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Just Jim

Mar 27, 2006
Rust is the killer of alot of nice guns. We all try to keep our guns oiled but some people don't remember that it needs to be done often. I find that when I am looking over my guns that a real bright flashlight (surefire 6P) will help you see the start of rust real well.

Go ahead and open your safe and shine a bright light on them guns and you will see what I mean. Then get out your regular gun oil (not wd 40 ect) and wipe em down.

Anyone else with helpfull tips for the newbees??

For rust removal, there are three letters to remember: VCI. Stands for Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor. It is the best thing you can use to stop rust before it starts.

It is volatile, meaining that it is not stable. It slowly evaporates and forms a protective vapor around your gun. There are sprays and impregnated cloths and socks.

Check out this link to learn all you want to know about VCI.

A pet peeve of mine regarding guns has to do with cleaning procedures, specifically cleaning rods. Sectioned aluminum or brass rods are the worst things for your guns. Get yourself a good coated rod, like a Dewey or a Pro-Shot. Also, get rod guides that will fit your guns, especially if you can't clean them from the breech.
For newbies? Boresnakes for cleaning, rust inhibitor fluids/oils for moderate length storage, and if you know you won't be using a particular gun for an extended period (e.g. you are in the service and have been called overseas) use either one of the dedicated long-term gun storage bag systems (e.g Z-Corr) or put them in a silicon-impregnated sock/sleeve (e.g. bore-stor) and vacuum pack them.
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