A moment with my wife (or "But honey, this one goes to 11..)

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Ahhhh the old getting busted with the Wallet close the Keyboard.

My future wife and I already had the Gun hobby talk. I told her that if her hobbies are plants, trees, patio sets, shoes, china, dinning room sets, making the house look beautiful and her looking beautiful for me then all I ask is that I get no "NO's" when I want to go hunting, get a deer lease, buy new guns, etc.

She agreed. She still gives me the why do you need it attitude but all you have to say is "I don't question your hobbies".

Of course, this goes both ways. I have to reasonable as well. For example I can't buy 3 guns a year or whatever and of course we are getting married this November so my gun buying is on hold for a while (My choice) but I love her and she pretty much lets me get what I feel we need and lets me get my toys.
thanks :)

will be better when we settle in a bigger place get a safe so i can keep my guns there instead of at my parents. (and a workshop so i can reload and work on my blackpowder rifles and such)
You are lucky if your wife believes chainsaws are for zombies. Mine KNOWS it is for yardwork!

Nah, the zombies are all working for the MMMs, or the Brady Campaign. They aren't so well represented in Congress. In terms of undead demographics, Vampires and Ghosts tend to have the Congressional market down cold. Mummies are underrepresented, and the Lupines for Fair Representation keep threatening to mount a protest, but when they can only meet once a month to discuss it, the movement tends to fizzle.
Thank Goodness

I'm a female with my own bank account. I sure as hell couldn't afford some of the stuff that the SO comes home with anyway...at least not in the gun venue.

He's picked at me from time to time over my love of expensive handbags but we don't "oversee" each other's purchases otherwise. Glad I'm not married!:D
Good post. This sounds awfully familiar too, its a fairly common conversation at my house. Most often in regard to guns, but sometimes other things too :)

Me: "I think I'm going to buy this"
Her: "Why do you need that ? You already have all those !"
Me: "Yeah but this one can be used for (such and such)"
Her: "Yeah ok, but you don't even do that !"
Me: "Well, if I had this, then I could do (such and such)"
Her: "Oh, really ? Would you ? You never did (such and such) with the last thing that you said you could do (such and such) with."
Me: "Well... but.. this one goes to 11 !"
Her: *evil glare*
Me: "Yeah, yeah I guess you're right"

Problem is I usually let it eat at me till I bought whatever it was in a few days anyway. :eek: Now I've learned my lesson for the most part and I just never mention it.
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