"A holster says 'premeditation' to a jury"

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Dec 14, 2003
Tempe, Arizona
"I rarely use a holster, I carry a 10mm Delta Elite inside my pants just behind my right hip, tilted forward, butt to the rear, cocked and locked...or my 1911...or my Ruger P-85...sometimes I pack in the small of my back, butt to the right. A holster says 'premeditation' to a jury, and if you toss the gun after, there is nothing to connect you. I wear a two magazine Bianchi magazine holder clipped over my belt behind the left hip...can toss that, too, if neccesary."

Found here.

Wow, now I guess I'm gonna throw out all that tactical nylon and gunleather. Seems like the good guys just stuff their guns with a round chambered down their pants. It's not like you hear a whole bunch of stories all the time about people who do that accidentally shooting themselves or the floor... oh, wait, I do.

Also, folks, remember how having a holster makes you look bad to a jury, but tossing your gun, magazines, and the mag holder in a dumpster while running away doesn't. Like he says, nothing to connect you... except perhaps your fingerprints and that he might have to register his guns in his state. It may be on the test.

Anyone want to place bets on how he's probably carrying concealed illegally, to boot?
Dear God that site is frightening.

I could pull at least 10 comments of utter stupidity. What do you want to bet it's a bunch of 15 year olds that play way to many first-person shooter games?

Hmm...a few examples shall we?

---I carry a P-89 Ruger taped high on my back with one bullet in the chamber cocked and ready. This only comes in handy if the bad guy tells you to put your hands on your head though. And I always have to keep my shirtless sweaty torso turned so that the bad guy can't see the weapon taped to my back. [Once again, a 15 year old...has to be!]

---I generally carry a Kel-Tec P32, which is a tiny little gun (5.1" x 3.5" x 0.75") that I can stick in my pants pocket. I put my cell phone in the same pocket to break up the outline. [Wonderful! Who here would like to present their cell phone rather than their firearm in a moment of crisis?]

---I think I am an expert on this issue--no denying that. As I said before, nothing works better than a cheap Saturday night special stuffed in your underpants.

Really, there's no need for fancy holsters or thingamajiggies. Just keep the gun loaded and cocked and easy to get at--like in your underpants. Then, when some alleged tough guys try to harrass you in the subway--POW! POW! You look okay, here's another--POW!

Anyway, I'm glad to see you're all using synthetic holsters. Leather is murder, just like meat. Please be kind to our animal friends. [I'm not even going to attempt to ridicule this person...he's already made a fool of himself.]

...and I saved the best for last ;)

---How do I carry concealed? By breaking the law! Other than that, it's poor opsec to reveal your tactics, methods and gear. (Hint: 1911s rule!)

Are we having fun yet? ;)

I'll give his Delta Elite a good home, since he may not need it much longer....
I think aididoka-mks may be right. This is from a Die Hard scene:

I carry a P-89 Ruger taped high on my back with one bullet in the chamber cocked and ready. This only comes in handy if the bad guy tells you to put your hands on your head though. And I always have to keep my shirtless sweaty torso turned so that the bad guy can't see the weapon taped to my back.

I can't remember if Bruce Willis had a P89 or not but he had it taped to his back with only two rounds left. There were also two bad guys, one of which was holding a gun to his wife's head. He put a bullet in each BG.
I think that the words under the site title say it all:

Unfair. Unbalanced. Unmedicated.

Although I do love the pic of the woman wearing the "Peace through superior firepower" t-shirt.

Most of the rest I think I can do without.
Hmm, too bad we couldnt get a rule on the internet: "You may not discuss CCW methods on the internet unless you've actually stepped foot inside a gunshop after you were taller than your dad's belt buckle."

The name of that site is IMAO

When I saw it the first thing that popped into my mind was why anyone would name a site after a common acronym for Laughing My A-s-s Off. Then I noticed the I instead of the l I assumed.

It's still LMAO to me...
From the "Frank On Guns" section...

Did you see the movie Spiderman? At the very end when Harry Osborn sees Spiderman drop off his dead father, POW! He pulls opens a drawer and has a gun in right in hand with hardly a thought. That's what your home should be like; always a gun in arms length, because you never known when you might get attacked by Spiderman, who could be as bad as J. Jonah Jameson says.

Seems Darwin has missed a few...:rolleyes:

...and we REALLY don't need guys like this on OUR side....
Seems Darwin has missed a few...
...and we REALLY don't need guys like this on OUR side....

Time to hop on the clue bus. This is called comedy. Maybe you've heard of it. If you don't think it's funny, that's fine. Others do. If you take it seriously, it's time for more meds.
This one has got to be the best.

"Awwww, man...
When I first saw that picture, I thought it was a cool new robot plane. I thought "Cool! Frank carries his concealed weapons aboard a robot plane which is constantly circling above him, ready to call down destruction upon monkeys and other agents of evil!"

Then I saw it was a concealed carry holster, which is not nearly as cool as a robot plane.

Frank, why do you not have a robot plane circling constantly above you as your concealed weapon?

I'm a little disappointed in you."
The most frightening thing to me in all this is not the site. It's the fact I can see an attorney actually trying to present the use of a holster as some form of intent or premeditation in a self defense related hearing these days. They shouldn't give the bottom-feeders any ideas. :)

I realize that the postings on the site itself, and some of the commentary, are satire.

Some of the commentary, however, seems a little iffy.
I saw the title and thought I was going to see a link to some news story about a lawyer making that assertion.

i think this one's the best:
-I stick all my guns down the front my pants. That way, it appears that I am carrying a large package.

although this one's pretty good too (maybe it's because I can empathise)
-Concealed carry? Yeah, right. I live in Jersey, it was easier to get a gun in the Soviet Union.
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