65 Dem Congressman Send Letter to Atty General Holder Opposing "Assault Weapons" Ban

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Am I just being cynical here in thinking that they figured this was the best way they could find to cool the sales of "assault weapons"? Or for that matter, many (most?) come from states that are comparatively conservative and they figured this would be a good way to consolidate their base?

EDIT: Seeing as how they are representatives, I am not saying it's a bad thing if they're acting according to the wishes of their constituencies, even when it may go against their party or personal platforms
ants said:
Of course, you realize this means a lot of guys just wasted $1600 on an AR-15 worth one quarter of that price. Not to mention all the $30 magazines worth half of that.

HAHAHAH thats funny. But true.

I am glad the Dems showed a little common sense. It just goes to show that intelligence is where you find it and not limited to just one side.

There may be hope after all.
We have two Democrats from Minnesota, albeit from outstate Minnesota. Tim Walz did run on a pro second ammendment platform when he wrestled that district away from a republican. He knows which way the wind blows. Colin Peterson has always been a pro gun rights Democrat from Minnesota. I am very pleased to see that those two dems stepped up to the plate in Minnesota. I will write and thank them, even though I'm not in their districts. We must offer praise where praise is due.

As to letting the democratic party off on gun control, I say not so fast. This was only about a quarter of them in the House. That means theres three fourths of them who may very well support a new assault weapons ban. Let's keep the "party" hats and the streamers in the boxes boys and girls, until we get over 50% of those Democrats in the House to sign a letter in support of gun rights and not more gun control.

This could be their throw away card as they try to close the gun show loophole. With the democratic party in control, don't take your gun rights for granted, even if a minority of them support one of your gun rights.
Johny Dollar

Gonna take some time but I'm going send a thank you note to every single one of those 65 Democratic Congressmen/women who signed that letter.

I think this is the best way to help the cause. The Dems voting for this have to know they have wide support behind them. They almost surely will face pressure at some point from their own party to support a drive for some type of ban. Nothing enboldons a politician more than a flood of support after taking what might be a risky vote going against his/her political leadership.

Everyone should write all that signed.
great! glad to see not all of our elected officials are idiots

they have figured that gun control should be the least of their worries with the state of the nation
My response to my Congressman (contacted via email on his website) -

Dear Congressman Kind,
I wanted to take a minute and thank you for your support of our 2nd amendment rights as indicated by your signature on a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder opposing the reinstatement of the 1994 ban on semi-automatic firearms and ammunition magazines. This is an issue that is important to me and many of my neighbors, and as one of your voting constituents I appreciate your action.
Best regards,
Andy Cameron

I suggest everyone with a Democratic congressman take a minute and send a similar message. If your rep is on the list :) it could be the same message, if they aren't on the list :banghead:, it might say -

I wanted to take a minute and question your apparent lack of support of our 2nd amendment rights as indicated by your failure to sign a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder opposing the reinstatement of the 1994 ban on semi-automatic firearms and ammunition magazines. This is an issue that is important to me and many of my neighbors, and as one of your constituents I question your lack of action. I hope that you will remember that I do monitor legislation bearing on our right to keep and bear arms, and I do vote.

Much as general support and letters to all supporting legislators are helpful, I expect they really pay attention to those in their districts - we determine if they get to keep a job I imagine they are fond of! Representative Kind's website even says he responds 1st to those in district.
I'm kind of surprised the number is so low; that can't be a good thing for the long run, in light of how many folks there are on both sides of the aisle in the House.
Surprised the Snot Outta Me

I haven't been here for a couple of days so hadn't seen this thread. I followed the link and read the letter. Those of you who do not live in south/west Texas will not be able to understand the depth of my surprise to see Ciro Rodriguez' name on the list of dems signing the letter. This is the first time he ever did something of which I actually approved.

I sent him a nice "Thank you/Attaboy" email for his efforts.

Whoda thunk? Ciro D. signing a letter to ask Holder to back off on AWB2? Whoda think?
I'm kind of surprised the number is so low; that can't be a good thing for the long run, in light of how many folks there are on both sides of the aisle in the House.

You're looking at absolute numbers as opposed to WHO signed on the dotted line.

There are a substantial number of folks from both sides of the house with firm/fixed views either for or against. (It's also not a hard and fast rule that Rep = Pro 2A and Dem = Anti 2A). They will vote the same way each time, every time. For example......Carolyn McCarthy.......

These folks have no particular political need to "burnish the apple" and signing on doesn't do anything for them.

The ones who signed are much more those who may have been seen as lukewarm, waverer etc before.

For them to put their name on a public letter is a very loud move on their part and shows a potentially significant shift in overall pro 2A numbers cutting across "traditional" party lines.

As with anything in politics, it is something that needs reinforcement and support to last past the current news cycle.
I very much agree. This letter has just told the AG and the White House: "Don't bother with the new AWB. We won't pass it."

This is the result of our efforts for the past few years. It is a solid indication that when we unite, mobilize, and act, we DO make a big difference. This should be a reason to continue and work HARDER. Make them see that ignoring gun issues is a whole lot better than opposing rights and the will of their constituents.
"I'm kind of surprised the number is so low; that can't be a good thing for the long run, in light of how many folks there are on both sides of the aisle in the House."

I'm not surprised at all. Politicians generally like to not take a position on a hot issue untill they know exactly what its gonna cost them!
I called offices of the two Democrats from Minnesota who signed on and offered my sincere thanks for taking a stand against a new assault weapons ban. Of course I spoke with a receptionist/staffer but they seemed pleased that I was calling and offered to pass my thoughts along to the congressmen.

This could be a good letter down the road. It may give political cover to even more Democrats who are a little wishy washy on this. Once they see a movement developing, they may decide to go with the flow, so to speak. Encouragement from us gunowners can only help in this regard, so call and send email or snail mail to at least the ones from your own state, if not more.
by no means am i suggesting these Reps. letter is subterfuge,but Reps. sponsoring a bill they know has no chance of getting through the Senate,or vice-versa,then they can tell the people back home they fought the good fight,did all we could,etc.
It occurred to me that these are all politicians first and pro-gun second, if at all.

Sure, this is a good thing, but rather transparent. The reps from my state could be rabidly anti-gun fascists for all we know. They would still sign this letter because job #1 for any, all, and every politician is to get reelected. We fool ourselves by thinking that these guys work for us, that they are focused on helping this country, and that they have our best interests at heart. That's BS. They are interested in retaining their elected seat. That's all.

Many Democrats from states like mine could never, not for one second, let an anti-gun position be made public because it would get them thrown out of office. The elected office they hold carries too many benefits to throw caution to the wind and show their true colors. No, they must, at all times, be thinking of the next election cycle and how to maintain the occupation that we gave them.

I do see this move as a positive, but no a victory per se. I'm sure not all of the Dems on this letter are political sleaze bags, but most of them are for sale. If the BHO administration actually made an effort to reinstate the 1994 ban, or to pass any similar law, all he would have to do is buy off enough of these Dems with pork projects for their states, and they'd fold like a pair of sweat pants and vote this thing through. That is how politics works. I sent off an email thanking my elected rep. I encourage all to do the same. But I also recommend that you mention to them that wavering even a bit on these issues in exchange for anything in return from their cronies is unacceptable.

I think this letter is a good thing. It helps us out greatly. But my cynicism tells me that these "leaders" aren't our advocates when the right pork is on the table.

I agree with this.:D
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I looked through the letter, and I didn't see Rep. Gene Taylor's (D-MS) name on the list of signers.

Correct me if I am wrong, however.

I will be putting a call in on Monday to his office to find out why he didn't sign. He is an A+ NRA Rated STRONG supporter of the RKBA. He has opposed any gun control and opposed the '94 Ban.

I suspect that he was/is out of the loop on that, but I am certain we can count on his support-- based upon a discussion I had with him a few months ago on the phone as well as his long record.

So, I suspect that this makes it 66 Dem congressmen we can count on. I'll hope to confirm this next week.

-- John

I read the letter and was feeling all warm and fuzzy, too, until I read,

"...“A long and divisive fight over a gun control issue will only distract us from giving these more important issues the attention they deserve.”

Anyone want to bet that AWB 2 will be resurrected when they want to "make points" with their constituents to justify their existence? :(

After all, they're from the government and they're here to help us! Right? :rolleyes:
Good to know some politicians are learning not to screw with peoples rights since it's bad for their getting re-elected.
"...“A long and divisive fight over a gun control issue will only distract us from giving these more important issues the attention they deserve.”

Anyone want to bet that AWB 2 will be resurrected when they want to "make points" with their constituents to justify their existence?

Deep breath in.....deep breath out.....

These pols are ones that see NO political gain and all political pain by supporting anti 2A legislation.

You support them, say thank you, keep a weather eye on them.

This is a POSITIVE statement, why can't people accept this and maintain focus on actual concerns.

Sometimes I despair....

-----------------Rant on---------------

There are real, actual, ongoing, positive gains in 2A and there remains a stubborn block of nay sayers who insist it all a plot...Hell there was one yesterday where the Heller result was denounced as a merely a tool for THEM to craft more controls.......

Whine, moan and bitch about what wasn't/isn't is a waste of oxygen and energy. Be happy for the positive, focus on fighting the actual negative, GTFOI and focus on next steps........

Deep breath in.....deep breath out.....

-----------------Rant off---------------
Republicans are going to start needing encouragement as well folks! We have had a few wander off the reservation recently.
Republicans are going to start needing encouragement as well folks! We have had a few wander off the reservation recently.

Don't they usually "dart" them and relocate them back to the reserve when this happens? That's the way it works with Elk... not so sure with Republicans....

-- John
I just sent emails out to the three congressmen from Georgia who signed it. We've gotta let them know we support them taking a stand against the head of their party.
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