Hog hunting with a 7.62x39 ?? Possible?

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May 28, 2006
Northern by birth, Southern by choice.
I've got more than a few guns that shoot 7.62x39 and, as expected, have more than a few rounds of that caliber. So, when the idea of a hug hunt came up, I thought, heck, why not. And why not try it with my trusty AK/SKS round.
So, I bought a single shot Rossi rifle in 7.62x39, mounted a 3-9x40 scope on it, and it's ready to go but...now I'm beginning to wonder if it's a good enough caliber to get the job done. The ranger at the ranch where I'm hunting says shot placement is more important that bullet size.
SO, question remains, can you hog hunt with 7.62x39? By the way, I expect all the shots to be within 100 yards or so.
A 7.62x39 should do fine for most any hog you run across. Shot placement is vital on the large boars. They have a plate that can cause a glancing shot to miss the vitals. A word of advice, use American ammo for your hunt. Even though wolf and silver bear have soft points, they are not hunting tips and do not expand reliably.

I have killed a 250 lbs sow with a 30 carbine with hand loads and a 110 grain soft round nose.
Regarding ammo. Yes, I was thinking the Russian steel cased stuff was probably not a good choice, was thinking probably Hornady for the hunt with Winchester or Remington as second choice.
Oh, ans should I be looking for soft point or hollow point. Hornady has a polymer tipped hollow point, was thinking of going with that, and if I'm scoped and within 100 yards, should I be thinking head shot or vitals?
If you expect to see big hogs, you might want something with good penetration. As far shot placement, you might invest in a hog target with organs on it. It gives you a better idea where everything is. Hogs have a big dip in the spin and a few other twist that might surprise you. They don't always present a head shot, I like neck shots.
I would rather shoot vitals every time.There is always a greater chance of wounding with a head shot.
I have seen a lot of bears killed with sks. I prefer something a little larger myself but they did the job. I would use soft point just to insure full penetration. Again shot placement is the most critical part of any hunting.
steel cased russian ammunition is actually what you want. You just want something with a hunting suitable bullet such as the wolf/tulaammo 154 grain soft point.

I always urge against the use of american loaded 7.62x39mm for hunting as the stuff (like all metric calibers) is laughably underloaded compared to ruskie fodder and probably has as much to do as anything for the calibers undeserved bad reputation on game
I've had luck with the wolf soft points in my AK. 124 gr. FMJs worked well too with good shot placement. Most of my shots were also 100 yards or under.
It is plenty. Place the shot at the base of the neck and they will be DRT. I prefer to not shoot at the head because missing a little low will blow the jaw off but not be a quick kill, the animal will typically die off of starvation or dehydration.....I don't even wish that upon an animal that I despise.
steel cased russian ammunition is actually what you want. You just want something with a hunting suitable bullet such as the wolf/tulaammo 154 grain soft point.

great minds think alike!! I have used that ammo many times and especially @ 100 yards or less they are knocked off their hooves and DRT.
The round will do it's job no matter what type it is. Trust me the hog will not care if you hit it with a brass cased 123 grain hollowpoint or a steel cased 123 grain hollowpoint.

Many FL hogs have been slain by my trusty old very loud SKS

Good hunting.
look at it this way... 7.62x39 is ballistically similar to the .30-30. I would consider either round more than enough for decent deer and hog. 154 grain SP seems to be the common fodder for hunting. I've got a box for my SAIGA.
This is less an issue of firearm power, but of reliability. My Rossi does not ignite US commercial ammunition consistently, and almost never ignites Russian ammo. When it did fire the 154-grain stuff- usually after 2 or 3 strikes- it didn't group. Since the lighter loads were surprisingly accurate, I think the Rossi just prefers 123-125 grain bullets.

The only email option for Rossi USA I've found was through FaceBook. I sent them a message on the 8th. No reply yet.

The lesson here may be to always try ammo out before buying a bunch.
2 words - Hell yes! They aren't Cape Buffalo fer cripes sake. The folk who apply mystic qualities to hunting hogs sometimes remind me of Turkey Snipers.;)
Again, the problem is not power of the cartridge, but reliability of the rifle the OP has chosen. I'm not the only person who's had problems with the Rossi.

Which is a shame, because it's quite accurate with ammo it likes. :(
I've got more than a few guns that shoot 7.62x39 and, as expected, have more than a few rounds of that caliber. So, when the idea of a hug hunt came up, I thought, heck, why not. And why not try it with my trusty AK/SKS round.
So, I bought a single shot Rossi rifle in 7.62x39, mounted a 3-9x40 scope on it, and it's ready to go but...now I'm beginning to wonder if it's a good enough caliber to get the job done. The ranger at the ranch where I'm hunting says shot placement is more important that bullet size.
SO, question remains, can you hog hunt with 7.62x39? By the way, I expect all the shots to be within 100 yards or so.
They do it with the 300 AAC Blackout (7.62×35mm) & it ain`t near what a 7.62x39 is.............
I have killed many hogs using my AK74. Using tula HP and Russian 7n6. If I own a rifle that doesn't cycle steel well, than that rifle to me is useless and gets sold quickly.
Again, the problem is not power of the cartridge, but reliability of the rifle the OP has chosen. I'm not the only person who's had problems with the Rossi.

I to have had a few light primer strikes with the Tula and Model 1 upper but to this point have never lost an animal do to that circumstance (fingers crossed). Have thought about getting a heavier hammer spring but it is such a rare occurance for me I just have not done it!!! Lazy?? Would a heavier spring be a possible fix the Rossi? Just wondering and am not familiar with the weapon as I have never owned one.....
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