A couple of cute pictures from a Sunday range trip

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Oleg Volk

Moderator Emeritus
Dec 19, 2002
Nashville, TN

Great pics of the guns, but who's that old fat guy holding them???
I'm taking it from that comment that that would be you?

If so, do I see some blue stripes under your shirt? Chassidishe style tzitzit?:cool:

Is it the "rabbi" or the rabbi (as in, are you actually a rabbi- if so, I guess you could be the High Roader Rebbe? :evil: )?

Cool to see there are other Frum shooters out there:cool: , or actually (I know several in person, though most are into it strictly for self-defense and not really for fun) cool to see other frummies on a gun forum.
Yeah, I wear the wool arba kanfos. Not always the chassidische model with the two holes in each corner. As in my profile, I am not a rabbi, nor do I play one on TV.
Sure, no reason why frum people shouldnt play with guns. A lot of good mussar in it about working hard towards skill, being deliberate in judgement, etc. In fact I wanted to write a little essay called "What I learned at the Range" and send it to Jewish Action or somesuch.
Chaim Kramer once came to Nashville to speak and spent Shabbos by us (notice "correct" use of preposition). He looks and sounds like a Brooklyn plumber until he begins speaking about chassidus. It was very impressive.

I am mulling over having a little shooting school for frum people. What do you think?
Sure, no reason why frum people shouldnt play with guns. A lot of good mussar in it about working hard towards skill, being deliberate in judgement, etc.
I agree. It helps to teach discipline, and there is never anything wrong with that.
Chaim Kramer once came to Nashville to speak and spent Shabbos by us (notice "correct" use of preposition). He looks and sounds like a Brooklyn plumber until he begins speaking about chassidus.
I'm embarassed to say, I don't know who he is.

I am mulling over having a little shooting school for frum people. What do you think?
I think it is a great idea. Around here I've been somewhat surprised how much interest in shooting there has been when I mention it. Meanwhile, most shooting classes are on Sat. I was thinking about taking some NRA courses and eventually getting NRA instructor certification so that I could teach courses on Sunday so that frum people could go. I think a shooting school would be a great idea! Think of all the frum communities in carry states (Atlanta, Memphis, now Cleveland, Miami, are just a few decent sized communities located in carry states), CCW classes alone that worked around Orthodox responsibilities (no Sat classes, and having minyanim with the class would be priceless) would be incredible.
Chaim Kramer is the head of the Breslov Research Institute, the guys who put out those terrific looking translations of Likutei Moharan, Aley Terufim etc.
A lot of Jews are into guns, I think as kind of a "guilty" pleasure (since it smaks of "goyische nachas"). I personally dont see it that way. In our shul (admittedly no one but the rabbi and myself and one other guy are frum) we have a lot of people into it in one way or another. We were thinking of having a rifle club to accomodate them.
Yes, Nashville is maybe 2 hours by plane from NY so it wouldnt be any big deal to come down for 3-4 days of practice. No worries about Shabbos etc. Maybe we should continue this thread privately.
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