A British subject speaks out.

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Dueling Robbers

First we have freelance, garden-variety stickup men Gary Mullins, 28. and Colin Meek, 26, who terrorize a London supermarket in 1994, spraying the employees with tear gas and brandishing a shotgun while cleaning out the till. Loaded up with $11,000 U.S. in British pounds, they jump into their stolen getaway sled and make the unpleasant acquaintance of three Ulster Loyalists, who'd been casing the place for a robbery of their own.
Somewhat ticked at this intrusion into their game, the ULs open fire on Mullins and Meek, and a gunbattle ensues. The Bobbies arrive in droves and arrest all five miscreants, which, in Mullins and Meek's case, ain't too difficult, as Meek has taken a round in the head and Mullins is paralyzed from a slug in the spine.

The ULs draw 20 years each in the Queen's Quarters For Bad Boys, while pity is taken on head-shot Meek, who gets slapped for 10. Mullins draws a load of compassion for his immobilized condition and never even goes to trial. Now here's the kicker:
Citing their "statutory duty" toward the disabled, the local council government recently announced they will build Mullins a new house for $250,000, and provide him $4,200 per week in nursing care, food, and other forms Of assistance. Hey, it's just taxpayer money.

Meantime, some poor schlep in Coventry has to hand in his grandpa's pheasant gun because it might leap up and attack a schoolyard of its own volition. Go figure.


This ranks right up there
can we please just agree that guns don't solve all of Britain's (or America's) current social problems, but definitely improve your personal odds a great deal?

Guns are just a small part of it. A big problem with law here is that it has turned the natural right of living beings to be prepared to defend themselves from predators, into a government-granted privilege...which the government does not grant.

Anything carried for the purpose of 'self defence' is illegal because the government has perverted the meaning of 'self defence' items into being 'offensive weapons'.

The banning of guns is a symptom of the disease, not the disease itself.
A Certan elderly british farmer who in fear of his life due to multiple & frequent burglarys of his farmhouse that was miles from the nearest town that the police would never respond to, comes to mind.

First let's look at the scinario, the man was retired and living allone.

His home which was a considerable distance from the nearest town was subjected to frequent burglarys.

The police never responded to his calls when his home was frequently robbed.

He was in fear of his well being and of being robbed of what little he had left.

He Obtained a Shotgun (which you can own in the UK without any Licanse or Permit) for his own protection.

He Shot two intruders robbing his home resulting in the death of one.

He is now serving Life on the charges of "Premeditated Murder" for defending himsellf.

I'll leave it at that and let you draw your own conclusions....
Personaly, I find it Disgusting that the Victim is made to be a Criminal and vice versa.:scrutiny:
Everyone is wasting their time arguing with the Brits.

Give it up. They are a lost cause.

I honestly try to be polite but sometimes truth requires us to be frank. They are ignorant!

And don't waste your time arguing with me. I lived there. I know what I am talking about. Common sense was flushed down the toilet long ago.
chas_martel: Give it up. They are a lost cause.
I don't Beleve in Lost Cause's, If People had simply Declaired things that "looked" Hopeless a Lost Cause and Gave up, Countries that stuggle to Maintain Freedom of the People and Independance like the U.S. wouldn't Exist.
chas_martel: I honestly try to be polite but sometimes truth requires us to be frank. They are ignorant!
A Sad Unfortunate fact, but things still have a chance (though Remote) of getting back on the correct path.
chas_martel: Common sense was flushed down the toilet long ago.
Another Very Sad Fact....Have trouble somtimes beleving that it's not some nightmareish work of fiction mysellf.
Mr. Bombastic: If I can switch sides on the issues of gun-control and freedom, then there is always hope.

Even if there is just a little...
A Light of hope eh? :) Well, that is how the USA came to be.
Let's atleast Hope the People of the UK (and Hopefully Europe as Well) one day Open there eyes before it's to late.

oh dear... another one who believes the "Tony Martin Defence":

i) Norfolk Constabulary could not identify any of the "many calls that Police ignored" largely because he didnt make any calls to Police. Since few Police officers are psychic, this makes reporting of non reported crime very difficult indeed;

ii) you need a shotgun licence for a shotgun; Martins had been revoked after he shot at suspected apple scrumpers and used the gun to remove windows from a neighbour's house following a disagreement;

iii) he is serving a term for manslaughter following an appeal at which his defence team successfully claimed that Martin did not possess the ability to form the mens rea to be able to form "intent" (which is required for a murder charge in the UK) - which also leads me to point out that in English law "premeditated murder" is a nonsensical statement - murder is a killing "with malice aforethought" already.


well its nice to see you have such vast experience of the UK that you know it better than its residents.

>well its nice to see you have such vast experience of the UK that you know it >better than its residents.

Sorry you infered that. What I am saying is that we in the US have better, and more important, things to worry about than those of you in the UK.

Your land is a lost cause - as far as others helping you out. You must find your way on your own, and it likely includes more stumbles until you become enlightened enough to "do the right thing(s)."
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