2nd Amendment Magnet Ribbons, Pre-Order Now

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Hard to explain - I like them both... the Patriot Blue is "softer", nice; but the Navy Blue has a more "serious" tone to it... do I make any sense?
Makes sense to me. Like the difference between a light blue day suit compared to a dark blue business suit. The guy wearing a dark blue suit always seems to have more authority and presence.
I don't really care which color we go with, but i suppose the blue will match my car.

I'm still in for 4 of design number 1.
GOT, the images in BLUE are a single .gif on solid background. Can you supply me with those as separate gif's with transparent background for posting on the ordering website, please? Pretty please?
David Row
Dav, hows this work (I sized them to the size you have on your site)?


The transparency should work. Sometimes if you simply copy the image, you will lose the transparency (the alpha channel... or something like that). In that case save the image and THEN open up in whatever app you're using.
Oh and Dav, you might want to mention that the "ribbon shape" is a design by MagnetAmerica.com. I'm only using MagnetAmerica.com's ribbon design becuase its for their ribbon-magnets anyway.

If people want a "copyright" free image then I could whip one up for whatever use they want.
GOT, those new pictures worked perfectly. Thank you.

I'll add a mention of MagnetAmerica to the site, too.
I'll buy five of whatever is finally decided upon. Just let me know a final price and the preferred payment method.
Put me down for 10 of #2 in the blue color, and where and when to send money. Nice job.
You have me down for three.
What the heck, give me 10.
I am with the majority: whatever design or color.
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