Took my Armalite M4gery and Colt 1991A1 Morel Hunting

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Jun 23, 2003
Ohio - The Heart of it All
I think I may have been over-gunned. The indigenous morels in central Ohio are not known to be particularly aggressive - just hard to find. I only had one encounter and I wrestled it into submission with my bare-handed morel fighting skills.:eek: I did get to shoot the Armalite finally but it was so windy that the target was moving, I was moving, and I really couldn't tell much but I do think I was a tad over-gunned.
Well no; actually it is a mushroom. In some areas of the country they are called 'sponges'. I carry on the off chance I will see a coyote or groundhogs while in the woods.
The indigenous morels in central Ohio are not known to be particularly aggressive - just hard to find. I only had one encounter and I wrestled it into submission with my bare-handed morel fighting skills.

Those morels can be tricky, but they sure are good eatin'!
I'll make sure to show the wife your post since I keep telling here that I need a new mushroom gun. :)
It's only illegal to hunt deer with a rifle. Everything else is perfectly fine. Try squirrel hunting with an SKS, it really gives them a sporting chance. :evil:
What a stupid law.

I agree, however they claim that hunting related deaths are much lower now. I guess there were too many wingnuts out there taking pot shots at unidentified targets across grampa's corn field. It's also unbelievable how many hunters hit the woods in that two week gun season.
Morel? What the heck is a morel?

One of the most yummy seasonal treats you will ever come across. We get tons of them around here this time of year. I picked a good 4lbs of them on Tuesday, and all the rain we have goten in the last few days will probably turn up a few more pounds of them this weekend. This time of year nothings better than to bag a turkey, a few pounds of morels, and break out the peanut oil, and fryer.

I agree, however they claim that hunting related deaths are much lower now. I guess there were too many wingnuts out there taking pot shots at unidentified targets across grampa's corn field. It's also unbelievable how many hunters hit the woods in that two week gun season.

Thats one of the reasons I only bow hunt deer now. Too many idiots out there in the woods ready to send a slug at anything that moves during deer season. I hate morons that only shoot their guns once a year, and ignore any, and every gun saftey rule in the book (know your target, and whats beyond it). I have been shot at twice by hair trigger hunters :mad: .
I agree, however they claim that hunting related deaths are much lower now. I guess there were too many wingnuts out there taking pot shots at unidentified targets across grampa's corn field.

Or they are just lying to support their ban.
tee hee

I put a thread like this an an english deer stalking forum asking for advice on what rifle to take to Wales to hunt Bara Brith ( a type of welsh fruited loaf). someone one replied in a really ernest vain saying i should take either rifle which ever i felt comfortable with. I have to tell you guys i nearly had a laughter injury as a result! even funnier was a day or so later he realised he had been had he posted an entry admitting it!!!! a bit like your jackalope story!

YOur shooting laws seem dreadfully draconian. i know you have a lot of hunters, but surely you have loads of ground as well, the area of th US must be 20 times that of the uk. but our deer seasons are months longer. in fact march is the only month i don't shoot deer (or try to) during the year. We rarely shoot each other in the hunting field. Maybe if your seasons were longer then you wouldn't get all of the hunters in the same bits of wood at the same time so there would be less carnage?

Like all game, the deer are where the food and preferred habitat are. Much of U.S. land with high incidence of deer is not available to hunters without permission so those who have no alternative use public areas and that puts a lot of hunters in relatively small areas. Combine that with those hunters who believe that hunting is an inalienable right without obligation or responsibility and the recipe for disaster is in the oven.
Kingcreek - I am originally from Illinois. The people in the Beardstown area used to pick a mushroom they called Cock-of-the-Woods in the fall. You ever heard of this? I grew up around Olney and Champaign-Urbana. Lived in Springfield for several years before moving to Ohio.
I used to think the .45 in a shoulder holster or 12 gauge was overkill while scouting for coyotes in the local WMA... Until they trapped a 300 pound bear across the river from the WMA - 10 minutes outside of town... :what: :eek:
Poor mushrooms..... hehe .... I usually carry my Glock 29 with me or a good 1911 10mm on my morel hunting extravaganzas.

This year, it was SUPER warm really early in April (a couple weeks earlier than normal) and we found a few then.... it then almost froze after a few days and we haven't really seen much more of a Morel crop after that. :(

I'm salivating just THINKING about grilled pork loins, asparagus tips, green beans and fried / breaded morels.... MMMMM
Yep. That would be the fall mushroom we call "Hen-o-the-woods" or "sheepshead". They are large, and not as flavorful as morels.

I beg to differ. The sheepshead is some of the finest eating there is. I prefer to the morel. Also, unlike the morel, you often need to find only one sheepshead to have several meals worth.
The morel harvest is low this year in these parts. However, the turkeys seem to be firggin' everywhere.

Yeh, the 'shotgun is safer than rifle' crap is still on here in Illinois too. Very saddly, a man was killed nearby in Savanna, IL in the state park last year in an accidental shooting. He was out walking his dog in an area off limits to non-hunters and wearing no orange clothing at all. My point being that shotgun technology has allowed greater reach and that you can't regulate common sense.
I will be looking for these this fall. I would say that an M4 type would be about right in case a groundhog or other vermin decided to debate exactly who found the mushroom. As for turkeys, I may start hunting them again just to reduce the competition for the morels. Although, when I was out Tuesday, I didn't see any scratching in the forest litter which says to me that I was too early.
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