Advice on target location

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Feb 25, 2012
I'm looking for some advice on locating the target and backstop for a 100 yard range. I have a couple choices: one is on a straight flat trajectory from the bench with no natural protection behind it other than my backstop (100 sandbags). The other is 10-15 feet higher than my bench, at a 15 degree angle, with a hill behind it. The bench itself cannot be moved since it weighs about 5 tons. Any suggestions?
On the straight approach, my target is at an elevation of 304 ft. Then the hill maxes out at 312 feet and drops off with nothing but woods for another mile until the trajectory crosses a farm at an elevation of 280 feet. Then another half mile of woods beyond that, there is a 380 ft hill where the round would definitely stop.

On the angle approach, the target is at 310 feet and the hill rises up behind to a height of 340 feet. Then beyond that the hill drops away and then rises up 1.5 miles later to a height of 500 feet, with nothing but woods in between.
15 feet in 100 yards won't affect the apparent distance.

I'd dig in at 100 yards and create an opening for the target frame. Pile the dirt on the uphill side. Sandbag until you feel safe with it.

FWIW, I never missed my backstop in some 20 years. It was about five feet wide and four feet high. Rocks and gravel, some five feet thick behind the target frame.
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