13-Year-Old Suspect Killed In Armed Robbery Attempt

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Jawman, a dare is not too far fetched. Say this kid wants to be part of this 'cool' bunch of kids. Wants to be a tough-guy like the others.

One of his tough friends suggests he try a robbery. Maybe the kid waffles. Then his tough buddy suggests he's a wussy? What do you do? You wanna be a tough-guy right?

Criminals start somewhere. Either on their own or as part of a crew. VCAs don't just fall from the sky.

Don't forget, some of these people live in a world the rest of us would consider alien. Things that make us recoil in shock are no biggie to them.
I don't think it was a dare, and I don't think it was a gang initiation. Seems to me it was a way to lay off the actual crime on a juvenile. In AL you have to be 16 to be charged as an adult... http://law.onecle.com/alabama/courts/12-15-204.html.

Now, why the other folks involved on the criminal side of this one walked, I don't know. I wasn't there and I shouldn't speculate any further than the above.
The whole thing stinks of a gang initiation. 13 yo gets into an SUV with a bunch of older kids. Witness sees two guys in blue bandannas watching the event. Kid pulls his first and last stick-up.

Once again, how do you know this was an initiation as opposed to just being a criminal act by a group? How do you know it was his first such crime? It is just the first where he has gotten killed.

I lived in some pretty bad places and from my experience that just screams 'gang'.
Happen in the city, a group of younger (primarily or all) males, and being minorities does fit a stereotype, but is that necessarily the case. A lot of kids do bad things and do them with groups and group support, but are not gangs.

It could be a gang event of some sort and it might even be the initiation event, but intitiation events are quite limited in number compared to regular gang activities and there is no specific information indicated yet that would substantiate either sort of claim.

If there is some sort of diagnostic indicator, please let the rest of us know. It would be an interesting fact.
Double Naught Spy, no one is saying it is indeed a gang initiation, it just seems like a possibility given the circumstances. See my earlier post, #66.
In reguards to youth offenders. I good buddy of mine is a special investigator in juvenile crime. After conducting many interviews with juvenile offenders for various crimes. He told me the scary thing about it all is alot of these youths think the only reason they are in trouble is because there was a witness. They don't seem to understand what they did was wrong; it was the fact that in one case of robbery they didn't kill everyone in the store.

The mindset of some youths along with the fact that mommy and daddy always take there side. These factors are creating some very scary kids. No I don't blame video game yet some of them are horrible.

For the size of some of these kids. My oldest son Keigan whom is 12 stands 5' 9" and weighs around 150#. He is a farm boy and for is age is pretty darn stout.
Then on the other hand... social media strikes again.

Disturbing photos surface of 13-year-old robbery suspect

Well, well, well. I would hate to be judged by the pictures I took when I was his age but one has to think that the Police have to love social media and what it has done for them.

I don't Facebook. Not interested in the time it takes from other things but if they got into my wifes all they would see is pictures of chickens and pretty blue skys. ;)
So young Mr. Walker was a gang banger or wanna be....

And football quarterback.

Sad thing is he probably could have made something of his life. But he was growing up in a culture that tells him if he wants to be cool he has to be a gangstah. Very bad decision on his part, but that whole culture is eating its own young.
Sad thing is he probably could have made something of his life...that whole culture is eating its own young.

So true. Quite depressing. Who are their role models? Rappers who rap about stealing, murder, robbing, killing police, drugs, money is god, etc. Crime and evil is glorified. Take whatever you want. Don't work for it. Take it. Do whatever it takes to get what you want. Even if it means killing another life to get it. They don't matter anyway. Only your life matters, not theirs. The only thing that matters is you and getting what you want right away. Instant satisfaction at the expense of others.
Then the other main role models are ostentatious and extravagant athletes who worship the very same music, glorifying its message thus giving it more credibility. All very sad. There's more to life than that. Unfortunately for this kid his life is over. But he's the one who chose to commit an armed robbery and suffered the ultimate consequence. I hope it's a wake up call to his homies to choose a different way of life. Instead it will probably promote more crime and more violence.
Our youth neeed better role models.
Dangerous times we're living in folks.
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