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    AMAZING Collection

    Hey, this house again!! (and again!!) Can we just sticky this?? It comes back up every couple of months, might as well just keep it at the top!
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    New or Used

    Well, a more pertinent question right now is... Can you find a used G19 for sale?
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    Accidental Discharge Experience

    No such thing as an "accidental discharge." There are only "intentional" and "negligent" discharges. RugerBob said "Its either loaded or its not." NOT TRUE. Jeff Cooper articulated 4 rules. 4, not 3. Stick with all 4 of them. It's very good you were able to learn from this experience...
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    Considering this, what would be your next purchase?

    forget another gun. buy as many mags, and as much ammo for your existing guns as you can.
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    Will shooting become a rich mans sport?

    have you priced range memberships at indoor facilities that aren't in TX? different story. you're lucky, be happy.
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    Gun manufacturer stickers on car

    Elm_Creek_Smith said: "The hat I like to wear most is the ball cap with the Honolulu Police patch on it... ...I've watched people of lesser moral character see the hat and get careful... ...I am not a police officer" Well, it kinda seems that you would like to be... And seriously...
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    Eric Holder speaks during today's Senate committee "grilling"

    I especially liked the way he started blinking when challenged on specific points. Not a very convincing liar.
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    Caseless ammunition

    But... But... it worked on CSI: Miami!
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    Residences in 2 states.

    you said this pretty important thing: "and then transport it to CA by car?" How exactly would buying something that's illegal in your state somewhere else, and then transporting it to your state make it not illegal????? :confused: that doesn't make sense. And yes, ONE of...
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    If There Were No Antis What Gun Laws Would You Have? king george. we all know what happened shortly thereafter. i call your "reasonable restrictions" and i raise you one "revolution." ***** ...okay, read back a few posts and saw this travesty: "I make a living fighting for Constitutional rights and keeping people out of...
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    Pizza shop owner's....should carry?
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    New job, stupid rules, can't bring a knife to a restaraunt

    jaholder1971 said: "Libertarian thought, as I've seen it on THR, has been the idea that infringement of their rights by a government is tyranny but if they can make the rules themselves it's all good." You have confused "Libertarian" with "Liberal."
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    ok guys, this is really ticking me offm and i need some help...

    i'll give you $50, and pay for shipping.
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    Candidate Security How Does This Work?

    You *SHOULD* expect that business to have been vetted several DAYS before the visit, and definitely under watch all day. I work somewhere with NO PUBLIC ACCESS. You have to have a digital key to even get in the building. Our governor visited recently, and we had unannounced visits from...
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    Gun related careers...

    "Can anyone offer any advice to someone who has a B.S. in Communication with managment and sales experience?" Honestly... If you're looking to make that $75k salary... Stay in school and get a degree that will help you earn money. These days a Communication degree and 5 bucks will get...
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    Need a new gun! Help!

    Get a S&W 642, and spend the rest on training!!!!!
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    A breakdown of the victim selection process

    that was great until the guy behind the counter volunteered the dog to go after the BG, instead of stepping up. Dog = plus 1 Robber = minus 1 Guy who let dog do work = b****
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    New job, stupid rules, can't bring a knife to a restaraunt

    jaholder1971, Would you mind clarifying what you just said? I would really like to know how one goes from "Libertarian" to "Their rights are supreme and everyone else bears the responsibility."
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    gun salute at burial

    I have the brass from both my father and grandfather's salutes...
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    I should not be allowed near gunshows or stores unsupervised

    you should have bought a gun instead! :rolleyes: