Oh okay. Yes, bulge buster--taking the innerds out of an FCD and running the case or round through. Have one but haven’t needed it since I started using Redding’s competition seater couple years ago. That’s not exactly the only reason. Redding’s bulge buster is just 40 S&W, no?Lee makes a kit https://leeprecision.com/bulge-buster-kit. Believe redding makes a specific die, but pricy
However, after realizing what was going on, took a lyman carbide die and rolled over the leading edge towards the inside so it would size further down the case. Also shaved some off the shell holder so now any "bulging" gets sized out and the cases don't shorten. Am using single stage press. Have a preference for Win 45 acp brass, but have not bought any new brass for awhile.
It is simply astonishing what happens when you question some conventional wisdom, actually look, start questioning, experimenting and measuring.
Before that article have never seen or heard of a primer pocket getting shorter, but can't automatically discount it just because of never experiencing it.
Yours is an interesting fix which is beyond my capabilities.
Edit: you’re saying run cases through and it stops shortening?
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