Owner of S.C. Pub Insults Gun Owners Across America With This Outrageous Sign

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For whatever reason my eyes didn't key on the large (but separate) word "NO" and instead read only "concealed weapons allowed" :D

Whatever, his choice. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. This 'stance' is for sure stupid unless he has an actual legit reason for barring CCWs (like a hole in the wall :eek:)

The owner describes himself as a conservative Democrat who owns guns, but is frustrated.

I really think that Democrats and other leftists should be deported to Britain or Canada where they can be among equals.
I don't know why any one is offended. This is why we are supposed to have a free market. If you don't agree with a business philosophy, spend your money else where. No need to be offended.
This is where leftists, not in the political arena, really screw up. If you are a politician you can say jut about anything and rarely be held accountable. So a leftist business owner decides he going to follow that path because "big brother" did it and nothing happened to them......Oops.

I don't know why this guy chose to put this particular sign in his window. But he does have the right to do it. And he is reaping the rewards of his actions. I'm all for people not being offended by ignorance, turning the other cheek, taking the "High Road" etc. But you only push the quiet kid so many times before you "awaken the sleeping giant and instill in him the will to fight". Apparently some gun owners got pushed a little to far.
" Srsly, if this sort of puerile noonsense gets yr panties in a wad, you probably don't have the anger management skills to responsibly carry anyway."

Says the guy who thinks we wear panties. You probably don't have the logic to give advice on responsible carry.
I was happy to see that, on Twitter, the owner was asked if this ordeal would close the place down, and his response was "We'll see, I guess". Reading the recent reviews on Yelp and Tripadvisor were refreshing...it seems the owner isn't the only one expressing his "1st Amendment rights" :) Seems many of those who value the 2nd are well versed about what the 1st Amendment is all about, too ;)

As for people being angry over this "not being responsible enough to carry"....................... I'm glad you feel you have the ability to determine carrying suitability based on a forum post. It seems you might as well join the ranks of the others who feel its their purpose to determine who should have guns, or the right to carry them.....like Feinstein, Obama, and the like. I prefer to work with other gunners to accomplish my goals, not insult and distance them. In that respect, you aren't a whole lot different than the pub owner, at least imo.
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His bar, his rules. Get over it.

There is, on the other hand, another concern. Does he have a parking lot within 1,000 feet of his establishment?

Really, he supports drinking and driving? That has killed far more than a licensed CCW. Licensed Motor Vehicle Operators die at much higher rates and kill many other innocent victims.

But that's OK?

Nope, we need to ban bars from being within 1,000 feet of a parking lot so that the patrons have to walk to get there. Beyond that, if they can make it to the car, it's on them.

NO bar should have a parking lot on the premises making it easier for patrons to illegally drink and drive. And drive thru liquor stores should be banned.

After all, drive thru gun stores are generally excoriated, too.

If I can't carry in his bar, or carry within 1,000 feet of a school, then bar owners can't have parking lots within 1,000 feet.

Fair is fair.

We need to bring it to the attention of every city council that wants to set up gun free zones: we need car free zones around bars, too. After all, if it saves the life of one child . . .
And drive thru liquor stores should be banned

They do big business here in FL....lol

As the old adage goes, "Don't drink and drive, you might hit a bump and spill your drink"

Back on track, after the uproar, he immediately started backpedaling about his sign. If that can happen that quickly, imagine what we will be able to do this November using the same media tactics they have used against us the last several years.......
And drive thru liquor stores should be banned

They have drive through liquor stores over in Ohio and they seem to be popular.

Regarding the sign situation. A couple of his competitors should put up pro-gun signs and offer 20% off for anyone who has a conceal carry permit. "Backstreets Pub & Deli" could be out of business in a short time....it is capitalism at it's best.

Ironically his sign doesn't meet the state's legal signage requirements. Patrons are not legally obligated to obey this sign (No carry signs carry legal authority here, but there are specific specifications that must be followed).

I actually graduated from Clemson, and though the area isn't unsafe, there are spots even on campus proper that are a little unnerving (cutting behind the football stadium at night was always unnerving). There are definitely things that could go wrong off-campus in the town.
Eh? One guy's opinion and his 1st Amendment right to say whatever he likes, and suffer whatever fallout comes of that.

What's there to discuss?
there are some carry guys think they are undercover police so maybe they think people should bow down in front of them the way police do
It's fine if you don't want to allow firearms on your property. We all have different opinions on various matters, so that's whatever. But, making your opinion known in such a manner just demonstrates how low class some people are.
I love living in a country where we have both the First and Second Amendments! Pluralism is messy, but it's beautiful.
Doesn't offend me in the slightest

Me either. Life is too short to get upset everytime someone's opinion differs from you. Iffin I remember correctly, the same document that gives us the right to bear arms gives us the right to express ourselves and our personal views. Kinda hard to demand one for us, while whining about folks using the other.

Don't like the sign or the owners personal views, don't patronize him. That's your right also. I'm sure he thought about the consequences of his actions before he posted the sign. If not, this will be a learning experience for him.
I think he posted the sign to get some "attaboys" from the local antigunners and it backfired. He didn't realize how strong and vocal the pro gun community is. Sounds sort of like certain politicians in a certain state where they were ousted from office because they offended the wrong group.

It's very poor business, however. A capitalist should not intentionally alienate any potential client base. That's the first rule of marketing.
I too don't get all bent out of shape over such nonsense, but the fact is that the sign was intended to be offensive.

That's what stands out to me. Signing off with "******bag" is a clear insult and attempt to be as offensive as possible.

So people are angry and calling him constantly. Can't say I'm surprised.
If he goes bankrupt and loses everything he owns, I won't feel one bit sorry for him. Screw him. You intentionally insult the people who line up to give you their money? Brilliant.
I guarantee you he DIDN'T think the reprocussions would have been this swift or detrimental.This wasn't a Starbucks respectful "We are asking our patrons not be armed but will still serve those that are". You have to admit, it went way past that. We will always be the "crazed gun toters" to some people. But our silence with business and our absence at the polls is the reason we ended up with so many regulations to begin with. We don't have to act like they (leftists) think we do. But we should defend when attacked. You poke a dog with a stick enough times, that dog is gonna bite. Sometimes, you only gotta poke the wrong dog, once.
The opinion and exercising his right to refuse to allow folks to carry guns into his establishment does not offend me in the least.

People who call others who have a different opinion or perspective foul names in writing offend me. He has a right to his opinion.

He does not have a right to reduce everyone who differs with his opinion to a foul expletive. That's offensive to me...if he put that on a Bill board I'm certain that there would be ordinances that would make him rephrase it.

We will always be the "crazed gun toters" to some people.

What I don't get is that the owner says in the article that he has a CWP and has had one since 2001.

I can (somewhat) understand the mythical "I support gun rights, but . . ." people that claim to be gun owners, but this guy apparently doesn't just own a gun - he has a carry permit. Yet he still insults those that do with the sign. Seems like a classic case of "Good for me but not for thee.".

Oh well. Like I said I attended school there from 1999 - 2003 but never went to this place - not sure if it was even around then (if I wanted to go to a bar I almost always went to Tiger Town Tavern). If I ever do return to the area I won't be patronizing this establishment.

They appear to have completely taken down their Facebook page at this point as well.
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If he goes bankrupt and loses everything he owns,...

Why would anyone expect that to happen? He's selling booze in a college town. There are certain to be many people there who share his views re: guns/carry precisely.

It's pretty clear this guy isn't trying to develop a national brand, where capping his total potential market share is a bad move. He just needs to fill his bar on a regular basis. If annoys 75% of the town's population, but the remaining 25% like him for his actions/statements, then he'll likely be able to fill his bar and make more money.
It's pretty clear this guy isn't trying to develop a national brand, where capping his total potential market share is a bad move. He just needs to fill his bar on a regular basis. If annoys 75% of the town's population, but the remaining 25% like him for his actions/statements, then he'll likely be able to fill his bar and make more money.

People - particularly in college towns - tend go to bars in groups. Generally, people try to be as unanimous as possible when visiting somewhere.

Lets say a group of 10 friends is going out. Somebody says "You guys wanna go to Backstreet?". Doesn't take but one person to say "Nah, I don't like that place." before the whole group is debating other options.

You don't have to tick off too many people before business starts to really suffer.
Why would anyone expect that to happen?

No one is expecting that to happen. I was merely venting a little myself and saying if that did happen I wouldn't feel sorry for him.

No, I don't expect it to happen and doubt anyone does.

If annoys 75% of the town's population, but the remaining 25% like him for his actions/statements, then he'll likely be able to fill his bar and make more money.

It must have scared him. He started crawfishing in a hurry.
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