A 14 year olds thoughts on 2A...

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Eventer, You are correct. This is to be presented as text for a speech. It might or might not be read before an audience.

When I edit someone's work, I am careful not to change the author's "voice." Sometimes, a mild error in presentation is what gives one author distinction over another.

The only other recommendation I would have would be to not use so many rhetorical questions and turn those questions into statements.
The only things I can pick apart are grammatical issues and writing techniques that have already been mentioned. A skilled editor can turn this into a truly great essay.
The boy has a solid thought process down, just needs a little finesse to his writing style that, honestly, most don't learn until late high school or college. I'm a college grad and I'm not sure I have it mastered yet. Spelling and grammar check should get him a good grade for his grade level.
I really need to replace it with the newer (and better grammar) draft that armedandsafe has so kindly done. He is a editor, so maybe it will turn out better than we thought.
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Here is the citated version, edited by armedandsafe:

RKBA and the Second Amendment

"Gun control: making the streets safe for
muggers, rapists, and thieves". Should we be
endangering ourselves over nonsense? In London,
England, guns are illegal. So, gang members are
stabbing each other to death. Is this better?
Today, I will give you a way to reduce crime all
over America, without increasing police forces or
restrictions. Today, I will tell you why gun control is a bad idea.

The second amendment clearly states, "…the right
of the people, to keep and bear arms, shall NOT
BE INFRINGED." This doesn't state, "the right of
the people, to keep and bear arms, is subject to
whatever restriction the government wants right
now". In Texas, a state that now allows CCW, (“concealed
carry, weapon” or the carrying of a hidden
firearm) crime rates are more than 50% lower. How
would you feel, if you were a criminal, knowing
that the person you are about to rape or rob has
a gun, and knows how to use it?

These times, we are facing problems. We will soon
have the most anti-gun president ever in office,
and the anti-gun movement is stronger than ever.
But, the need for gun ownership today is more
important than ever. With the economic
difficulty, criminals are becoming more
desperate, and our need to protect ourselves is
high Now, people say that if guns are made
illegal to buy, criminals won't have them
anymore. Criminals will have guns whether they
are banned or not. They already use illegal guns,
so why would they stop using their illegal gun if
all guns are illegal? This is senseless and must
be stopped. People are angry when "assault
rifles" are reportedly used in crime, and wonder
how this is possible. They feel the need to take
these "battlefield weapons" away from civilian
hands. This is not the case. There are few
recorded crimes that actually involved what the
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms actually classifies as "assault rifles," and these
are few and far between. "Assault rifles" are,
for the most part, very illegal, and the legal
ones cost in excess of $12,000. The firearms
criminals use are already illegal. There is no
need to make legal firearms illegal and endanger
the lives of many, many people.

I want you to look at this statement by the Brady
Campaign, one of the most anti-gun organizations in the nation:
"we are gladdened at this election, as this will
be the most pro gun restriction president in our
history. We know, with his help, that we can
lower gun crime in this nation, by restricting guns throughout."

Now, with the information I have given you, do
you think this will work? Perhaps, …you think
taking away your gun will stop the criminal
you might meet on the street? I don't think so.
We need to fight for our rights. We can't let
someone with an outlook on life that says "if it
can kill you, it has to go" control what our
Founding Fathers created.

My solution is for people nationwide to be allowed to register for a
CCW permit and this right not be taken away. It
is proven that in gun friendly areas, violence is
low. Now; along with strict gun laws will come a
high increase in killing, and more dangerous
life. There is a reason that the Founding Fathers
put the Second Amendment into the Constitution.
With the removal of the Second Amendment, so go our
other rights. How can we make sure even a
"friendly" government does only what we want?
Before America was formed, the British tried to
take our guns. They tried to tax us, to use us.
We fought back. But, if we had not had guns, how
would this have happened? The British were
"friendly" at that time. Without clinging to our
guns, America wouldn't have ever been formed, and
I see no reason to give up this all-important right.

I hope, with this new knowledge, you will fight
for our rights, here and now. There is no time
to waste. Right now, our men are fighting in Iraq
for us to keep our "freedom", but the real
freedoms are being taken away right under our noses!

Bunch better huh?

We would like to give many thanks to armedandsafe, for spending so much time on it, and without him, this paper would have been much worse.:D
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