A piece I wrote for my Contemporay Moral Problems class @ UNCG

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writing for any college assignment, formal or informal that used direct quotes of someone else's work without a citation would get you an F in the class and possibly an expulsion in my school... but i guess academic honesty isnt the same in every school is it?
It is sad to me that the common language now includes words that would not have been tolerated in mixed company 35 -40 years ago. We had better way to express ourselves. Even I, a soldier of many years, am offended by some words that just roll off the tongues of so many.

I guess it is just the "dumbing down" of our culture.

Heck, when I was in school, we couldn't even -really- discuss FCC v. Pacifica...

I'm guessing this is a fellow who thinks that all "gun people" have certain political beliefs... And that by owning guns, he's in the club. Lotta skins and kluckers own guns - doesn't mean that they're welcome on range day.
writing for any college assignment, formal or informal that used direct quotes of someone else's work without a citation would get you an F in the class and possibly an expulsion in my school... but i guess academic honesty isnt the same in every school is it?

Every school I know has a very specific code of academic honesty, and this is certainly true for every institution in the UNC system.
actually there are a few good points, and some good observations in the essay blog thing.

As far as lampooning his issue with spelling, have you ever noticed that spell check as designed by Microsoft will replace homonyms on its own?
so because you see "lode" and not "load", its not always the users fault, normally on my version of spellcheck, its the spell checks fault.
writing for any college assignment, formal or informal that used direct quotes of someone else's work without a citation would get you an F in the class and possibly an expulsion in my school

Also at UNC. This student had better hope that the professor doesn't recognize the quotes - or subscribe to one of the many plagiarism detection services that will search the Internet for quotes.

I was an TA at UNC. I have to tell you that even without detecting the plagiarism, I would not have looked at the blog very favorably. Things could have gone very much downhill since I left, but I doubt it. UNC is still a very good school (at least academically).

I am not particularly offended by profanity - but when it is a substitute for a clever rejoinder or a strong argument, it doesn't get the same grade as the rejoinder or argument.

Well, to the guy's credit, he's not a troll. Heck, he's been here for about 2 1/2 years.

Hey Bogie, whaddya got against the semicolon? ;)

Seriously, I started getting much better grades on my papers when I realized that I needed to utilize (notice I didn't say "use") as much flowery prose and grandiloquent terms as I could without being superfluous or sounding pretentious (more than I already do.)

When my teacher asked how I had such a great vocabulary, I responded honestly; reading comic books as a youth. (Note the semicolon... I hope I used it correctly!)
The responses in this thread are truly high road. They are why I love this place.
I love the responses!

Haha, I wasn’t going to respond so early but what the hell right? Lets address a few issues everyone has:

First off, it was mentioned that my writing skills are to blame for my bad grade. Fair enough only I never mentioned anything about a grade & the fact of the matter is that this is from a blog, not a paper (formal or informal) like most everyone tried to call it. So things like grammar & spelling aren’t an issue. Moreover it is supposed to be more of a continuous thought rather than a well structured paper (for those I have an old English professor from A&T proofread for me but thanks for the offer). Back to the grade issue, grades on the blog entries are not based on how well they are written but rather the simple fact that they are done. Out of a class of 70+ only about 30 of us do them like we are supposed to.

Secondly, it should look familiar to you, 2 of the quotes are from Robin Williams (the Statue of Liberty one & the illegal immigrants one) as well as another about caribou being reject reindeer from Dennis Miller but again being that this is not a formal/informal paper citations are not needed.

Keeping with the class theme lets talk about the third issue on hand; where in the title of the course, Contemporary Moral Problems, do you get the idea that this is an English/Literature course? Doesn’t it sound more like a Philosophy/Ethics course? Maybe when you went to college you only had to write papers or opinions or whatever in English/Literature courses, not me though.

As far as me being a “writer”, I never claimed nor care to be. I am a painter (an Art major), not a writer. Hey if you can write speeches for politicians or write a great novel or beautiful poems that is a phenomenal talent & good for you. However if you can’t draw & the next time you try to draw the little stick figure you call art, I hope someone is standing next to you saying that you aren’t the next Hogarth.

On the point of drilling in Alaska, hey that’s fine. I would love to go with nuclear energy instead of oil. Its safer, more efficient & more cost effective than oil, but because most everyone associates that term with a weapon of mass destruction it’s usually harder to get people to listen to.

Another point I would like to hit, is the one that I am portraying pro-gunners as dumb rednecks. Where did I say anything about guns? As far as anyone knows I might just be a dumb bigot or racists.

As for trolling, I’ve been here for 2 and a half years, why would I start trolling now. I don’t agree with a some of what the majority say here, I am all for the legalization of marijuana, I don’t think certain dog breeds should be banned & I sure as hell don’t think that a government who claims to run a free country should be able to tell me what guns I can or can not buy or even know that I have bought them, but I still respect your different opinions, even if I don’t agree with them, but then again I’m the intolerant bigot remember?

Which brings me to my favorite issue. Myself being a bigot or being compared to Nazi Germans or even Hitler (that tiny little mustache look doesn‘t work for me sorry). I never say that I don’t want Hispanic immigrants, I say I want all illegal immagrants deported! Illegal Mexicans, Saudis, Irish, even yes Canadians. If you are illegal you need to vacate the country & apply for legal entry & citizanship. But the fact is I’ve hired 2 people that are Hispanic to work with me (infact I am the only white person) but they are legal, I don’t hire illegal immigrants just because they want to work & live here. I don’t care what color or country they are from if they are here illegally they need to get the hell out & try to come back legally. I completely understand about wanting to better yourself & get out of a crap situation. My great grandfather Jack Hubert Cline wanted to get the hell out of a British ruled Ireland but he had to follow legal recourses (even though there were less then). As far as illegals doing jobs that Americans don’t want to do, I clean toilets/urinals, clean up puke, buff floors & pick up after grown adult teachers that should know better. There aren’t too many people who want to do this for $9/hr, hell I don’t, but I do the job. Why, because it gets me by & pays my bills for now. A couple of years ago the county I work for got in trouble for hiring illegal immigrants for about half the pay. Does this mean there are no legal Americans who want this job?

Also I never said anything about killing or eradicating (oh no there I go again with big words-someone complained about that too) a group of people. But yes I don’t agree with allowing people from a country who overwhelming want to destroy my country & way of life into this country. It doesn’t seem safe but then again I must been an idiot cause I don’t want to let people who want to kill me into this country.

But by all means call me a bigot. Just don’t show the picture, from the same place that you got of me with my .357 Mag, with my best friend Travis (or did I that picture not show up I had some trouble up loading that about a month ago) the best man at my wedding who also is a black kid I grew up with or a picture of my wife who is half Cuban or don’t look at the fact that for almost 2 years I went to North Carolina A&T State University which is an HBCU (Historically Black College or University). These probably wouldn’t help your claim. By the way did I use, other than a few curse words, offensive language about anyone’s race or religion or country/region of origin? Did I use the term “wet-back” or “beaner” instead of Hispanic or did I call some group from the Middle East “towel-heads?” No I guess not, sorry, I’ll try to do better next time.

I think its funny that the only times in my life I’ve ever been called a bigot or racist to my face (and possibly here too I don’t know what race you are) have been by whites but when the exact same views were expressed in a Black History course at an HBCU they were met with different responses (not saying that they agreed with me either cause many didn’t).

If I missed anything anyone would like me to comment on feel free to ask again.

PS mods feel free to move this or do whatever to it, I'm done here anyhow. Have a nice day…
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Of all the thoughts I have concerning your response, I'll truncate them to an important few.

So things like grammar & spelling aren’t an issue.

Respectfully, grammar and spelling are ALWAYS an issue if you want to be taken seriously as an educated person.

Back to the grade issue, grades on the blog entries are not based on how well they are written but rather the simple fact that they are done.

More proof that higher education in this country is failing it's customers.

if you can’t draw & the next time you try to draw the little stick figure you call art, I hope someone is standing next to you saying that you aren’t the next Hogarth.

As a supposed artist, you really should reacquaint yourself with the concept of art. It has little to do with quality of a drawn figure. I suspect your elitist statement portrays your true thoughts.
In before the lock.

I don't see how this is gun-related in any way, though there is a good amount of English going on.
I suspect that the original poster was just assuming that this diverse gun culture would simply validate the spew.

As it is, it's simply a stereotypical re-puke of all the "you're not like me, so go home" rhetoric.

As a working artist, I suggest that one give their attention to -all- communication skills. And the instant someone says "socially relevant" in regards to art, stand up and head for the door...

Suggestion: As a followup, assuming the prof actually reads the stuff, instead of just seeing "student typed two kilobytes," a cool idea would be to give him/her a link to this thread... And maybe we could see what they have to say...

In fact, do we have any more students from that school? We might be able to figure out who is teaching that class, and invite 'em ourselves... That'd be interesting.
I have to say, I am amazed this thread is still going after nearly 12 hours. It really doesn't get more OT than this.
Nyah... I think it's an opportunity to explore the true diversity of our gun culture... It's not made up of the stereotypical rednecks... In reality, when one gets away from the Hollywood myth, it's really everyone.

Plus, I'd like to see what the prof thinks. C'mon...
I'm a conservative and I've been to college and am getting ready to go back for my masters. I ALWAYS try to refrain from political talk with professors. You're not going to change their mind and in most cases it's not worth the aggravation that can come out of an argument with a professor.
Because we need to get someone from the UNC/UNCG system to figure out who is teaching that course, and invite 'em over here...

Besides - what -kind- of class is "contemporary moral problems?"

Is it an ethics course? Or is that just an academified term for "Current Events?" My education must have been severely lacking, because most of my courses had names like "Biology 202" or "Mass Comm 301."
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