So i was doing a little reccy at my secondary hunting spot, and saw this....

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Nov 21, 2008
It's an 8-10" diameter Beech tree....


It will be my primary hunting spot until i see who made it.
i've seen plenty of 2-3" saplings, but never a scrape like this. It must be from last year or the year before that...I hope he's still in the neighborhood.
Well, we all know what you'll be doing opening day. :). Awesome find there! Please post a picture of that deer after you bag it.

yum yum maple bark . A delicious side dish with " track Soup" LOL. A nice buck rub but he can be anywhere. Good hunting!!

If you are accurate , you can learn to shoot fast. but no one shoots fast accurately .
a bear leaves 4 parallel . a cougar shreds. an Elk rubs higher , I vote Buck.
Well, this picture was taken in Greenwich CT, so bear and cougar are highly unlikely, and Elk even more improbable.

The question is if this guy met up with an SUV's grill yet, or if he's still out there...i'll put in a trail cam this weekend.
If that was indeed a buck rubbing on a tree it was several years ago. That deer could have died of old age by now. Of course some of his offspring could be in the area.
I tracked a deer this past Friday night and ended up in this little meadow down by a creek bed which is situated between a pine thicket and a forest of white oaks. Well on down from the meadow towards the creek and a little ways in to the thicket, there must have been 12 or more scrapes and rubs. It was like I had entered in to some sort of forbidden land of bucks or something. I've never seen anything like it. None of them were on trees that size, but some of them were impressive. The were ALL active. Just crazy. I killed two near there that evening and I bet you can guess where I'll be setup through this season!
It is probably a deer, although a bobcat could be a possibility if they are in the area.
Put a trail camera nearby and see what happens if you decide not to hunt that
spot. How high do the rubs go up that tree? It's hard to tell from the picture.
It wasn't that big when that rub was made about two or three years ago.

It might have been an inch less, but its still the biggest tree i've seen rubbed.

It is probably 4 feet high.

Put a trail camera nearby

Already done on Sunday. It's at a choke point about 20 yards away; an opening in a stone wall. I bumped about 8 does on the way in.
I second that it is an old rub. At least one year old. Maybe two. The tree has already healed itself, leaving just scars behind. More than likely its just a young, average buck with a bad temper. That being said, a trail cam is still a good idea just to confirm. Also that means that buck is potentially 2 years older now. Could be in his prime.
Actually it is a CT midget squatch. They just don't grow 'em big on the east coast.
Once the velvet is off, there's no reason for a buck to come back to the tree--unless maybe he also did the pee-and-scrape thing on the ground nearby.

Re-visiting a scrape is a usual pattern in Ol' Bucky's travels.
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