A Debate with an anti Caught on tape!

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Jan 17, 2006
Hey! I had this debate with a random person who commented on my blog the other day and I thought yall would enjoy it / comment on how I could have done better, just please be nice!

I am of course Deathrider1579 your humble corispondent
The opisition is known as Toserveman

Debate starteth here: (note edited for content.... yeah he curses a lot)

Im all for gun control!
OK tell me this- why is it so hard to just make guns less available for young people? If most of the people buying these guns are "law abiding citizens" why would they not fill out a little more paperwork or be required to store their guns in a safer place? Thats all that I'm asking. I don't think that guns should be made illegal by any means because you are right that violent crime would most likely increase.

"One should never assume that the people who are trying to sell you on a concept are telling you the whole truth. (There is money involved, you know.)"

It's interesting how you say that right after you used the news as one of your examples, and we all know that the mainstream news is not a reliable source.

Yes, it is possible that they could have used bombs, but the fact is that they didn't. Bombs would have required a lot more work than just going to the thrift store and buying a gun, which they did. I don't think that this tragedy was completely unavoidable, but I do think that without the guns, it wouldn't have happened.

And I know evolution is off the topic but this is something that I feel strongly about. I choose to believe something that has STRONG scientific evidence behind it rather than a 2000 year old book, which a lot of the scenarios in have been proved completely absurd and impossible. But whatever, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Posted 9/11/2006 at 5:31 PM by ToServeMan

My Responce:

Because it is unconstitutional that’s why.
Any form of restriction on arms is a violation so egregious that I am at a loss to explain how disgusting it is.

The responsibility for our safety rests solely with each of us individually, and that includes children.
Storage of arms is a non - issue.
Paper work is another violation of said constitution; if I have to do more paper work for a gun then a hammer the constitution is being raped.

You are welcome to disagree with me and comment accordingly over on my blog

Posted 9/11/2006 at 7:28 PM by Deathrider1579

Ok so you are saying that just because something is in the constitution it shouldn't be changed? Maybe women shouldn't vote and african americans should still be slaves too then? I understand where you are coming from but in my opinion, a little more hassle for the law abiding citizens could mean a lot less tragedies like Columbine. I hate guns, I think that nobody should own one, but I do realize that in today's society it's completely impossible. Gun control laws don't mean that nobody can own a gun, it's just a way of trying to keep them out of the wrong hands.

F*** GUNS :)

and that's the end of it
Posted 9/11/2006 at 10:01 PM by ToServeMan

My response:

Yes I am saying that if something is in the constitution is should never, ever be changed I just skimmed my electronic copy of the constitution and I could not find one place where it said anything about slaves, women voters etc. But I do see where it says I can own and carry in any manor I deem fit; a ready to use weapon.
The Civilian population armed and ready to maintain their freedom is the only thing that keeps us free. Without guns and other weapons there would be nothing to stop a tyrant from enslaving all of us.
Any form of gun control or registration is simply an act of tyranny, ever single time a gun registration has been allowed to come to fruition, it has resulted in confiscation of legally held arms and a hike in violent crime.

Posted 9/12/2006 at 12:13 AM by Deathrider1579

Are you f***ing retarted? Those things WERE in the constitution and they were ALREADY changed. What the f***, where the h*** did you go to school? Is controlling illegal drugs an act of tyranny? Christ, you people are dumb.
Posted 9/12/2006 at 11:03 AM by ToServeMan

And while I'm at it I'll say f*** the bible too.
Posted 9/12/2006 at 11:05 AM by ToServeMan

hmm Well where I went to school is irrelevant, but perhaps as far as the drugs... having a debate about that else where... I really don't care about the drugs except that some drugs are inherently psychotic and cause people to not know what they are doing. Again this is irrelevant because the right to fry your brain on acid and then go rob a store so you can afford to do it again is no where in the constitution the right to own a weapon is.

I am against any control on freedoms that are explicitly stated in the constitution because any infringement is still infringement.

"And while I'm at it I'll say f*** the bible too."
Whatever dude its your right to say that.

Posted 9/14/2006 at 11:50 PM by Deathrider1579

First off it's very hard to take somebody seriously trying to argue for the rights of their country's constitution when they don't even know what is in it, which you have already proved to me by that last comment.I don't even know why I'm still arguing with you but what the h***. Ok so was lsd or meth specifically mentioned in the constitution? Why don't you check your "electronic copy"? Well according to your logic anything that isn't in the constitution should be legal right? Or does that only mean things that you want? So how about abortion- that's not specifically mentioned in the constitution in 1776, but apparently it should NEVER be changed so it should be legal according to you. Your comments are completely hypocritical of each other. And that example of robbing a store on drugs- you need 2 key ingredients for that to happen: 1. drugs 2. A GUN

And any infringement is still infringement huh? You are a bible thumper so I'm guessing you are against abortion, gay marriage, and anything else in your precious little book. Guess what- that's still infringement! If you want one right, such as the one to bear arms, you have to take a lot of rights with it. Equal rights means equal rights for everyone to do whatever they please.

Posted 9/16/2006 at 2:20 AM by ToServeMan

1. I study the constitution on a regular basis
2. Abortion is a violation of the baby’s rights. The mother made her choice when she had sex.
3. You don't need a gun to commit a violent crime, I can find tapes of crimes committed with knives and clubs etc all over the internet as well as the news and news papers (ok so the newspapers don't have videos but you get the point... I hope)
4. Yeah you have to take a lot of rights with the right to keep and bear arms but abortion, drugs, gay marriage etc are not rights, some of them deserve debate such as drugs and gay marriage, but abortion is murder and that simply is not even worthy of debate.
5. Equal rights does not mean I have to let you get away with driving your car around drunk, at least not if you run into mine, it does not mean I have to let you get so stoned out of your mind that you think the cars driving down the highway are nice little horses and go run to catch one. Nor does it mean that I have to allow someone to do something I find abhorrent in my town providing that particular act is not protected by the constitution.

I am not quite sure why your so hacked off... having trouble defending your position without attacking me personally? LOL

OH btw, saying "I have the right to have arms to protect my freedom" and turning around and saying "you can't kill your children" is not hypocritical.

Posted 9/16/2006 at 4:35 PM by Deathrider1579

What the f***? You think I'm having a hard time defending my position? You were the one who somehow didn't know at one time people owned slaves and women couldn't vote, even though you study the constituion regularly. And I just like to attack you personally because you are a complete dumbass. Ok so when a woman gets raped she made that decision right? She should be forced to have that baby because she made the decision and should have to deal with it.

And why the f*** do you have a gun anyways? Do people get mugged regularly in Hicksville? You have changed your mind like 10 times in this argument. Marriage isn't a right? Taking drugs isn't a right either? Apparently "rights" are only what is convenient to you. So let's just live our lives completely by the bible ok? If someone steals something we can just stone them to death. Or maybe we can even torture them and put them on a big wooden cross or something too. Obviously the bible is always right so let's just do whatever it tells us. Jesus Christ, I can't even argue with you anymore, you are by far the most ignorant person I have ever had the displeasure of speaking with. And you are what like 23 years old and you spend all day on xanga probably at your mom's house. Why don't you go outside and shoot guns or talk about Jesus or something. Grow up.

And you have no idea how much fun this is for me. I can't wait for the next comment just to see what dumb s*** you have to say next. It's very entertaining.
Posted 9/16/2006 at 8:44 PM by ToServeMan

LOL you are actually quite amusing, I saw very little in the way of defending your position but ok lets dig through this;
Yes I do think you are having a hard time defending your position, you have resorted to the classic methods of defending an un-defendable position: Swearing, Personal attacks and belligerence.
I never said I was unaware of slavery or of the lack of voting rights for women, I simply pointed out that neither was mentioned in the constitution which they aren’t.
A woman who gets raped and wants to have an abortion… a classic response to a call to end the slaughter of children, in response I ask is it the child’s fault that his father raped this woman? Why kill the child for the sins of the father?
Yeah, people get mugged regularly here by Houston, TX we have a serous crime problem mostly gangs but self defense is still not the primary purpose of the second amendment defending our freedoms and keeping the government in check is.
RE drugs and gay marriage, I am simply saying that it should be up for debate because neither of them is spoken of in the constitution.
I am not sure how you arrived at your conclusions regarding my intelligence or lack there of or of my housing situation and my usage of time although again quite amusing has nothing to do with our debate.

Posted 9/16/2006 at 11:20 PM by Deathrider1579

**** nubs with guns think they know how to run a country.....did you go to a remedial school or something. Hicks with guns are lame people... it is so sad that stupid people can get guns so easy in this country. Back in my country( Canada) it was very hard to get a gun and a weird thing happend... gun crime was low.
Posted 9/17/2006 at 12:28 PM by SkankinSpenny

Hahaha I'm having a hard time defending my position? I've had an answer to every single point you have made, and I haven't changed my mind once. That's less than you can say. And I just like to make fun of you because it's so easy. You didn't even deny any of my conclusions about you so I'll just assume they are true. Hahahaha omg this is too funny. I can't get over how smart you think you are. It's like you really believe it. Just get off you computer for 1 hour and have your mom go make you a grilled cheese or something and you can talk about what she did wrong when she raised a person like you. I'm not even bothering to bring up any more points in this argument because as far as I'm concerned, I've already won. Hahaha wow this was definitely a fun time- you gave me some hilarious reading. Bye bye.
Posted 9/17/2006 at 1:28 PM by ToServeMan

Um no, no you haven't had an answer to any of my points save an expletive in my direction and to pat your self on the back for being oh so witty.
I ignored your conclusions as they are humorless and completely unfounded albeit humorous.

I challenge you to point out a single point you have countered effectively, or one I have overlooked.

I think as far as you are concerned everyone who disagrees with you is a moron or stupid or something which is a difficult position to defend.
Also I am convinced that you decided you had this thing in the bag from the moment we started irregardless of the points and content.

Skankinspenny; I don't know how much history you have had, but our country was founded by whacko freedom lovers who had more moxie than the brits when it came to gunplay. By the by, its a proven fact that when guns are made illegal then crime as a whole goes up.

I am riveted to see you respond with more of your witty repartee.

Posted 9/17/2006 at 7:40 PM by Deathrider1579

LOL I really like how you criticize skankinspenny for how much history he has had when somehow you didn't know slavery or women not voting ever existed.
Posted 9/18/2006 at 5:37 PM by ToServeMan

I never said that, I as I have pointed out in at lest 2 posts simply stated that neither are in the constitution which they are not. The fact that they existed is not in question, you said they were in the constitution and they are not.

Posted 9/18/2006 at 11:28 PM by Deathrider1579

Do you know how to read? I said they WERE in the constitution, and they were CHANGED, which goes against your point of saying nothing in the constitution should ever be changed.
Posted 9/19/2006 at 11:08 AM by ToServeMan

Dude I was state champion in debate, you are clearly losing and also your retarded. Oh and I am a college student so i think i know my history.
Posted 9/20/2006 at 11:34 PM by SkankinSpenny

This is gay...
Posted 9/22/2006 at 1:51 PM by Scuzzy5005

Oh and I am a college student so I think I know my history.

I am also in college and know my history, toserve man I would like you to provide an explicit example of what exactly you are talking about, I have checked my copy of the constitution, and talked to a couple history professors here at school and none of us are sure what you are talking about. The 14th amendment made it explicitly illegal to own slaves, but the original constitution never spoke on the subject one way or the other.

Make your points clear or admit defeat!

Posted 9/22/2006 at 5:17 PM by Deathrider1579

What the f*** are you talking about? Just because a right isn't specifically in the constitution word for word doesnt mean that it isn't legal. The constitution made it legal to own slaves, no it was not in there word for word. However, women not voting WAS in there word for word. And it doesn't matter because in both cases, the constitution was CHANGED. That's what the argument was about. Make my points clear? I've made every one of my points very clear, you are the one who has trouble expressing their words. Seriously just give up on this argument, you are clearly losing so please do us all a favor and shut up.

And on another note, you are 23 years old and you have an icon of a cat shooting flames out of a gun, grow the f*** up.
Posted 9/23/2006 at 2:21 AM by ToServeMan

More attacks! LOL you lack substance!

Both issues were simply omitted from the document; they were not included in the negative. Ergo the issues were not addressed and things remained as they were until the civil war for slavery and women’s suffrage for the women voting thing. Your point lacks.

I and most of the people I know find the cat funny.

BTW I will be posting this conversation in my blog just so other people know what’s going on. have a nice day.

Posted 9/23/2006 at 3:00 AM by Deathrider1579

How can you even say I lack substance? I've made more points than you have on behalf of my argument. Oh and you and most of the people you know find the cat funny because you are inbred hicks who like to shoot guns. Post that in your blog too.
Posted 9/23/2006 at 11:30 AM by ToServeMan

Hahaha the fact that you think you are still winning this argument is making me laugh pretty hard so please keep posting.
Posted 9/23/2006 at 11:35 AM by ToServeMan

OK thats where the debate ended I decided it wasn't worth the hassle and I was starting to get mad.

How do yall think I did? I know I screwed up a couple of times but I thought it went over well.

Singing pigs.

Sounds like trying to teach a pig to sing. You accomplish nothing and it annoys the pig.
Don't waste your time debating with people who are all words. I stopped with the antis a few years back - and I formulated my own little 'plan' : whenever I feel the need to debate an anti, if it takes more than two or three sentences to blast their arguement - I won't bother. I then consciously spend the time that I thought that I would have to deal with them on something gun related - dry firing a handgun or reloading or cleaning one, etc. If you are the type, call a senators office RE gun control.

Their arguements are based on 'feeling', ours are (hopefully) based around 'logic'. I've found that logic takes a lot longer to put together into a sentence than does BS. We are counting on each other to be ready. I'd just tell Mr.(s) commie to come and take my guns if he didn't like them.

I think you came very close to stooping to his level, not as an anti, but simply as an immature internet poster.
Dare I say, not entirely Hig- no I won't say it.

Next time stay completely away from personal attacks of any degree. I do believe that when one party sticks to their perspective and keeps their responses polite, it can infuriate their cursing opponent even more. It also serves to make the hot-head appear even more foolish when viewed in the after-action report as provided here.

Specific to our cause, we need not ever resort to name calling or smug assertions of how funny the silly anti sounds. Doing your best to catch them in trap with their own statements and values will bite them harder than "LOLs" ever could.
I think you did an excellent job. In my experience the people who assert their intellectual superiority, usually are pretty stupid. Often, the dumber they are, the bigger the ego. You cleaned his clock, but he didn't realize it. He simply resorted to name calling. Also seemed like another atheist, angry at God. Go figure:confused: . I have a student in one of my classes who can often be heard describing herself as "older", and a much "more mature" student. In listening to her, it quickly becomes apparent that she is in fact, mistaken. Your debate with whatshisface, reminded me of listening to her.
There is no point in you arguing with him. He proved he's the fool, but if you keep it up people might begin to wonder who's the bigger fool.
He lost it the second he wanted to change the Constitution, as far as I'm concerned -- to say nothing about him thinking slavery was in it.:scrutiny:
Rabid Antis

Last fall I had met several young rabid antis in the education program at the college I attend. We had several discussions which basicly went with me stating facts and them retorting that guns are scary, dangerous, and that there was not purpose for them. I heard several of the arguments this particular anti spouted. After one particularly heated arguement I decided to really stump them. That night I printed a copy of the Constitution, and took it with me the next day. In the LRC (Learning Resource Center) the next day I went in and started the conversation up again. Got them hot and spouting trash and pulled out my copy of the Constitution and challenged them to show me. They got quiet real quick. It was the last time they talked about the 2A or guns with me. Their response and mine did give me several opportunities to talk to others and even took a couple of others shooting for the first time. Cool collected arguements usually win the day. At least with anyone with even a bit of sense.:D
very good overall, but for a couple of things.

when he argued with you about the constitution, you claimed it was infallible and shouldn't be changed. this is flat out wrong. there are many things in the original constitution that were changed or superceded by later amendments. slavery and the 3/5'ths vote thing were a couple of the biggies. the founding fathers realized that the constitution was not perfect, and as such they created the amendment process.
Bombs would have required a lot more work than just going to the thrift store and buying a gun

This makes no sense. Most people would have to work a job for a week to afford a gun. A bomb can be made with common chemical products that they already own. No need to travel anywhere or buy anything. :rolleyes:
Yep, can't use the constitution as some easy fall back when debating this sort of thing, you're going to need to defend RKBA based on it's own merits. Like piratejoe pointed out, the founding fathers recognized that the constitution is imperfect, that needs will change, and there have been many changes already to the constitution. Slavery was once sanctioned by the constitution. Things change, and the constitution changes with it. That's why RKBA is at ever growing risk nowadays, as pro gunners just try to use the 2nd amendment as a trump card rather than trying to provide support for it on it's own. If we don't reach the younger generation, we may see the abolishment of the 2nd amendment within our lifetime.
nicely done. if you ever get to the wording of the second amm, remember to say that the founding fathers actually invented ,wrote, and defined modern english such as the masons, the websters, etc. In that 2nd amm, tell them a sentence conveys a complete thought, find the complete thought.
Aha! therin lies the reason the sentence was written backwards, to keep it short, and to make the complete thought the final object of the sentence.
You did quite well; you avoided logical fallacies for quite a remarkable amount of time, followed proper debate etiquette; you were kind and courteous even though he obviously had no idea what he was talking about and started spouting vitrolic comments about your person.

You should have brought up the Declaration of independance, and pointed out how it was the intent of the founders to ban slavery, but then GA and SC wouldn't have voted for it, meaning no USA.

His constant "denying women the right to vote" was in the Constitution.....wow, he needs to learn how to read.

For the Canadian, you should've come back with something witty about their health care, and how survival and timely help is also at an all-time low, along with gun-related crime (notice he didn't say violent crime).

You did quite well, my friend. the only thing more you could've done is posted refrences to the Constitution, line by line, complete with links, to show how dumb this guy really was.
*sigh*...well some people you can debate and they may be reasonable.But people like this are the kind who will never reason with and are the kind that will vote for the likes of Hillary Klinton and such.Better to just defeat them politically rather than debate.

for his reference of disdain of the bible.He seems to equate guns only with violence,if he understood Jesus he would know that with him there would be no violence,guns would only be used for fun and food.

eh,my opinion.

PS,send him on a vacation to North Korea.
You did I fine job combating those words of ignorance. I would part with you on one issue. Abortion is the pentacle of freedom and liberty. I know this, because I deal with it every day.
The remarks about slavery and women (not mentioned as such) voting is mentioned but not verbatim.

Slavery? Only the abolishing of it.


Passed by Congress January 31, 1865. Ratified December 6, 1865.

Note: A portion of Article IV, section 2, of the Constitution was superseded by the 13th amendment.

Section 1.
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Section 2.
Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Women denied voting? Well there was no mention of women but some were contruing as such


Passed by Congress February 26, 1869. Ratified February 3, 1870.

Section 1.
The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude--

Section 2.
The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

This amendment had to be added to prevent those from keeping women from voting.


Passed by Congress June 4, 1919. Ratified August 18, 1920.

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.

Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.


So far the only amendment that was repealed was the 18th amendment, with the 21st. Repealing should not be done with the first 10 amendments, as they are the bill of rights.
You're going to make me tear out my effing hair. I CANT stand bible thumpers that are against abortion, they make me angry.

Now you've made me mentally unstable! Great job buddy!

Na, just kidding. Nice debate, you completely owned that guy.
you know what? sometimes you could just say to them "to quote the line from cool hand Luke, 'some men... you jes caint reech, which is th' way he wonts it.... well he ges' it!"
In article 1, section 2, where "all other persons" refers to slaves. Article 1, section 9, clause 1 also refers to the "importation of persons" meaning the slave trade. It's agreed upon by all who study the constitution that it sanctioned slavery. It's not possible to rely on the constitution as some supreme rule for moral guidance. It's not stone commandments handed down by God. The constitution is not perfect, the founding fathers recognized this and created it as a system that's open to change. The constitution has been changed many times before, and will continue to change many times still. It's important to understand why the founding fathers wanted the RKBA in there in the first place, and be able to explain how it's still important today.

"To Serve Man" was one of my favorite Twlight Zone episodes .......... [SPOILER ALERT !!!]

"It's a Cookbook !!!!!"


Interesting that an anti would chose that as his handle.
This dude is nuts! But the attitude doesn't really surprise me. The liberals and anti's usually resort to this kind of foul mouth talk when we confront them that their logic don't make sense. :neener:

Slavery was once sanctioned by the constitution. Things change, and the constitution changes with it. That's why RKBA is at ever growing risk nowadays,

Talk about risks. That one little change to the constitution required a civil war. Changing the second amendment would turn this country into the United States of Anarchy.

I must be the only one who believes anti-constitutional laws are seditious. Does the first amendment cover treason? I think not. It will be a real shame if we can't put an end this rediculous debate before it leads to something very bad for our country.
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