A success story

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Dec 23, 2005
Thought I'd share with all of you - who are also working to change the opinion of gun ownership.

Today, my coworker of over three years told me that his opinion of guns and gun owners has changed 180° from where it was when he started with the company. I was a little shocked at first that he totally about-faced. He's a pretty sarcastic kind of guy.

But he said that when he started, he was pretty well entrenched in the anti-gun rhetoric, and believed it. But over the years, his opinion has changed to one with which we're all familiar - if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns (his words).

The funny thing is, I've never taken this guy to a range, and he knows his limits enough to know that his personality type wouldn't do well if he had easy access to guns (he's a bit temperamental), but the thing is that he's seen the way I comport myself, and those who I've gotten interested in shooting, and realizes that it's not us that are the problem.

I said thanks for the compliment, and invited him to come to Front Sight, since at least there he'd be able to rent a gun, and learn about the consequences of letting his anger get the best of him. I don't expect him to take me up on the offer, and I don't think he's going to run out and buy a gun, but at least it's one more sympathizer on our side.

The take home message for me is a reinforcement of my belief that if we take the high road and treat everyone with respect, whether they deserve it or not, the example we can set will change minds everywhere we go. If I can do it with a total anti-gunner, and turn them totally pro-gun, then I can certainly turn an anti to a neutral, or a neutral to a pro. And they may not all tell us, like my coworker, but if it's done, we'll see a difference at the polls, or in the votes on propositions, or in state constitution changes, or a myriad other ways.

Let's redouble our efforts to change a person's mind. Treat them with respect, put aside your disdain for their logic-challenged thinking, and help them see the light. Set an example and stick to it.
Good job.

My own minor success today came by mentioning to 2 younger ladies at work (discussing crime) that "the Supreme Court has stated time after time that the police are not obliged to save you from an attacker" - they were horrified/outraged at facing the reality that they are, essentially, helpless.

Hey, I'm just pulling back the curtain one inch at a time... :D
AndyC - Congrats! I'd say that they're NOT helpless, but they have to realize that they, like any of us, are ultimately responsible for their own protection. Now invite them to go to the range with you!
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