Prairie Dog hit percentage... How good are you?

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I'd love to go shoot some p-dogs! I live in CO, where there's millions of them, but I just don't know any places to go. All the rats I see are in town, every vacant lot is loaded with 'em.
My hit percentage Saturday wasn't so good. This one took 11 shots:
...and this one took 5 shots:
That's a hit percentage of 12.5%. :what:
We hunt'em in northern Montana one or twice a year with an assortment of 5.56mm ARs. So much land, so few folks, means that a polite and tidy hunting party will be invited back and maybe even served lunch. Most of the rodents that we meet are "Richardson qround squirrels", which is fancy talk for gophers. However, prairie dogs are more fun. Generally we have the huge breakfast, gas up, ice the cooler and drive out to dog town number 1. On the way we wax gophers at about half a dozen locations. (150 rounds per person). Arrive at dog town a put a scare into them for a little while. (10 rounds per person). On the way to dog town number 2 we wax more gophers. (100 rounds per person). Stop at the country tavern for lunch and tell lies. Start working the way back to the hometown, waxing gophers along the way. (50 rounds per person) Have a nice place to park the rig and some times a coyote runs by and everyone empties their magazine (15 rounds per person). Get back to town everyone gets their nap. Clean rifles and prepare to repeat the next day, and the next.
My hit percentage is way low (<50%) due to poor eyesight, no patience, and open sights. All the other guys are over 80%.
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