea if we......"
Subject #2: "Hey, you're right, that would be really cool. We should!"

So now that you've 'fessed up, let the embellishment begin! :D Yeah, let the grandkids gather around and hear the story about when you singlehandedly took down a neighborhood gang with your bear hands and only received a small scar on your arm to show for it. :p
Demonstrating Cylinder Gap Dangers

To demonstrate the dangers of the cylinder gap (without using your appendages), get a sheet of paper, fold it in half, and place the fold along the barrel, so the rest of the paper drapes on either side. You won't be able to see your sights, but touch off a round in a safe direction and watch what happens. I was taught that at an NRA Instructor course, and it makes an impact.
To demonstrate the dangers of the cylinder gap (without using your appendages), get a sheet of paper, fold it in half, and place the fold along the barrel, so the rest of the paper drapes on either side. You won't be able to see your sights, but touch off a round in a safe direction and watch what happens. I was taught that at an NRA Instructor course, and it makes an impact.

Or just look at the whole in my sweatshirt and the burn. Its a think sweatshirt.
Not quite as painful as yours, but I learned a LOOOOONG time back not to try any stuff you see on tv/big screen.

Tried "The Rifleman" twirl to eject last empty from my Marlin .30-30...Promptly smacked self in face.

Tried the old west revolver "fake surrender" method... i.e hand over gun, butt first with finger indside trigger guard, swoosh handgun around, and 'snap shoot'. Had my .357 Blackhawk loaded with shotshells. Only required a new picture frame, a LARGE can of spackle, and a gallon of paint to fix the wall.

Oh, yeah, before I forget....the gap on a Single-Six with the .22Mag cylinder throws an impressive amount of flame, too. Never mind how I know, I just know.

Something about demo-ing this fact with only 3 sheets of newspaper between gap and bare hand..............................
The Waco Kid did it to set off the dynamite in the fake Rock Ridge!! It MUST be possible!!



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Now if you did this without spilling your beer, that'd be something;)

At least now you can show the babes the scar from your gunshot wound.

Tried "The Rifleman" twirl to eject last empty from my Marlin .30-30...Promptly smacked self in face.

Thanks friend, I'm at work and needed a good belly chuckle and that one did it for me... I can just picture it :D

Ant Mod, I have to commend you for having the guts to tell your story. Even though I know about the dreaded cylinder gap, it's never occurred to me while watching a movie that using the arm as a rest just isn't a good idea. Thank you for the education. ;)

Lots of us here have done dumb things. Witness the popularity of "negligent discharge" threads.
Reminds me of when my friend put his Ruger .22 semiautomatic up to his eye and fired. I wish I could have gotten the words out of my mouth faster. Hard knocks is not the best way to learn but the lesson is usually learned the 1st time.
To ask the obvious question, Are you going to do it again just to prove that it wasn't a good idea the first time?

Remember to try and never make the same mistake twice!
Took some cojones to share your story and help educate others, there's members with varying levels of experience and expertise, thanks.
Just thought I would bring this up in regards to believing what you see in movies.
Dumb @ss!!! :neener: When I read how you were going to shoot it...Burn came to my mind instantly. Dude, I hope you learned a valuable lesson. Ouch is right. Man, I hope you're alright. Hell, I am starting to sound like a grown up. Oops :eek: :p
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