A couple more Brady Bunch LIES!

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May 26, 2003
The Second Amendment: Myth and Meaning

This pamphlet discusses the NRA's Second Amendment myth, the actual text,
the original intent, and the Second Amendment in the Twentieth Century,
including its role in the courts and in the gun control debate (available
on the website)

Female Persuasion: A Study of How the Firearms Industry Markets...

..to Women and the Reality of Women and GunsThis is a first-of-its-kind
study detailing the marketing campaign of the firearms industry
(manufacturers, trade associations, and lobby organizations) to American
women. The study also explores four of the most common myths about
violence against women that permeate firearms industry outreach efforts:
stranger rape; firearms homicide and its relation to domestic violence;
firearms suicide; and the effectiveness of handguns for self-defense. Much
of the information gathered for the study was taken from an extensive
three-year survey of industry publications. (1994, 82 pages, $12.00)
The Brady Interpretation of 2A is pretty much old news.

It was a question they had to answer pretty much from day 1, and they had to lie to do it.

The Brady nonsense pretty much bores me, it's all the same, and distills into these fear laden points:

According to the Bradys:

-2A is about the right of the State to be armed.
-The existence of firearms in hands other than the State's is an invitation to disaster.

blah blah bleeping blah.
The NRA has even argued that citizens have a constitutional right to own machine guns and military-style assault weapons!

Oh no! Not those SCARY looking guns!! As anyone who isn't a NRA propaganda minister can tell you, a rifle with a bayonet lug is much more likely to jump up and slaughter children, old folks, and the like indiscriminantly! AND, the dreaded pistol grip can increase lethality 100% by allowing the gun nut using it to spray fire his evil rifle from the hip, which is of course MUCH more deadly than aiming!
The militia was "well regulated" in the sense that its members were subject to various legal requirements.
I like this one. They don't acknowledge the other meaning of "well regulated". From dictionary.com.

1. To control or direct according to rule, principle, or law.
2. To adjust to a particular specification or requirement: regulate temperature.
3. To adjust (a mechanism) for accurate and proper functioning.
4. To put or maintain in order: regulate one's eating habits.

Wow three of the four definitions have to do with putting the militia into good order. Not regulating in the Brady's sense of strict rule, but regulating in the sense of being well prepared to fight a war.

It was an organized military force, "well regulated" by the state governments. Noah Webster's Dictionary of 1828 defines "militia" as:
I wonder why they didn't include the definition of "regulated" from that time period as well?

The Second Amendment was written in response to this Anti-Federalist concern. The Amendment affirms that the keeping and bearing of arms in a "well regulated Militia" of the states is a "right of the people," not dependent on the whim of the federal government. The original intent of the Second Amendment, therefore, was to prevent the federal government from passing laws that would disarm the state militia.
That statement makes no sense what so ever. How can it mean "the right of the people" translates to "state militia"? A 2nd grader should be able to punch holes in that paragraph. You will note that the 1st Amendment dealt solely with state rights correct? Oh wait, that is an individual right. Oh wait, the 3rd Amendment protected the states from being forced to quarter soldiers. Oh wait, that was an individual thing too. I don't need to continue.

As the nation grew, it became unworkable and unduly expensive for the states to impose military training and service on that many Americans.
Man the CMP sure costs the tax payers millions! Having all of those private citizens pay for their own marksman training and enjoying it! True the CMP is not military training, but keeping citizens good riflemen and riflewomen makes soldiering a little easier.

Gun control laws have no effect on the arming of today's militia, since those laws invariably exempt the National Guard. Therefore, they raise no serious Second Amendment issue.
The federal government has no ability to call out the national guard right? The states have the sole power over the national guard right? Oh wait, no they are controlled by the federal government aren't they?

We need to make a new Amendment. Why hasn't there been a popular effort to put in a new 2nd Amendment through the Constitutional Amendment process that clarifies this issue? I think it would be interesting to see that happen. Either we would win and we would win or it wouldn't pass and then the anti's would gain some momentum.
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