“GUNS & MOTHERS†a documentary

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Dec 24, 2002
Moscow on the Colorado, TX
a documentary

On May 13, 2003 a documentary is scheduled to air on PBS’s “Independent Lensâ€.

The documentary is titled “Guns & Mothers†and is produced and directed by Thom Powers of Sugar Pictures.

SAS’s Maria Heil is the featured Mother on the pro-gun side of the issue.

This one-hour documentary is quite riveting. It is one program you will want to videotape and view a number of times, for a number of reasons.

Two gentlemen are commentators throughout this film: Fox Butterfield, a crime reporter for the New York Times, and Robert Spitzer, the author of “The Politics of Gun Control.â€


You will want to take issue with Spitzer on his interpretation of the Second Amendment based entirely on the “militia†clause. His statement on the Second Amendment is somewhat convoluted, as is his argument that tougher gun laws in other states will restrict the illegal flow of guns from outside of New York.


Spitzer says that gun rights activists are zealots because, “They TEND TO BELIEVE that the country was founded on guns and that guns where used to fight King George….†Sounds like Spitzer TENDS TO BELIEVE Michael Bellesilles and his re-writing of history!


As unbelievable as this sounds, Butterfield actually states, “…but the only thing that will ultimately break the impasse would be, unfortunately, more incidents like Columbine.â€


Frances Davis, who lives in Brooklyn, NY, lost her three sons to criminal violence between 1987 and 1993. Davis apparently wants to ban private ownership of guns, “Gun control, we do need it because I really feel that average citizens really should not be armed.â€


As Ms. Davis stated one year after the rallies in Washington, D.C., “Last year, last Mothers Day, there was a big hype and everybody was talking about the Million Moms March and going to Washington. Well, it’s one day and it’s over, then you go back to your communities and nothing happens.â€


What this film does is show that the MMM was just a one time thing and that they have had little or no impact on the political scene. It also shows that SAS is a growing movement because we are passionate about our cause.


This documentary covers both sides of the issue with nearly equal time for each.

Spitzer points out that the reason the NRA and pro-gun groups are so successful is that their members are, in essence, the definition of “good citizensâ€.

Spitzer states, “Politics involves very much sticking with it. The Million Mom people…have not really been able to sustain their own movement in the same degree of intensity or to translate it into more specific efforts to change the political process. By comparison, the people who support gun rights…are not only skilled, but they’re highly motivated. A small, but well organized minority can often win the day politically over a large but relatively apathetic majority.†(Although, in reality, pro-gun groups are the majority!)

Davis does however, hit the nail on the head when she states, “For me, it’s important to bring awareness to the violence in this country.†(When you consider that 90% of all violent crimes in this country do not involve a firearm of any type (BATF 1998), then you begin to see that it’s not the guns, it is the violent people in our society that are wreaking havoc in this nation, particularly in the inner-cities.)

They showed all the posters I have on the walls from CCRKBA. Then they pan over to a gun rack on the wall, with BB Guns in it. On one side of the rack is a sign, “FREEDOM ISN’T FREEâ€. On the other side is a sign, which reads, “What part of ‘Shall Not Be Infringed’ don’t you understand?†Outside they filmed the cans that hang in our back fence that we use for plinking. Powers shows a positive view of the shooting sports when he films my friends and I shooting Sporting Clays at my club.

However, they are going to re-surface for the 2004 elections, as they have already announced that they are planning another rally in DC, on Mother’s Day 2004. They are calling it, “The birth of their second child.†SAS is making plans for a rally, whether the anti’s are there or not.

You can contribute to our 2004 Rally by visiting our online store SASsy Stuff

You can check for your local airing time here http://www.pbs.org/whatson/index.html

Make sure you also visit the online comments section at Talk Back.

Want to help with our 2004 Rally? Email us at SAS Rally

Or you can donate online right on our front-page Second Amendment Sisters, Inc

"Guns & Mothers" to Air on PBS; Second Amendment Sisters Spokesperson Featured in Documentary
By The Sierra Times
Lakeway, Texas - The Second Amendment Sisters (SAS) today announced that Maria Heil is the featured "pro-gun" Mother in the upcoming "Guns & Mothers" documentary, which is scheduled to air on PBS's "Independent Lens" during the week of May 11th.
Mrs. Heil is the National Press Coordinator and Legislative Liaison for SAS, and mother of four.

"Guns & Mothers" is produced and directed by Thom Powers of Sugar Pictures . The documentary chronicles the lives of two activists on opposite sides of the gun control debate.

On the pro-rights side is Mrs. Heil, who first got involved in activism in March 2000 when she read on the so-called "Million" Mom March (MMM) website, ".regardless of the interpretation, the second amendment is irrelevant." It was that one sentence which changed Heil's direction in life.

Frances Davis, who lives in Brooklyn, NY, lost her three sons to criminal violence between 1987 and 1993. Davis apparently wants to ban private ownership of guns, "Gun control, we do need it because I really feel that average citizens really should not be armed." Ms. Davis is somewhat disillusioned with the so-called "Million" Mom March, as she stated on Mother's Day 2001, "Last year, last Mothers Day, there was a big hype and everybody was talking about the Million Moms March and going to Washington. Well, it's one day and it's over, then you go back to your communities and nothing happens."

Check here for your local airing time

Fast Facts- -90% of all violent crimes in the U.S. do not involve firearms of any type. (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, 1998)

-Less than 1% of all firearms will ever be used in the commission of a crime. (FBI Uniform Crime Statistics, 1994)

-20% of U.S. homicides occur in four cities with just six percent of the population-New York, Chicago, Detroit, and Washington, DC-and each has a virtual prohibition on private handguns. (Dr. Gary Kleck, University of Florida using FBI Uniform Crime Statistics, 1997)

Source-"Gun Facts" by Guy Smith

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