Morel Hunting

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Not central Ohio but we were finding plenty the first couple weeks of April. Seems like the morels were out about two or three weeks early this year much like everything else.

One of our favorite meals at home is fresh wild turkey breast and a batch of morels. This year did not disappoint. For Easter dinner we had alot of family out and cooked turkey, morels and fried crappie filets in addition to more traditional ham and potatoes.

We found two grocery sacks of mushrooms on this outing. A slow start but once it warmed up and got a little muggy out we hit pay dirt.

Oh and now we start with gratuitous shroom porn.

That is about as good looking as a nickel plated 1911 BBQ gun. Maybe its just me. Heck of a haul.
303tom - YEOW!!!! I thought we did good up here in MN - three weeks ago (season's early) they were out all over and we got about 12 pounds. Fed four families a huge batch... but your nephew's haul - that just takes the cake...
(I keep telling my wife we need to retire to Missouri....)
Going out again tomorrow to hunt for some. Between the oldest son and I we have found a little over 40 lbs in the last two weeks just on his 80 acre patch alone. Local buyer is paying $12 a pound for whole fresh ones........
I've never went myself but my ex's dad went every year and I first tried them 3 years ago and man are they good! I'd like to learn how to and the best places here in MN so I can collect them myself.
I like cool weather camping, and came across a number of morel hunters starting in late March early April. The thinking here in Ohio was that the mild winter would start things earlier than usual. I for one don't seem to have an eye for it, but apparently there's still some pickens available.
A little help here please.
Does someone publish a guide to the edible fungai according to region with good enough illustrations to keep you safe.
I love mushrooms but have never known a collector. A mentor would be awsome but that is probably asking to much.
I'm in Florida living in the southern end but own property in the extreme northern end as well. While I've seen lots of mushrooms in both locations not knowing what is what they are avoided. To many horror stories to take chances.
I have however collected and consumed quite a few fern fiddle heads definately delicious.
I love mushrooms but have never known a collector. A mentor would be awsome but that is probably asking to much.
I'm in Florida living in the southern end but own property in the extreme northern end as well. While I've seen lots of mushrooms in both locations not knowing what is what they are avoided. To many horror stories to take chances.

I have however collected and consumed quite a few fern fiddle heads definately delicious

Morels are the only wild mushrooms I collect. Pretty hard to mistake them. Season is just about done here too. Got a coupla pounds today, but it was slim pickins.

You really can eat those immature ferns?
There are plenty of mushroom information sites on the internet. I only pick morels. Morels are unique looking compared to most other fungi. There is a false morels that is toxic but the appearance is different from edible morels.
We didn't do so well this year in SW Missouri.... it was just so HOT so EARLY.. they didn't have a chance, we don't think. Will be back next year!!
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