2nd amend shirts

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Where does one wear a shirt that pictures a mini-gun next to the line, "Seriously...get off my lawn?"

I have been known to wear some "gunnie" shirts from time to time, but I don't wear anything that would look aggressive and other than professional and responsible.

I don't know if the .50 BMG "stops Jihad" t-shirt really impresses any militant islamic terrorists, but it sure goes a long way to make the wearer appear a touch psychotic to the average citizen -- and like an immature newbie fanboy to your fellow shooters. Especially those who've served their country and/or seen violence first-hand.

When I was a teenager, I'd probably have thought some of those made me look tough -- and that wearing one somehow supported my country and her efforts against her enemies.

Now...ugh. How embarassing.

But, if you have a "safe" bunch of friends to wear them around who think they're cute, knock yourself out. Just try to stay out of the mall, and off the 6'oclock news, with one on -- thanks.

I agree with Sam1911 (post #3) that the T-Shirts are too aggressive for me to wear. The shirts send the wrong message to most people. They'd think that you were a fringe extremist.

However............ the video titled "NRA News: UN Doomsday Treaty with Ginny......" is fantastic and very, very scary!
My wife on the other hand makes nice tasteful pro 2nd amendment shirts :)

Sorry, I am sure that by now you are all used to me jumping on on these t-shirt threads before they get closed :)
Wow. I thought some of the shirts were good and some were a little out there but that some here may like them. To each his own I guess. Insinuating that someone may be immature based on what they may choose to wear to me is like the anti gun people saying we are crazy for wanting to own firearms. Sorry if I offended anyone with the link or it's contents because none was intended.

aka Sam Sehon
Insinuating that someone may be immature based on what they may choose to wear to me is like the anti gun people saying we are crazy for wanting to own firearms.
Really? You don't make any judgements of others based on what they choose to wear and/or how they present themself? That's either very noble of you, or naieve. Or perhaps both.

Some of those shirts are not too over-the-top, but anything that applauds killing someone else, or suggests violence even in cartoonish ways (like suggesting using a Mini-gun to slaughter tresspassers) gives folks the (mistaken? I don't know.) impression that the wearer entertains such bloodlust fantasies.

Seriously... wearing a shirt which suggests that a .50 BMG rifle will stop a holy war against our society is just mindless, knee-jerk, masturbatory jingoism. Doesn't do a d@mned thing to help solve the world's problems, doesn't even suggest reasonable action towards a specific goal, and marks the wearer as a fringy violence-fetishist.

Sorry if I offended anyone with the link or it's contents because none was intended.
Offended? Heck no. I'm hard to offend. But I sure wish our "gunnie" pals would think through the image they send the world. You want to shoot, great. You want to open carry a gun, FINE! You want to show your support for our men and women in uniform -- AWESOME! There are ways to do that with professionalism and responsibility and which DON'T glorify manslaughter (justified or otherwise). There are ways to speak out against government policies that don't bring to other folks' minds the image of you in a clock tower somewhere picking off your neighbors.

[EDIT to add: What if the messages were less subtle, more direct? What if instead of "Guaranteed to stop jihad!" it read, "I would like the chance to kill a person who's religious beliefs are opposed to America?" The room gets a little more quiet. Sure some would still wear it...and some would want a chance to explain how it's more complicated than that and you really have to understand that ... blah, blah, blah.]

Just think about it, and then wear whatever you think sends the kind of message you really want to send to the rest of the world.

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I totally agree Sam1911, when in public we are are lobbyists of the 2nd Amendment. We are either creating a positive or negative images of gun owners in the minds of voters.....voters that have the ability to directly affect the extent of our right to bear arms. I take how I present myself as a gun owner very seriously, and you should too.

just my opinion, for free. :)
I've seen worse than pro-gun t-shirts, I have seen people wearing "God doesn't exist" shirts, I think they're the ones who should make the news... oh wait, they already did here.
Hi mcdoni. I use Maddy's print shop here in sunny south florida. With help from G-d above they will be shipped to SHOT on monday and make it there on time. Just got off the phone with them.
Ironhead everyone is entitled to their opinion that's what makes this country a great place to live. Overall I thought they were for the most part cool. Some I would ware and others not. You can bet the anti 2nd Admin. people are not being quiet about their beliefs of which they are entitled. Again for all of us veterans out there I think that's one of the things of why we stood up for our country when called to do so. Many who did not serve in the military for one reason or another also feel the same as us that did. God bless the USA
What if instead of "Guaranteed to stop jihad!" it read, "I would like the chance to kill a person who's religious beliefs are opposed to America?" The room gets a little more quiet.

I just got a great idea for a shirt!
How do you want the public to view you as a defender of the Second Amendment? Rambo?

Actually, where I buy them from, they are quite classy. But thanks for the comment.


I'd wear the one with the eagle and crossed ARs if your brother-in-law is not happy with his! In large........:what:
I am hoping to have it on a fighter as the walk out shirt at the UFC fight night coming up.

Good idea! That reaches a huge market of young men and women that are should be buying guns.
The a2 site has very cool stuff. Wishin, bro in law got a couple of Molon Labe s0hirts that I don't think you could buy from him. I'm getting the eagle and crossed AR's in long sleeve. The rmgo gear is cool to.
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