A CCIA violation by a bystander

Scanning over the discussions about this case, I found comfort in this snippet of commentary from District Court Judge John L. Sinatra Jr.:

"Sinatra tartly wrote that the 'plaintiff’s constitutional rights are being violated' and that 'legislative enactments may not eviscerate the Bill of Rights. Every day they do is one too many.' "

Sounds like he is aware and averse to the obvious antis' technique of repeatedly re-doing legislation in minor ways just to thwart prior judicial decisions.

I tell you true, if Judge Sinatra were running for King, I'd seriously consider voting for him.

< big grin >

After all, there's a lot to be said for Benificent Monarchies, except for the fact that they keep modifying their policies to be not-so-benificent over time.

Although....come to think of it... so does every other form of government.

Terry, 230RN