$1000 Haircut? Kerry Flies In Hairdresser For Touch-up Before 'meet The Press'

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This is pathetic. The best you've got is to attack the guy based on his haircut? It's his/her money, he can spend it on whatever he wants, as is his right as an American citizen. Extrapolating from a haircut before a national TV appearance to financial policy is specious at best and juvenile.

I also find it hard to stomach, guessing that some of you have purchased guns that cost more than my car and having endured to the endless "Show what you got" threads on this and other forums. If you have not had a gun refinished, or have basketweave holster or sling, or chrome naked ladies on your truck mudflaps, maybe then you can talk. Different people have different priorities. How much does a good Texan spend on boots?

Really, how low will this go

You and a few others have brought it pretty low already. It's always amazing to see people who purportedly have an interest in the Bill of Rights attempt to censor others political speech. Your interest in the Bill of Rights seems to involve only the 2nd amendment and not the 1st.

It's pathetic indeed that you and others can't stick to just defending your candidate Kerry, you have to try and censure any criticism of him instead.

Just a reminder: this is not the Democratic Underground Forum, opposing views are welcome on THR, Liberal Dim-O-Rat style censorship is not.

John Kerry's $1000-$7000 hairdoo, where he flew his hairdresser halfway across the country on Kerry's $35 million dollar private jet to give Kerry a new "doo" before he could face an on-air grilling from Tim Russert, speaks volumes about his mental health. A person being considered for the Presidency should NOT exhibit that degree of insecurity. Jack Kennedy would've done something normal for a man to relieve the stress, like when he banged a hooker just before the televised debate with Nixon. What a difference between Jack Kennedy and the metrosexual John Kerry.

BTW, as for your ad-hominem attack, I own only a few firearms. All for self and home defense. Not one of them has a wooden stock or grip, all are sturdy, inexpensive, and well made in the USA.

BTW II, Did I mention that Kerry gets a 100% rating from the Brady Campaign to Disarm Victims?
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sendec- Its all about the Benjamins. If he is that frivolous with his grooming, imagine what he can do with tax income. But Bush isn't exactly frugal either...
I also find it hard to stomach, guessing that some of you have purchased guns that cost more than my car and having endured to the endless "Show what you got" threads on this and other forums.

First off this is a gun forum. We sacrifice for those guns and they are a symbol of liberty. This isn't about getting a haircut. This is about a weak willed, peacock who couldn't face an audience without spending a childish amount on his looks.

The fact is he didn't do a thing to earn his money. There are billionaires like Cuban, Trump and Gates who have earned their money and don't give a damn what their hair looks like.
As far as Bush is concerned, anyone who can work a ranch in Crawford, Texas knows what a hard day's work is.
Hey Standing Wolf

I paid $6 for my haircut today!:neener:

$1 more for ammo.

Another problem for Kerry with stuff like this beyond the sheer stupidity of paying that much for a haircut(I look just as good as Kerry does with my $6 haircut: we're both ugly) is that regular men are generally disgusted by that kind of obsession with looks. How many blue collar votes did this cost him? It probably won't be a conscious decision but it will happen.
For $1,000 at least he could have gotten a nice flat top. And he wouldn't need to ship in the talent; he could have gone to any military base or military burg and use a barber.

I do not know what it is about men and their hair, but it is usually a sign of insecurity.
not that I'm suprised about this....
Wasn't Kerry just yelling about how people need to 'think globally' and not use SUVs because of gasoline and pollution concerns? Don't Gulfstream II jets use a not-insubstantial amount of fuel, and create a little more pollution than an SUV? (and for one passenger? and it was a hairdresser?)
Time is money

Actually, the hairderesser only charges $100 for an hour of her time, but after she parted his hair on the right, he said he wanted it on the left. When he saw it, he had her changer it to the right again, and argued with her that he never really wanted it on the left, even though he said he wanted it there-but he didn't...

MARCH 21, 2003--The British Broadcasting Corporation has apologized to the White House for its broadcast Wednesday night of a live Oval Office feed showing President George W. Bush preparing for his speech announcing the start of the Iraqi war. Administration officials are apparently steamed because Bush was seen having his hair primped and readied by a female stylist armed with a comb and hairspray. Below you'll find a screen grab from the BBC feed as well as a 10-second snippet from the unauthorized TV transmission.
Click here to view with Real Player.
Click here to view with Windows Media Player.

The White House is vowing a strong retaliatory response after the BBC aired live video of President Bush getting his hair coiffed in the Oval Office as he squirmed in his chair and practiced on the teleprompter minutes before Wednesday night's speech announcing the launch of military operations against Saddam Hussein.

He squirmed in his chair and issued a strong retaliatory response. :rolleyes:
Cristophe stylist Isabelle Goetz, who handles Kerry's hair issues.............

I just have to ask, what the heck is a "hair issue"??

Taxes are issues, unemployment is an issue, the war in Iraq is an issue. Since when did needing a haircut become an "issue"?

Goetz grew up in a small town in eastern France.

Why does it seems that almost evertyhing this guy does has some sort of French connection??
Taxes are issues, unemployment is an issue, the war in Iraq is an issue. Since when did needing a haircut become an "issue"?

Taxes made higher by the profligate spending approved by a profligate spender sitting in the Oval Office, unemployment made higher by taxes raised on business to pay for the profligate spending approved... etc...
You and a few others have brought it pretty low already. It's always amazing to see people who purportedly have an interest in the Bill of Rights attempt to censor others political speech. Your interest in the Bill of Rights seems to involve only the 2nd amendment and not the 1st.

Rofl, oh christ.

Lets admit it here, picking on someone because they got an expensive haircut is childish and silly at best.

Pick them apart based on actual issues, not some piddly bull????.

Personally I think it's a huge waste of money, but it's not news. I'm sure you would all be outraged if you saw the ways some money is spent in regards to Presidents and other candidates.
No real need to go after Kerry's 1K haircut; there's lots of substantive stuff to nail him over, i.e. the medals bruhaha, his senate voting record, lack of conviction, and his vascilating.
This is the best you could come up with on a BFT like John Kerry? After his voting record, waffling, and otherwise lackluster performance as a legislator, the best you could come up with is whinging about a haircut? Way to win people to your cause, dood.
No political significance whatsoever.

How's this for political significance? Does it make sense for a person who claim to be in favor of reducing polution by greater government regulation to have a hairdresser flown on a jet from DC to Pittsburgh to get his hair touched up? How much polution does a jet dump into the environment compared to a gas guzzling SUV?

The man doesn't practice what he preaches. He doesn't even consistently preach the same things. He just tries to tell people what they want to hear. He makes Bill Clinton look like a man of integrity by comparison.
You guys have to understand that Kerry's $$$$ haircut is part of his promised strategy to create 10 million jobs in four years. You have to start somewhere.

Look at all the jobs that were affected by the great Gulfstream hair style caper. Pilot, co-pilot, mechanics, air port staff, petroleum workers, stylist, drivers, etc.

This may be the start of Kerry's master plan to put America to work. :D
You have to admit....it sort of flies in the face of his assertions that our current President is "out of touch with the common man":confused:
Bush's obvious discomfort at having a makeup person hovering around him before his televised speech says a lot about him that's good. Any normal, regular guy would feel uncomfortable with that.

Compare that with the weirdness of Kerry actually spending as much as the cost of a new Triumph Motorcycle on flying his hairdresser in for an emergency "Doo"

-Total cost of Kerry's haircut including landing fees and fuel for his private jet: $7000

-MSRP for a 2004 Triumph Bonneville: $6999

I think Bush comes off looking pretty good in this comparison.
What is this, kindergarten? You're really winning people over to your views with such a fine and concrete argument on why John Kerry shouldn't be president.

Find an actual issue please, maybe his stance on gun control is a good starting point.
I can think of a lot of reasons why I will not vote for John Kerry. His haircut, how much it costs, or the circumstances of him having it are not even on the list.

This is a symptom of the sorry state of politics in this country, a fixation on 30 year old medals, haircuts, and national guard service records.
What is this, kindergarten? You're really winning people over to your views with such a fine and concrete argument on why John Kerry shouldn't be president.

Find an actual issue please, maybe his stance on gun control is a good starting point

Your response to this discussion of Kerry's character is fully worthy of the Liberals over at the DemocRatic Underground Forum. Censure, Censure, Censure. :rolleyes:

Why is this issue important?

Because great wealth has a tendency to allow people to indulge themselves in ways that are very reflective of their character.

For example, Imelda Marcos bought thousands of pairs of shoes for herself while the ordinary Phillipinos lived in poverty.

Leona Hemsley said "taxes are for little people" before being sent to prison for tax fraud.

The wealthy Kerry snaps at a Secret Service Agent at an exclusive ski resort as if the Agent was a clumsy waiter or servent. An Agent who is pledged to give his own life to protect Kerry's. "I don't fall, that Son Of A Bitch Pushed Me" screamed Kerry while pointing at the Agent. Kerry had moments earlier run into the stationary Agent while making a snowboard run down the slope in his color co-ordinated ski outfit.

Kerry's spending $5000-$7000 on a hairdcut is indeed very reflective of his low character and character is an important issue to discuss in a Presidental candidate. Clinton got a pass on the Character issue and that brought us 8 years of Assault Weapons Bans from Janet Reno.

Again, mentally healthy adults do NOT spend $5000-$7000 on a hairdo.

Would wealthy Presidential candidates like Jay Rockefeller, Ross Perot or Morey Taylor have ever dreamed of acting as vain and self-centered as Kerry? Of course not.
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