A minor change in plans...

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Dec 24, 2002
Utah, inside the Terraformed Zone
Some forum members may wonder if I intend to post every life decision I make on this forum. Probably not, but I had talked about this at length here before, so...

As you may or may not recall, this summer I embarked on a ten-day road trip, leaving on August 17th, from which I have not yet returned. I went to Salt Lake City, Knoxville Tennessee, and Hurricane-ravaged southern Mississippi, where I'll remain until the end of January. My car, may it rest in peace (pieces?), remains in Rawlins Wyoming.

I've learned that Greyhound doesn't allow firearms to be transported, for example. I've had many strange experiences, also. I asked a deputy sheriff what type of pistol he was carrying. He handed it to me, telling me to be careful, because a round was chambered. (It was a Beretta 92.)

It's a different world down here. LOL

Now, before, I had made an announcement that I was moving to Knoxville. To this end, I received a warm welcome from TN THR-ers, and participated at a Coal Creek Armory THR shoot (and bought the t-shirt).

As I said, I was welcomed warmly. They even put up with my Yankee indescretions. For instance, I wasn't run out of the state for poking fun at Southerners' ongoing fascination with civil war history (though I was warned about it, LOL).

However, after landing this job in Mississippi, I'm going to have a considerable amount of discretionary income. Now, moving to TN was the best choice at the time, but money means options (and a new barrel for my FAL), so...

Basically, I'm not moving to Knoxville, I'm not taking the job I had lined up (I can do a lot better than eight dollars an hour now), and I'm moving to Utah instead like I ORIGINALLY planned to do a couple years ago.

I must say, I'm quite happy with this. I love it out there, and find the dry climate a touch more agreeable than humid Tennessee. (Though Tennessee has nothing on Mississippi in the humidity department. UGH!)

So, Tennessee High Roaders can breathe a collective sigh of relief, and Utah High Roaders can roll their eyes and/or wince at the news.

Once I get back to my computer, I'm going to start writing again. I've got a killer idea for a sequel to the story, in case anyone's not tired of my self-aggrandizing yet. (I'm positive I spelled that wrong...I've been out of school far too long.)

In any case, I need information on places to shoot. Ranges, places out in the desert, even. In MI, it's technically illegal to shoot anywhere but a range or your own propery. Even had the state cops roll up on us once (though they didn't by any means give us a hard time).

So it's going to be nice to be able to go out and shoot in the wilderness without The Man trying to bring me down. LOL

(Also, on a gun-unrelated note, I'm going back to flight school and am going to finish what I started when I was sixteen. Can any THR flyboys give me the lowdown on flight training options out there?)
If you are moving to Salt Lake City, shoot me a PM and let me know. I prefer to shoot out in the desert, and I can show you where I go.
Nightcrawler said:
Some forum members may wonder if I intend to post every life decision I make on this forum. Probably not, but I had talked about this at length here before, so...

But thats why we are Here for you !!!!!!!

Good luck
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