ABC's JFK Assassination Special

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Actually, I haven't seen any evidence yet that Oswald was the only shooter.

What they try to do is discredit any arguments that he *wasn't*.

That's not the same as showing he was.

For instance, the single bullet theory tries to explain two wounds with one shot, to allow the possibility the LHO was the single shooter.

But the wounds could have come from two bullets fired from different directions, at different times, and the bullet that people think missed might have been the one that hit Connelly. There could have been another shooter under the SBT.

The SBT merely allows the possibility (if you believe it) that LHO acted alone.

You see what I'm saying? They assume LHO acted alone and then try to prove he *could* have done it alone. But in doing so, they don't disprove the possibility that he wasn't acting alone.

I don't want to lay out the whole argument. I've made some points here and I've just gotten tired of it all. I don't see how Oswald could have known what the parade route was to get the job in advance, especially if the route was changed at the last minute. (And if it wasn't change,d the number of people in dealy plaza would have been much higher).

The headshot looks to me to have come from the grassy knoll, given the way the blood splattered. Etc.

I'm certainly not saying I know what happened, or how it happened- I can't give you a timeline and try to defend it. I don't know what happened. I'm just pointing out problems with the official story.

But by definition, since the government covered up evidence, there was a conspiracy... and I'm not just talking about the records that were sealed.
I don't see how Oswald could have known what the parade route was to get the job in advance, especially if the route was changed at the last minute. (And if it wasn't change,d the number of people in dealy plaza would have been much higher).
It was proven that it wasn't changed. Perhaps there would have been more people in the plaza if the misprinted route hadn't been printed, confusing people on where the route was going.
Who cares.
Wheather it was Oswald alone or a flock of midgets hiding in the sewer, just be glad it was done.

Kennedy was the son of a crimminal who was elected by mob influence, supported by the liberal do gooders of today.

He made Clinton look like a Baptist preacher.

Imagine what it would be like if that murderer Ted "the swimmer" Kennedy had his two thug brothers beside his side?

The words Kennedy and Evil are as one and they have reaped what they have sowed.

I look forward to the next one dropping and will celebrate whole heartedly.
I vote that Oswald acted alone - the evidence leads to that conclusion.

Now let's talk common sense:

1. The Government has a hell of a time keeping real, desirable secrets, like names of secret agents, and submarine sonar software. Keep a coup d'etat secret? Not a chance.

2. If powerful conspirators sought to kill Kennedy, why not just drag out some of the skeletons in his closet? It's well known he had a couple of mistresses - having one of them turn up naked in the White House would have caused Kennedy a great deal of grief. Why take the risk of killing him?

3. Shooting at someone in a moving car, with a old surplus rifle, is a low percentage shot. If there was a conspiracy of evil powerful men, they would have brought better guns, and more of them.

As for feedthehogs comment, the three big assasinations of the 60's made martyrs out of men who didn't necessarily deserve it. I think we would have had a lot less liberal grief since then, without those killings, and probably less gun control laws, too. That's aside from the fact that people from all sides of the political spectrum were saddened by Kennedy's death, as well they should be.

We nearly lost Reagan to a similar nut, and how would that have changed our history? No RR to win the Cold War, and probably even more gun controls laws.
More common sense....

The conspiracy types view Oswald as either a complete patsy or part of the conspiracy and was set up . The "evidence" framing him was done prior to the assassination. Then, multiple shooters supposedly killed JFK. Everyone immediately bailed the country, leaving Oswald as "the lone gunman."

How could these people be sure that all wounds would appear as shot from the rear? One single, obvious entrance wound in the front reveals the conspiracy.

How could they be sure that the bullets from the other guns would be unrecoverable? Ballistics on a single bullet from a rifle other than Oswald's uncovers them.

Why would they plant the "pristine bullet" on the stretcher at Parkland Hospital prior to the complete autopsy of JFK? They couldn't know how many bullets were in the body and would be recovered. They didn't know the shot that hit Connally had passed through Kennedy, which meant there could be yet another bullet inside Connally. They didn't know the first shot had missed, yet would be detected. That means if only two bullets were recovered from JFK and Connally, the "planted" bullet would be a 4th bullet, possibly a 5th bullet, proving a conspiracy.

For the assassination to be part of a conspiracy, a remarkable number of events had to happen perfectly to prevent it's detection. For 40 years, not one single person involved in the conspiracy as revealed any evidence proving it. Any idea how much absolute evidence proving the conspiracy would be worth? Yet none of those involved decided to cash in that evidence?

And this perfect conspiracy was pulled off by the same people that had tried the Bay of Pigs fiasco a couple of years earlier.

The conspiracy theorists have a perfectly "logical" explanation for all of those questions and it is why you will never be able to convince them that Oswald was the lone assassin: "because the government is covering up all of that evidence".
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