Accidental Discharge?

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Heck, I went to military school and was issued a M1 Garand in the 9th grade (1st case of "M1 Thumb" 10 minutes later). We had booby trap training, ambush set up, and all kinds of neat stuff. If you even THOUGHT of being unsafe at the range, a Sgt would inflict a boatload of "corpral punishment" on you. We NEVER had a problem.
Although I never went to a military school, my Dad took me to the range on my 8th birthday and I got to shoot an M1carbine all I wanted. 1955 in Okinawa. My Dad was overseas a lot so it was later than either of us wanted to go shooting.

By instilling gun/ammo safety to me at such an early age, I'm positive I was trained to such an extent that if I had ever encountered a weapon at school I would know enough to leave it alone. With our society going so PC we leave our kids exposed to such dangers unless we take it upon ourselves to teach our kids gun safety. For damn sure our schools won't.

I'm proud to say I attended school before they ever needed back pack inspections and metal detectors.

Firearm/ammo ignorance and intolerance is reaching monumental proportions. My last trip through an airport resulted in the ignorant TSA folks confiscating a mis-shaped .40S&W slug that I had recovered after a day at the range. I had it with my pocket change. They were afraid I might somehow use it on the plane or something. Rules are one thing, ignorance in enforcing the rules is another thing.

Rant over.
With our society going so PC we leave our kids exposed to such dangers unless we take it upon ourselves to teach our kids gun safety.

Instead they get their gun education from hollywood movies that teach unsafe gun handling and poor shooting technique. So they are neither safe nor proficient from what they learn from t.v.
Exactly. If that kid had been taught about guns, he would have never taken it to school much less "accidentally" pulled the trigger at lunch time with his buddies. Ignorance doesn't make anyone safer.
Things have changed so much from when I was in School.. at my High School, there was a Rifle Range in the ROTC building... I carried a 20 Double in the rifle rack in my truck and parked on campus... we used to dove hunt DURING Ag Classes... man times have changed..

The one poster told of being interrogated over a spent casing, completely believable, I know of a case recently where a boy was suspended for drawing a picture of a gun... the world has gone to pieces..
Heck, I went to military school and was issued a M1 Garand in the 9th grade (1st case of "M1 Thumb" 10 minutes later). We had booby trap training, ambush set up, and all kinds of neat stuff. If you even THOUGHT of being unsafe at the range, a Sgt would inflict a boatload of "corpral punishment" on you. We NEVER had a problem.

Remember those days fondly. That wouldn't have been in wisconsin back in the mid 60's would it :)

M1 thumb is a badge of courage. PREEEEE SENT.........ARMS ! Cadet, you did NOT clean your weapon properly, drop and give me 25. :what:
I know of a case recently where a boy was suspended for drawing a picture of a gun... the world has gone to pieces..

What the...seriously? Yet they don't think twice about them being exposed to violence, profanity, sexuality or drug use in movies, tv shows and video games? That is just mental deficiency there. A true taste of idiocracy.
That is NOT an accidental discharge. It is a NEGLIGENT discharge.

Aryfrosty is 100% correct. The military some years ago began making this distinction and it usually results in UCMJ (punishment) whether there is an injury or not. It sounds so much more innocent when one claims there ignorance is an "accident", especially an adult. In this case there are two (or more) sources, the child and their parent(s). The media will present a story anyway they wish, and it's usually inaccurate; who knows what really caused that weapon to fire. It really doesn't matter if the weapon was dropped or somehow snagged resulting in a discharge. Like an automobile, when a individual is in control of it, they are responsible for what it does. If a child gains control of an automobile and kills someone, guess who is to blame?
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