223 headstamp


Dec 27, 2023
I get a lot of range pick up brass. I have been sorting through the 223 by headstamps. Lc,psd, and Hornady are the 3 most abundant ones I see. So I have been keeping those and chucking the rest. Is there a headstamp I should be looking for?
Just casual shooting but with the cost of components nowadays why not minimize variables?
Just casual shooting but with the cost of components nowadays why not minimize variables?
I'm fond of pmc Norma and rp. My pmc is converted to 6x45, the Norma and rp along with Hornaday are reserved for precision bolt. Lc is bulk cases for plinking and preping.
Keep them all! Load the crappy ones for others to shoot OR what with the price of metal sell the brass at the recyclers !
Once was at a range that did not recycle 38 spl. brass. Just left it in the ground or in the corner in buckets. Asked what they were going to do with it , they said " Did not know " told them I would take it off their hands, they said okay but wanted the bucket back. I said not problem. Walked out of the recycling place with right at $1000.00. Not a typo one thousand! :thumbup:
Keep them all! Load the crappy ones for others to shoot OR what with the price of metal sell the brass at the recyclers !
Once was at a range that did not recycle 38 spl. brass. Just left it in the ground or in the corner in buckets. Asked what they were going to do with it , they said " Did not know " told them I would take it off their hands, they said okay but wanted the bucket back. I said not problem. Walked out of the recycling place with right at $1000.00. Not a typo one thousand! :thumbup:
The Crack heads know what you know because sometimes the range is stripped bare including 22lr.
I pick up everything….
It’s called cleaning up after yourself…..
I take more than I bring, and pick up trash. The range masters let us shoot water bottles when others can't because we clean the range while using it..... most feel like it's a free service and trash the range, breaks my heart. That's how and why public places are shut down.
I too have unlimited access to all the brass I want. So I am selective and only pick up Norma and PMC for 223. Not going to waste my time removing primer crimps..
I will start looking for Norma and pick. I scrap all 9mm and 22. After I go through the 223 I scrap what I don't want.
I keep it all. My bolt gets LC 20, my “precision“ AR gets LC21, and my other AR gets what’s left over and shoots it all the same. I haven’t encountered any brass I’d cull just because of who made it in 223/556. Not like amerc in 9mm, that gets crushed on sight.
For just casual shooting or plinking at 100 yards or less any brass with any decent bullet should hit Minute of chest with no problem.
I use different HS brass in different rifles. I have no AR, or any sort of semi-auto 223, so I have no need of bulk ammo; a bolt gun or single shot doesn't gobble ammo like an autoloader.

Once I partially clean the brass I pull out the brands I want, throw the rest in a bucket. If someone wants some they can come get it. Otherwise, once the bucket is full it gets scrapped.

To answer your question, I don't look at any particular brand as "better " than another, just different.
But then, I've never done any sort of testing either.
Just casual shooting but with the cost of components nowadays why not minimize variables?

I would tend to agree... .223/5.56mm brass is so plentiful, either laying on the ground, or sourced from my own factory ammos, I choose to be picky.

I save LC and PMC (either PMC or PSD) and either scrap the rest, or bag it and tag it for later. I just got rid of all my .223 marked Federal, for example.
I keep all of it. I load the FC, RP, Winchester, Norma and Hornady in individual batches. Everything else gets loaded in mixed batches for use where I may loose the fired brass.
I sort headstamps mostly for fun and because I'm a slight bit of a perfectionist (when it comes to things that don't really matter)
I only deal with crimped primers if it's LC
I have the luxury of discarding "weird" stuff especially if they have crimped primers.
Of all of the factors that affect my accuracy, im the biggest factor, the brass isn't even on the list, I'm not that good.
I segregate LC for loads that Im chasing some level of accuracy in. Even year to year, LC seems to be fairly consistent, and gives decent results in the accuracy department.
The rest of the commercial brass goes in a huge container and load blaster type ammo with middle of the road loads for plinking.
If I have to bend my back to pick up brass, it's going home with me. I may choose to short it by headstamp when I get home but then it's mine to do with as I wish.
I have about 20# of range pick up brass waiting for me to sort on the reloading bench right now. There is a lot of dropped live rounds in this batch. With the price of ammo these days I can't believe shooters would drop ammo & not pick it up.
Just casual shooting but with the cost of components nowadays why not minimize variables?
Whether you realize it or not you are minimizing variables. As a reloader you know that you may have 3 rifles of the same caliber but not all 3 will shoot the same load the same. I have 5 gallon buckets of range brass and whenever I have time I like to sit down on the patio with a cold one and just separate the brass. The buckets are labeled with the manufacturers name . For casual shooting and hunting it is all good. For precision shooting I weigh the brass and do not mix the brass. You keep the cost of reloading brass by not choosing only on manufacturer's type of brass.
Is Hornady brass soft? I have read a few replies in other posts that it's really soft.
Is Hornady brass soft? I have read a few replies in other posts that it's really soft.
I had about 400pcs of once fired Hornady 223 brass that I was going to use for shooting in a target league. Had 100pcs that after the 3rd firing I threw away all 400pcs. as the third load my groups fell apart. Went back to my Norma brass and all was normal again. But that is just my first hand experience.

I am now loading Hornady for my 6ARC so I will see how that plays out.
I shoot mostly off my back porch these days so I di not have much access to “range” brass.

When I did have access to “range” brass, I stuck mostly with known head-stamps. Strange, foreign, little known head-stamp brass was scrapped.

Now a days, I hate dealing with variable brass. I just buy large quantities of new cases of the same head stamp. When I start to run low from case failure or case loss, I buy a new batch.

For 223 Rem, I like LC brass, Win brass and Starline brass.