A rant on: hit this poll threads

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I don't really have an opinion on the "hit or don't hit" portion. However, I feel very strongly that there are a lot of "left leaning" people who are pro-2A. There are likewise, a lot of "right leaning" anti-2A people...look at Mitt Romney!!!

I will stipulate that there tends to be a correlation to the side of the political aisle one's beliefs land on but this is by no means a hard and fast rule. Lot's of Democrats getting an A from the NRA at election time. Lot's of Republicans getting an F.

Given that fact, there is merit to CNN or somebody actually seeing that n% (hopefully a number far north of 50!) of their loyal viewers support the 2A.
It may come as a shock, but to a great many people, the 2A, gun rights, and gun ownership are not an issue. Their attention is directed to things they find more important in their day-today lives. Therefore, what other people actually think about the 2A becomes less important once you realize how seldom they actually think about it at all. What becomes more important is figuring out how to do their thinking for them. And manipulating polls can be a useful way of doing that.
It may come as a shock, but to a great many people, the 2A, gun rights, and gun ownership are not an issue. Their attention is directed to things they find more important in their day-today lives. Therefore, what other people actually think about the 2A becomes less important once you realize how seldom they actually think about it at all. What becomes more important is figuring out how to do their thinking for them. And manipulating polls can be a useful way of doing that.
^^^Nice! Well put!
In the end, tainting a poll that is obviously anti-gun SHOULD be a goal. As was mentioned, not everyone (gasp) is interested in the Second Amendment over other issues. How many of us are as expert on the Sixth Amendment as we are on the Second? Yet, when the issue comes up, we tend to make decisions based on only the most superficial reading.

When was the last time that anyone saw a media-driven poll, supposedly scientific or not, that didn't try to twist or limit responses to give them an edge towards limiting the Second Amendment?

"Tainting" such drivel usually causes it to be dropped. Ignoring it allows the sponsors to "prove" to the less than interested public that the majority favor whatever they were pushing that week.

Besides, what guarantees that the anti-gun faction isn't doing the exact same thing in these polls?
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