97 yo woman handcuffed for unpaid parking ticket

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Agree with El T...

but under the current system, officers did as policy stated. Should they have cuffed her? No, I think not.

Perhaps her sons, the prominant plastic suregeon and the district judge, should take care of mamma's registration and inspections for her, after all, all she did for them was give them life.

Kelton's sons, a judge and a doctor, said she lives alone, cooks her own meals, goes out to lunch regularly and is involved in the community. She has good eyesight, they said.

In that case, she should be able to keep her registration and inspection stickers up to date, and remember to pay her parking tickets.

If she can't, then her sons ought to do it for her.
Eliminate this silly provision where one may be arrested for infractions down there and substitute administrative sanctions instead, e.g. suspension of operator's license. Dealing with the BMV/DMV can be far harsher sanction than a night in the county jug, at least where I am.

As I understand it, she was not arrested for the parking ticket, she was arrested for failing to appear to answer for the infraction.

They do that in California, too - your ticket handed to you by the officer is a "notice to appear" on a certain date, or pay the ticket before then. If you don't pay it, and don't show up, you get a bench warrant issued for your arrest.
Wow, if this is the worst thing Highland Park PD does all day...

Any of you who fancy an excited run-in with the PD down there, find your nearest black friend (if you're white), or white friend (if you're black) and go for a drive through there in a nice car. See what happens. It seems that the only reason a black man and a white man would be in a nice car together would be to buy/sell drugs. That's what the officer told me, anyway.

Oh, if you're hispanic, don't bother. The cops will just think you're a maid or a plumber.
Nothing pisses me off more as when laws are not applied fairly and equally. (“Rule of Law.â€) In communist Russia laws were routinely enforced in a discriminatory fashion; party members were usually given a “pass,†while the book was thrown at the lower class.

This also occurs in the good ol’ USA. If you have an FOP sticker on your car you’re more likely to get a “warning†for a speeding violation. If you work for the FBI you’re allowed to shoot mothers in the face (Lon Horiuchi). If you’re a famous politician you’re allowed to lie under oath with no criminal repercussions (Bill Clinton). In NYC, the police chief will grant you a CC permit strictly on the basis of whether or not he likes you.

All of these things piss me off.

Here’s my point: Should a 97 year-old woman be arrested for unpaid parking tickets? You bet. Of course, I would have to agree with those who state the handcuffing was probably stupid. But it was right to arrest her.
mvpel, arrested for missing a court date on an infraction?!?!:eek:

Hokey smokes! What a mess! We just suspend their license. Police have enough to do.

Change the silly law instead of whining about what the po-pos. Seems to me po-pos just acting on autopilot. Change the program and change the silly law down yonder, I say, I say.:)
one thing I will agree on..she did NOT need to be cuffed.whats she gonna do..run away?yup..they were acting on autopilot.sometimes I wonder where professional curteousy has gone..prolly the same place common sense has.
El Tejon is right. Change the law so they don't issue bench warrants for parking tickets. The officers had no choice but to arrest her. The PD spokesman was right: Here in Illinois the warrants direct All peace officers to arrest and bring the person on the warrant before the court without delay. It also has a warning that failure to comply with a warrant will subject the peace officer to contempt charges. Here they could also charge you with official misconduct if you knew of the warrant and failed to make the arrest. Change the law, the cops had no choice.

As for the handcuffing issue, I would be willing to bet that there was a policy that everyone arrested be cuffed. Many police departments have such policies and violation of them can get you days off. I don't know a thing about Highland Park PD. I don't know if everyone is handcuffed is in fact their policy. It's just one possible explanation and yes there are poor supervisors on some police departments just like everywhere else. It's entirely possible that the officer worked for a supervisor who would have wrtitten him up.

Yes it's stupid, but there is the same insane zero tolerance policy on some police departments as there is in the schools.

And before anyone asks, policy or not, I wouldn't have cuffed her.

Saw this lady on TV today. She had no problem with being arrested. "They were doing their duty," she said. The only problem she had was their lack of discretion. By this, I'm thinking she was referring to the handcuffs which, I think, were totally unnecessary. Apparently, the cops were very apologetic while she was at the station and she was treated very well. Oh, and the original ticket was also for expired registration, not parking illegally.
Detective Randy Millican, Highland Park's public information officer is metrosexual twit.
El Tejon
mvpel, arrested for missing a court date on an infraction?!?!
Hokey smokes! What a mess! We just suspend their license. Police have enough to do.
It was already illegal for her to drive her car, how would making it "more illegal" do anything? Wouldn't the police arrest her anyways when they catch her driving with an expired registration and a suspended license. The immediate warrant system is actually more forgiving because it doesn't include the extra charge for driving on a suspended license along with the hassle of getting it reinstated.
I see no problem here sounds like the officers were just doing their job, and tried to treat her as best they could.

Is it department policy to always handcuff a person when they are placed under arrest? What happened if my some freak chance they were taking ole' nice grandma in and she gets nervous? Just because the cop was doing his job, doesn't make him a JBT.

Also, I knew an 85 year old man that was in better shape then most people in America. He walked/jogged about 13 miles a day(actually to and from the nursing home to see his friends)

Just because you are old doesn't automatically make you frail or immune from the law.

I'd buy this officer a beer.
What happened if my some freak chance they were taking ole' nice grandma in and she gets nervous?

Yeah! She could've busted through the plexiglas cage into the front of the squad car and garrotted the officer with the cord from her hearing aid!

He did what he needed to do to make it home alive, and that's all that matters! :rolleyes:
Wow. She didn't register her car.

I see no more need to have a car registration law than a stereo registration law or a bicycle registration law or a gun registration law.

What benefit is it to *me* to register my car? In case it gets stolen? Right. Mexico is only a couple hours south of here.

Did she break the law? Obviously yes. Did the police use discretion and or common sense? No.

Anytime you see the two words "law enforcement" you may just substitute "tax collection" and you will be just fine.

If we only had a system that would punish offenders by doing community service for EVERY offense instead of paying your TAX / "fine" we would have a far better scociety.
Hey Scandinavian

Actually, it's been amended:

It's now the Land of the "Free to kick yer butt, serf!!"

If I could think of a better place to go, I'd go.

Does anyone know if South Georgia Island is being used for anything?
First off my feeling is that anything that would get ME arrested should get anyone else arrested as well. Discretionary enforcement has no place in a free society.

On the other hand it doesnt sound like this woman was being anything other than cooperative and probably could have been an exception to the "everyone gets cuffed" rule.

Now, im not going to automatically blame the officer for this. IF it turns out that his department has some kind of iron-clad "cuff em' or your fired" rule then i wouldnt expect this guy to willingly lose his job over it. IF it turned out that it was his call to make and he decided to cuff the woman, then yeah he is a jerk.
I am really gettin disappointed in the general attitude here at THR. We have had several calls for an officer to be flogged, fired, etc. for placing handcuffs on a person that had an arrest warrant. Nevermind that the people spouting off were not there and did not see how the officer treated her, they instantly jump to conclusions and assume this granny was violated because she had handcuffs placed on her. Ok the OC and tase incident I could understand, but this is plain rediculous. She just had handcuffs on and she was cuffed with her hands in front of her! Had any of you been there, you might have seen that not only were the cuffs in front, but she probably had the loosest cuffing that officer had ever done in his life. The facts are you don't know how she was treated by that officer. Yet so many jump to conclusions that she was violated and how common sense it is to not cuff an old lady.

I am sure that is the department policy, but LEO need to use a little discretion.
That is the problem, policy is there for you to follow. When you use discretion on policy, you take the chance that if something goes wrong, you lose your job. Not only that, but if you knowingly stray from policy you are no longer covered by the department's protection from liability and can face civil penalties. Why in the hell would an officer take a chance like that for some 97 year old lady that BROKE THE LAW!!! You treat her super nice, you cuff her in the front, you make sure they are on very loose, and you gently escort her everywhere. In all probability this is exactly what happened. Yet we have people on here jumping to all sorts of conclusions about how horrible this was for little old granny.

The other thing I find amazing about some of these responses is how weak and liberal THR appears. Getting upset about a grandma getting cuffed? She wasn't beat over the head. She was handcuffed in the front no less. I think the biggest injury she had that day was her pride. Instead of accepting the fact that if you break the law and you might get arrested and experience all of the unpleasantries that go along with that, how many criminals chose to attack the cops and the system? Many. Grandma appears to be one of them. And most of you seem to be right there to help her out.

Seriously, I am sick and tired of this attitude on THR. Give the cops some slack. This grandma was probably treated with the utmost respect and dignity that was allowed by the situation. Some of you are willing to completely ignore those facts and take to an emotional rant about how horrible handcuffing is to an old ladies health and emotional state. Doesn't anyone else see how pathetically liberal a mindset that is? Grandma broke the law, grandma was arrested. In following with department policy she was cuffed. The officer did use common sense and discretion by handcuffing her hands in front of her and again, I am willing to wager he didn't have those cuffs very tight at all. That is common sense and discretion. By your comments I guess some of you wouldn't be happy unless he drove her to the Mexican border in a limo he rented with his own money and helped her flee from the oppressive laws of the land. :barf:

This officer did his job and did it well. Some of you are so bent on hating the police you can't see it. Sort of like hating firearms so much you know that there are no legitimate uses of them and you will do whatever you can do dispute their existence. Including exploding out of proportion anytime that it appears one might have been used illegally or incorrectly and wiping the whole swarth of gun owners as evil murderers and uncompasionate barbarians that need to be thrown from our civilized world.
Just another reason fro me to like my "home turf": Either of our resident deputies, or our Constable, would have told her to go straight home and not leave until one of her sons got her paperwork squared away. No arrest, no handcuffs, no nada.

Folks keep telling me the world is changing, and I agree: It's headed downhill at wide open throttle. That computer kicks out some piece of paper, like that warrant, but that computer doesn't have the slightest idea of why anything happened nor does it care.

People are supposed to care about the "why" of actions, and are supposed to have some amount of good judgement. It's called "horse sense", which is what a jackass ain't got.

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