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  1. J

    Are guns your primary hobby?

    no, not at all... however, I enjoy them in a less "obsessed" way!
  2. J

    This is what our NRA membership dollars go toward?

    Well done! It's kinda funny... thanks for the post!
  3. J

    Do You Patronize Your Local Gun Shops?

    To be honest, I don't. But I should, I mean, I live in the south for goodness sake!
  4. J

    Camoing a Gun

    Cool camo! Did you do it with paint?
  5. J

    One of those days...

    "Gentleman is hunting from a treestand over a game trail. Along comes a sow black bear with a cub following dutifully behind. The hunter decides to have a little fun and pops the sow in the rump with a blunt arrow, whereupon she whirls around and slaps the cub into the bushes" I don't get it...
  6. J

    Gun for my son

    I'm afraid that I'd have to agree with your wife...I don't think children should have guns, but I realize that I'm different than most "gun-toters". If he's taught to use it responsibly, and you believe that he is ready and responsible enough then, you as his parent should make the ultimate...
  7. J

    Online vs Local Gunshop

    I agree, I always go local. I live in a big city so I usually will go a little farther out to the smaller towns surrounding my city. I find the small local shops to be great!
  8. J

    Regions Bank No Guns Tennessee

    I am going into Regions this afternoon. I am going to make a note if I see those signs. I think it is going to hurt them, but it's the South so what can you expect. This doesn't seem like something the state of TN would do though.
  9. J

    Extremely interesting (and sobering) report

    There are some interesting statistics in the report. I am not surprised by any of them. I particularly liked the last last bullet you mentioned. I can agree and believe this percentage!
  10. J

    Shot Fired at Gun Show

    I have been to many gun shows and that has never happened. I always imagined one day it would. It is nice to hear how the staff and security was on top of the situation so fast. Thanks for sharing your story!
  11. J

    Feral dog hunting... memories from my youth

    Wow! I really enjoyed reading your story. I have never shot at a feral dog, but do love to deer hunt. It just goes to show you how feral dogs were overpopulated back then (and may still be) just like deer are today.
  12. J

    Cops and Armed Citizens

    Thanks for sharing the article. It is great to hear how armed forces are respecting citizens caring a firearm. Now if we could only get all cities to respond this positively.
  13. J

    Which would you buy?

    I have always been a fan of the CZ-75 guns. My brother has this gun and absolutely loves it. He clams he is going to get a new one and give me his old one! I hope this is true. :)
  14. J

    Do you consider metal detectors = No Guns (MI)?

    I think it just depends on what location you are at. Of course in the airport a detector means no guns, but other places not so much. I wouldn't carry a weapon into a venue either. I think this raises a good point. I wonder how many people have gotten past detectors with a weapon. It kind of...
  15. J

    Use car wax on a firearm?

    I have always wondered what kind of wax I could use. I had heard of people doing this too. After reading everyone's comments, I know what I am going to get. Basically I need to choose the right type of wax. I am glad I found this thread!
  16. J

    Homemade Targets

    I have recently started buying old fruit from the grocery store too. Some fruit can make for some pretty cool explosions. Once, I took some empty wine and beer bottles and started firing at them! :)
  17. J

    Co-worker has ALS and can't use her gun

    I am so sorry to hear about your friend. What a kind and strong person to sell you her gun. At this point, after hearing her condition $300 doesn't seem like too much.
  18. J

    "The Speech" for a 5-year-old grandaughter

    It is better to explain to her early on then leave her wondering and letting her imagination take its course.
  19. J

    Polar-Grizzly hybrid killed with .303 Enfield

    I guess if it worked for this man, than you never know what it is capable of doing. I think luck was by this man's side during this adventure. I always love to hear stories like this that almost defy the odds.
  20. J

    shooting in colorado?

    I would recommend calling the local state park/troopers to get specifics. I have done this in other cities and it has made planning a trip a lot easier. I like to map my specifics in advance and talking to someone before going is a good idea. Have a nice trip!