65 Dem Congressman Send Letter to Atty General Holder Opposing "Assault Weapons" Ban

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The gun control community has intentionally misled many Americans into believing that these weapons are fully automatic machine guns. They are not. These firearms fire one shot for every pull of the trigger.

And yet another unproductive, unwarranted, unnecessary slam on full autos painting them as intrinsically evil mass casualty weapons.

We believe that the ban was ineffective during the 10 years it was law, and would oppose its reenactment. Crime began falling before the ban was passed in 1994, and continued falling during and after the ban. The last time the murder rate was at its current level was more than forty years ago.

Even the Urban Institute study of the ban’s effectiveness mandated by the 103rd Congress found that it could only have a limited effect because “the banned weapons and magazines were never used in more than a modest fraction of all gun murders.”

It is hard to believe the ban would be any more effective in controlling crime by well-funded international drug traffickers, who regularly use grenade launchers, anti-tank rockets and other weapons that are not available on the civilian market in the United States.

The changes in crime due to gun control do not answer the fundamental philosophical question: do free people have the right to bear arms? Our Founding Fathers thought so.

The Second Amendment debate has been intentionally superficial in an effort to sway soccer moms. Leftists such as the current AG advance their agenda slowly behind a deceptive veil. The goal is gun confiscation under the pretext of stopping crime.

Soccer moms do not comprehend that they are being used (and conservatives fear they will frighten them by discussing the real issue). Leftist intellectuals, however, understand the real issue – an armed citizenry stands immediately athwart the door leading to their Utopia.
The more Democrats I hear about writing the administration, in opposition to new gun control, brings a smile to my face. It was just last month, that both Democrats from Montana wrote a letter to Holder, telling him to "back off".:)
Writing a Dem. Rep

I just wrote Rep Kildee, D. Mich. He is one of the anti's that keeps get elected but never does anything, I mean nothing. This went thru the NRA site

I noticed that you did not sign the letter to AG Holder concernng the
assault weapons ban along with 65 of your Democrat Reps. I would think
that you coming from a free state and having taken an oath of office to
uphold and defend the US Constitution you would have stepped up and
accomplished what you swore to do. 2 yrs and I'll be thinking of this
negilence on your part Mr. Kildee.

Sounds like not everyone is looking forward to a replay of 1994. Sometimes being a team player just gets you killed following your idiot coach's fantasies of victory.

If we can't get respect, then fear will do.
I certainly hope the dem party develops a respect for gun rights.

However, remember every single democratic appointee to the Supreme Court voted against Heller, in DC v. Heller. The Democratic Party still has a long way to go, especially with the current president.
its great to see some dems in congress using the old noggin. i tend to side with most Democrats on policy EXCEPT when it comes to gun control. the general consensus is that dems hate guns. this is just a generalization and it really holds no merit. its true that more dems may be less pro gun then many repubs, but it doesnt mean that every dem is a gun grabber.

i just want to stand up and say "See! dems like guns too!" anyways im glad to see some dems make smart moves when it comes to gun control.

Phew, very glad to see my rep on this list (John Barrow) I was leery about voting for him in November, but it looks like he is holding up to his promises he made during the campaign... Now if he would just do right on this stimulus nonsense... but that is a separate matter. Thanks for posting Michael Thompson!!!!
smartshooter.45, while I rarely side with there policy I will be one of the first to thank them when they do something in the best interest of we the people. One of the signers was my Rep and I took the time to send him and several others on the list a thank you note. I would encourage everyone to take the time to thank them.
Well let's see, current balance of power in the House of Reps is:

254 Dem
178 Repub

If there was a AWB II, and assuming that 90% of Repubs would vote against it, plus the 65 Dems, you have the following result:
207 Yea (189 Dem + 18 Repub)
225 Nay (65 Dem + 160 Repub)

Result= AWB II defeated.

Looks like we won't have any new AWB for this session of congress. This is FANTASTIC news. :D
Looks like we won't have any new AWB for this session of congress. This is FANTASTIC news.

Never underestimate the power of the President or congressional leaders to lean on the members of their party and get them to "see the light." In particular, I'd be worried about other encroachments, or about another AWB with a different name.
Never underestimate the power of the President or congressional leaders to lean on the members of their party and get them to "see the light." In particular, I'd be worried about other encroachments, or about another AWB with a different name.

Which is why you should write the congress people who signed this letter and thank them and encourage them to stand fast in defense of your (their constituents') civil liberties. Let them know they've done well. And if you phrase it that way- 'civil liberties,' instead of 'gun rights'- it will resonate better with Democratic congress people. Everyone loves civil liberties. Make it a winning argument for them.

Being caught between the whim of the executive branch and the will of the constituency is an extremely uncomfortable place and, when the chips fall, these people want to get reelected and will behave accordingly. I doubt there is much the White House could lean on in the face of that.
If there was a AWB II, and assuming that 90% of Repubs would vote against it, plus the 65 Dems, you have the following result:
207 Yea (189 Dem + 18 Repub)
225 Nay (65 Dem + 160 Repub)

Result= AWB II defeated.

Your 100% right if the bill is a straight up AWB. I don't picture it that way. Maybe trading one thing for another or adding it in to some bill that has nothing to do with guns. Also its important to mention that although this list is GREAT it now tells all the anti-gunnners who to influence. Or who needs an earmark in their district.

Also I can PROMISE you that any GOP member who votes for an AWB will be serving their last term. As the gun community we have already showed our strength several times in the last year. Ranging from National Park Carry to blocking the stoppage of DoD brass sales.
However, I think this, combined with other recent items such as our rapid response to things like the order not to sell DOD brass, makes them much less likely to even TRY slipping anti-gun legislation into other bills. Add to this congress getting hammered for the last 48 hours over their own bill that they signed without reading, I think that, thanks to our rapid response activism, they won't touch any new gun laws. If shooting events SMALLER than Columbine happen, a few will mention the idea, but no one will listen. If something BIGGER than Columbine happens, more will listen, but it will be up to US to remind them that they signed this letter. They will discuss it idly and uncomfortably wait for some more news so that they can change the subject.
I just wrote Congreeman Allen Boyd (D-FL), thanking him for his Second Ammendment support.
Hopefully this will dispel people from automatically associating "Democrat" with "gun hater".
Not quite. My pro-gun representative was replaced by a Democrat, who didn't sign this letter. When you can get about 150 more to sign it, I'll reconsider.

Don't assume they wouldn't do what the party tells them to if it comes to a vote.
It would be especially bad if they put it in an economic recovery plan.
This is very encouraging! The two representatives from Indiana will be receiving letters of encouragement from me.

Although I am a Libertarian-leaning Republican, I would at least be more receptive to Democrats if they stopped trying to disarm me.
My response to Jim Matheson (D, UT)

Dear Congressman,

I am writing you to thank you for your participation in and signature to the letter to Attorney General Holder stating that you do not support a renewal of the "assault weapons" ban. This reflects good understanding of Utah and its citizens' voices. I do not currently live in your district, but I grew up there, and wish to return eventually. I am not a Democrat, and while I don't like your party holding a majority, as long as I can count on you and other like-minded Democrats to protect my Second Amendment rights, I will defend you publicly.

Hopefully this will dispel people from automatically associating "Democrat" with "gun hater".
Unfortunately there are a few individuals so full of hate for Democrats, they refuse to believe it. It is a shame.
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