A follow up to “Any Hope left for Californians?â€

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Dec 25, 2002
South of Left Angeles in Casa De Santa Ana, Caulee
We will keep doing what we can. We who live in CA, and are concerned with preserving our rights and the rights of gun owners everywhere, will do what we can in this fight. We will write to our elected critters, call them, e-mail them, walk precincts and work the phone banks for the good ones, carry petitions and collect signatures to remove the bad ones and so on and so on and so on. Some will be more active than others like Jim March for example. Someone said “I want to grow up to be like him.†I couldn’t agree more. Some will not be so active, instead allowing their insecurities or lack of experience to dictate their level of involvement. It is not easy to walk into a Congress critters office for the first time…to sit and talk intelligently with confidence and poise about a subject as volatile as a 2nd Amendment issue to be sure.

There are those among us who assume, as indicated by the subtle lack of respect or lack of personal knowledge about the members of the various gun boards, that we simply sit around and grouse, whine, snivel, and complain amongst ourselves about the rights we fear loosing while doing nothing substantive to allay these fears. Rest assured that you don’t know the first thing about that which you speak. From the thousands and thousands of threads I have read here and on the myriad other gun forums, I have gleaned a great deal of information, information that can be of tremendous use when talking to the various critters in public office. BTW, I use the term critter on these forums, not as a way to show them disrespect, but to remind myself that they are no better than I, no more or less important, that when I talk to them, they are not the Great and Powerful Oz any more than I am the Cowardly Lion.

These boards have an ever increasing number of “newbie’s†who are looking for like minded gun owners to share experiences and maybe new ideas as to how they and we can fight the media driven apparent tide of anti-gun sentiment across this great country. I personally would not chide the use of these boards as not accomplishing anything productive. Instead, I would encourage their continued involvement posting and reading and, when they are ready, their physical and or financial involvement in furthering our 2nd Amendment cause. Lord knows you can pump a lot of money into the cause. As to the idea of “tempering†our views, I see nothing to gain by this save for the continuation of the incremental loss of our rights through compromise. “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.†indicates an absolute, uncompromising birthright to firearms ownership. The Second Amendment does not say “The claim of the people, dispensable at the whim of government, incrementally or in total, to keep and bear arms may or may not be infringed.â€

My work for the 2nd Amendment is still ongoing, however I no longer am able to give the physical or financial resources I once did. I walked precincts, knocked on doors, and collected signatures in the successful David Roberti and Doris Allen recalls as well as on many campaigns to get pro gun candidates elected to office. I have worked phone banks for several state legislators. I’ve worked into the wee hours preparing political mailers for gun rights supporters. I have had sit down audiences with no less than six Congressmen including Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez. I got to this level of involvement not by having my activities criticized, but through encouragement by those who were more involved than I.

So I wont criticize anyone from California or anywhere else for their involvement on these boards. Instead let me just say how much fun I’ve had tilting at windmills so to speak. I would encourage anyone who has thought about going to your legislator’s community office, to speak on behalf of your 2nd Amendment rights to, just do it. Find an activist group and get involved. Start a local pro gun organization. Or just keep the e-mail and faxes pilling up in the office of your elected critters, but do stay involved.

My two cents worth.:)
"I use the term critter on these forums, not as a way to show them disrespect, but to remind myself that they are no better than I, no more or less important, that when I talk to them, they are not the Great and Powerful Oz any more than I am the Cowardly Lion."

..Well said 4570....The sooner people realize that these "officials" put their pants on the same way we do the better.....:)
Well said 4570....The sooner people realize that these "officials" put their pants on the same way we do the better...

hmmm...some politicians take their pants off the same way also...and more often
BRAVO!! :D :D :D

If & when I move, it will be less due to the socialist laws than to the crowding.:cuss: The small town I live in has tripled its population in the last 10 years, as has most of Sufferin' California.
And its legal, not illegal immigration...:uhoh: I think the entire rest of the country is moving to CA as fast as they can, no matter how bad they talk about it.

But while I stay, I'll do what I can.


As you know, I count the number of friends I have on one hand. I'm happy you're one of those.

Good rant.
The Harman Report
This publication is a service of Assemblyman Tom Harman.

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Welcome to Harman’s Capitol Report, an electronic newsletter specifically designed to keep you better informed of what is happening in Sacramento and throughout the 67th Assembly District. Through this medium, I hope to keep in touch with you on a regular basis and provide an opportunity for your feedback. By having such direct input on issues concerning the citizens of the 67th District, I will be better equipped to serve you in the State Assembly. I look forward to hearing from you.


With $14 billion still unaccounted for in California's budget, and with the June 15th budget deadline rapidly approaching, we have plenty of work to do here in Sacramento.

These are historic times in California. We watched a massive surplus vanish and turn into a massive deficit in a matter of 18 months. In our anger we recalled the Governor who set a record for catering to special interests. And in our optimism we elected the strongest man in Hollywood to help pull us up out of the fiscal mess and put California first again - without wasteful government spending, thwarting job creation, or playing games with special interests.

With plenty of business to do, we refused to do "business as usual," rolled up our sleeves, and committed to reverse the downward spiraling trend - or so I thought. Here's a glimpse of how the other side of the aisle is working hard for California:

ACR 144 (Yee)
Urges the State Architect, local planning commissions, local design review boards, and other appropriate agencies to design concepts that follow the use of Feng Shui. Essentially, an office arranges their furniture, lucky items and colors to achieve the most powerful energy possible for increased luck in love, money, health and peace of mind.

AB 202 (Corbett)
Places restrictions on the sale of un-weaned birds in pet shops while exempting publicly-operated pounds and humane societies, of course.

AB 96 (Bermudez)
Substitutes the term "high-priority" for "low-performing schools" in every portion of the Education Code. Does nothing to actually improve performance, but just assumes that these kids will feel better if the term "high priority" is used to define their school, as opposed to challenging them to perform at a higher level to boost confidence and esteem.

AB 274 (Koretz)
Encourages an employee to bring spurious claims for labor violations against an employer. Freezes the employee's employment status for 90 days by presuming any discipline by the employer in that period to be retaliatory.

SB 1131 (Ortiz)
Creates a check-off on the income tax form to allow taxpayers to contribute funds to the International World Peace Rose Gardens Fund.

AB 1408 (Wolk)
Authorizes bicycles, if traveling at or above the speed of traffic, to be operated anywhere on the roadway, and not on the side of the road, as current law requires. While the state spends millions to build bike lanes instead of investing in more road capacity, this bill ensures that the critical issue of gridlock in bike lanes is resolved by letting bikers use the entire roadway.


The socialists are still hard at work.
I was born and raised in California, I'm 58 now, and don't plan on moving anywhere else. Despite the high profile leftist/"progressive" notoriety you all hear about, there is a solid RKBA population throughout the state. If you have ever seen the "red vs. blue" county by county map of the 2000 election, it becomes clear that the unwashed left "majority" vote comes from major cities along the coast. These high population areas are festering hotbeds of socialism where the culture is TOTALLY DIFFERENT from other parts of the state. I live in a rural area (total county population is less than 300k). The assortment of firearms showing up at the local range on any given weekend would make L.A. or S.F. city officials apoplectic. :what:
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