A good school story.

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Feb 22, 2009
My daughter came home from school a bit ago and started to tell me how her day went as we usually do. What she told me made my day, so I thought I would share.

She is in kindergarten in a parochial school. Her school has an annual child safety walkathon. Family and friends can sponsor children for the walkathon and the school uses the money for extracurricular safety classes such as "stay away from strangers", "bad touch" and that sort of thing.

She told me that after her "exhausting" :D 8 laps around the school yard the children were taken to meet a couple of police officers and "check out their cool police car".

After her tour of the police car one of the officers began to talk to her about gun safety and that if she sees a gun that she shouldn't touch it, leave, and tell an adult what she saw.

My daughter got excited and said "I know that song! That's the Eddie Eagle song! I watch the Eddie Eagle video with my dad!" The officer asked her to sing the song and she did.

She got high-fives from both police officers and they told her to keep up the good work and keep watching the video. Then they gave her an Eddie Eagle sticker that she wore proudly on her chest.

I'm thrilled that her school added a bit of gun safety in their safety classes (they didn't do this last year). I'm going to have to write a letter of encouragement to the principal. I'm sure other parents will write in against it.
Outstanding! That's a refreshing change from the usual anti-gun zero tolerance hysteria we hear about with schools these days.
great story brace yourself though there will be some goa fanboi coming to tell you why what happened is bad
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