20th century blunderbuss

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This news has been posted here a great many times before. I want a turn at posting it too: I feel so left out. If nobody objects, I'd like to take my turn next week.
It's the 21st century

Right......Sorry about the typo

This news has been posted here a great many times before. I want a turn at posting it too: I feel so left out. If nobody objects, I'd like to take my turn next week.

Well I apoligize for a repost. Lord knows I await your turn to post it and then I too can cut in with a sarcastic rant.
Hey, I'm still livin' in the 20th century, too. :D Seems, though, for a 21st century gun, it should be an autoloader. Then, again, before the century is out, lasers will probably make shotguns obsolete.:banghead:

BTW, some folks on this board don't need to be hangin' around guns. They say an armed society is a polite society. Oh, well, it's part of being on the net, I guess, putting up with rude people. Some of the folks here are real anal about posts they've seen before for some reason, ain't figured it out myself. I mean, look at my post count here. Even I can't keep up with everything posted on this board. It's a busy board after all. I have seen this one before, but not sure where I saw it. I don't think I'd want that thing. I'd rather have a choked gun. If it does work to spread the shot, you'd blow all the windows in the room out, knock the pictures off the wall, trophies, blow out the TV, take out the stereo. I mean, you might as well let the guy rob you as blow up your room with one shot.

I mean, you might as well let the guy rob you as blow up your room with one shot.

Right on. I shot at a rabbit one time with my scattergun. The shot pattern had such a massive hole in it that I destroyed everything around the fricken rabbit and he ran off untouched. I can only imagine the hole this thing may have in it. The look on the BG's face would be pricless though!:D
It's the 21st century

Right......Sorry about the typo

This news has been posted here a great many times before. I want a turn at posting it too: I feel so left out. If nobody objects, I'd like to take my turn next week.

Well I apoligize for a repost. Lord knows I await your turn to post it and then I too can cut in with a sarcastic rant.

Oh, lighten up. That was intended as humor. Sometimes, when you encounter rude people on the Internet, you can give them the benefit of the doubt. Or you can make cutting remarks about them to other people. You get to choose.

Your own sarcastic rant just now ... if it made you feel better, that's reward enough for me. :)
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