20 arrested for illeagally buy hundreds of AK-47's

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My brain hurts from reading the article, bountiful with the author's bias. AK-47s are legal?! Seriously?! Wow! Machinegun ban was repealed? Seriously? Where to begin? My brain hurts.

I have a great deal of difficulty buying this drivel. Timing was too perfect for them, and wouldn't it be interesting if these so called straw deals were part of this rumored Gun Walker thing? It smells, stinks to high heaven.
How are the cartels exploiting US gun laws? Straw purchases are unlawful. Bias, uninformed. I felt like sending him an e-mail, and trying to educate him, but I doubt it would take.

Not journalism at it's best (just how many hundreds was that?). I wish they stuck to the facts but like when a drug dealer gets caught it's not usually his first time.
First off, good, criminals off the street. May they rot in prison.

This is exactly how to catch them, enforce the existing laws, make the boarder secure and catch them crossing. Assuming this wasn't part of the quasi unethical to downright illegal "gun walker" case.

I'd speculate that this was part of an under cover operation and the guys who told these idiots to buy the guns were, either federal or mexican, law enforcement.

You don't need multiple gun sale reporting. Once in place no criminal will buy multiple long guns in one purchase. It will just become another pointless piece of paperwork.
I'm gonna step out there and say this. If I sell 20 AK-47s to one person for his own personal use, that's gonna throw a little red flag up in my brain. 4-5, maybe they are just trigger happy and would rather swap guns than change mags, but 20? Why didn't the store owner report this to the ATF at the time of purchase? If they had an easy system for reporting suspicious sales then we could leave it on the shoulders of shop owners.
yep... I work part time for an FFL, and we are told by the ATF to deny any sale that sounds suspicious to us. Buying 20 of the same gun at the same time would immediately throw up some serious flags for me or anyone I work with.
MSNBC ranks just below the "bat-boy" grocery store tabloids for factual accuracy.


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MSNBC will use shock factor to scare anyone. The liberal gun-grabbers will do anything to make sensible gun laws, and by sensible they mean gun control from the average citizen
Will MSNBC lie, cheat and steal to promote a gun ban? Sure. But that doesn't mean a gun dealer should not be ethical enough to know where those guns are going and refuse to make the sale, legal or not, or at least report it. I have to think that is one sleazy dealer who doesn't care about the impact of such a sale both through the actions of the eventual owners and on those in a position to enact another ban, possibly worse than the last. In other words, he doesn't give a damn if his greed results in confiscation and destruction of our guns, as long as he makes his money.

Uh, Mexican cartels are most likely not interested in semi-automatic rifles. Perhaps as a last resort. More likely they get their select fire or "fully automatic" rifles elsewhere.

Along with their PKMs and RPGs and whatever else they can afford.
the OP's article said:
"The massive size of this operation exemplifies the magnitude of the problem — Mexican drug lords go shopping for war weapons in Arizona," said Dennis K. Burke, the U.S. attorney for Arizona, who announced the raids at a press conference in Phoenix.
Yeah, sure, drug lords are after the gimped sporterized semi auto rifles they can pick up from U.S. gun show tables vs. the crates of select fire or fully auto versions they can pick up from China or wherever at half the price. I'm buying that.
Sounds to me like the folks at Lone Wolf are feds, working for the cartel, or complete idiots. There isn't a gun dealer that I have ever known in past 40 years that wouldn't ask some serious questions before even considering such a sale. Including my stint working in a gun store that was long before the modern cartels, 9/11 or Al Qaeda.
Jared Loughner is accused of taking advantage of those laws to acquire a Glock 19 semi-automatic pistol (Quote)

Really?!!!, Which laws did he take advantage of? the guy is a nutcase that should have been reported to a mental health organization (we have one) by some of the people he interacted with.
Sensationalism at its best.
I strongly support the second amendment, however, if something isn't done about things like this, we will lose some/all of our rights. What about a limit on purchases within a given time? Not a record of what was purchased, just a firearm. Any ideas?
Bah, that's an infringement, too. There's plenty of guys here that have probably bought half a dozen guns in a week, or more. Have to grab a deal when it comes along, not when your wait time is up.

On the other hand, while the ATF wanting reports of multiple long-gun sales is BS, if someone's buying a dozen of the same type at a time, that should be a sign.
While i don´t like journalism that connects fact that have no relevance to each other,
if find it amazing that on the pro-gun side the ignorance seems almost the same.

Repeating the idea that cartels need FA-rifles and can get them by the crate from northkorea instead of just getting some semiautos from the US .... doesn´t make it better.

It´s not black and white and not Fox and the Huffington Post either.

So after all, while many gun nuts collect AKs ... and never do anything unlawful with them ... it does make sense for "society" to raise a flag on someone who buys more hi-cap guns that anyone without his own militia or gang could need?

This article is a joke. Pretty much everything has been said that needs to be said. I thought it was insane that any gun store would sell 20 AKs at a time. Something definitely isnt right about this.
The Jared Loughner reference wasnt needed at all. I guess someone will write about the last crap you took if you pay them enough. Someone apparently wants some leverage for upcoming bills etc
Is there enough law enforcement to catch every criminal, committing every crime in this country? Sure there's laws against drug trafficking, using. corruption, money laundering and what ever else is out there but try to catch everyone. Mexicans come and go across the border legally everyday I'm sure they can make arrangements to smuggle without much effort. I doubt criminals are getting ar's and glocks from NK. If an FFL wants to make a little extra money what's to stop him.

If there is a way to track and limit purchases of certain weapons that doesn't infringe on my 2A rights, even if those regs cut back on crime by 5%, I'll just consider it well part of being well regulated. I'm not certain how those laws will look but you have to be smarter than the criminals.
I hope they don't crush them, the way the president was talking last night, we aren't going to have enough of our own. Cutting military spending.
Im not buying it either,, why would they buy some high-priced NEW gun that im guessing CANNOT be made into full auto or burst/selective very easily. instead of trying to secure some military grade weapons from another country ?? freakin-media is out of control in this country and too many people stare into the box and will repeat word-for-word what they hear until it becomes their reality,,, or maybe im wrong and the mexican cartels are already a step-ahead of us,, hopefully they can mod those AR's with better craftmanship than everything else that country produces,,, !!
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