A Black Cop's View: Some LEOs are a disgrace to their badge!

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Dec 26, 2002
Ridgecrest Ca
He tells it like it is. We need millons like him.:)

Honor, Racism, Service Rifles and Assault Weapons: One Black Cop's View
by Henry "Snake" Bowman, Police Officer

"Well, you Sons of Bitches, now you know how I feel!"
-General George S. Patton

You may not like what I'm going to say here, but the First Amendment is still in effect (at the time of the time of this writing) so I'm going to exercise my right to rant: Prepare to get your feathers ruffled!

If you are a uniformed Police Officer of any rank and do not fully, and honorably support the pre-existing God given rights enumerated in the 2nd Amendment, you are a disgrace to your Badge and your oath of office to protect and serve. The citizens of the United States of America deserve better than you. You should not be allowed the honor of public service as a sworn peace officer of the law. Taking a contrary, selective position to the Constitution means you are not following the supreme law of the land and are, in fact, endangering the safety of yourself, your fellow officers, and the public you are sworn to protect. This dishonor is increased if you support any (so- called) "Police Fraternal Organization" that aligns itself with groups seeking to infringe, limit, or destroy the 2nd Amendment (Such as "Handgun Control Incorporated," etc). This dishonor is increased if you support any State or Federal Attorney General, Legislator (Politician); or local Government body that have de facto reneged on their sworn oath to "Protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign or domestic." For these individuals (by endorsing "gun control") have become the "domestic enemies" embodied in that oath.

If this description fits you, know that I consider you to have no honor and should rightly be held beneath contempt for your nauseous subservience to an unconstitutional doctrine, plus unheroic behavior in the face of danger to your fellow officers and the public.

Are you ticked off yet? Well, refer to the above quote by U.S. Army General George S Patton. Read it? Good, that means I can only add, (if you were offended): "tough noogies!" Let's proceed.

There is plenty of documentation to support the fact that "gun control" laws in the United States are and have been rooted in the dishonorable practice generally known as "Racism." If there is any doubt about this? I suggest you do some research on your own (Author Clayton E. Cramer has written a short essay that can bring you up to speed quickly, search it out.)

Article is too long to post on one post . The complete article is at http://www.libertyforall.net/2004/march14/Honor.html
Is this THR Henry Bowman...?

If so, I salute you, Sir!

(And if not, I salute Officer Bowman and hope he serves for a long while!)
In the Congo revolution of the 1960's, people were shot out of hand merely for having the intellect to ride a bicycle!

Good lord, that's amazing. Does anybody know anything more about this?

I'd imagine that using, field-stripping and maintaining a rifle would be a seen as a few steps up on such a mental ladder from simply riding a bike.
No, it's not me. (Thanks for thinking of me and thanks Greg L.) No, I'm a white (Appalachian-American) lawyer (a "white shoe" lawyer in the words of El Tejon) and Henry Bowman is just my THR handle (as a salute to John Ross' character in Unintended Consequences). Funny, though, "Rattlesnake" was my CB handle thirty-some years ago.
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