AHSA and the New AWB

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Mar 30, 2006
North Olmsted, Ohio
Remembering the various comments of cheerleaders for AHSA, regarding their lack of support for a new assault weapon ban, I just checked out the AHSA website to see what they had to say about Eric Holder's recent endorsement of a new ban.


What will they do?

1. Endorse the ban? Probably.

2. Say nothing? Possibly.

3. Condemn the Obama administration's attack on gun rights? HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
I doubt the AHSA site will be updated at all until the next election cycle. They accomplished their mission and Soros...oops, I mean AHSA have moved on.

Speaking of, RPVCYemen hasn't been around for a while...
I'm shocked, SHOCKED that AHSA isn't vociferously speaking out against Eric Holder's statement about wanting to reinstate a ban on so-called "assault weapons."
I am curious as to how an AWB impacts existing guns people own and especially the clip capacity. Have you historically been grandfathered into being able to keep what you have, or did you need to change your existing weapons to comply with the law. I'd like to know what has happened in the past.
I am curious as to how an AWB impacts existing guns people own and especially the clip capacity. Have you historically been grandfathered into being able to keep what you have, or did you need to change your existing weapons to comply with the law. I'd like to know what has happened in the past.

In the last bans, everything was grandfathered. The 1989 import ban is still in effect and it's perfectly legal to own and sell black rifles imported prior to that.
I am curious as to how an AWB impacts existing guns people own and especially the clip capacity. Have you historically been grandfathered into being able to keep what you have, or did you need to change your existing weapons to comply with the law. I'd like to know what has happened in the past.
It impacts them however its written. That's purely arbitrary on the part of the writer(s).
I suspect that whatever the next ban, there will be a grandfather clause of sorts. To demand that all banned weapons be turned in by their owners would be a $h!tstorm the likes of which ATF and company have never witnessed.

That said, I wouldn't be at all surprised if the granfathering was conditional, i.e. registration/licensing.

The congresscritters are experts at frog boiling; they won't turn up the heat too fast, and only the most perceptive frogs will jump out, thus being labeled extremists by the remainder of the amphibian collective.
That said, I wouldn't be at all surprised if the granfathering was conditional, i.e. registration/licensing.

That's the way it went down with California's state-level AWB.
With due respect, I submit that this isn't even a serious question.

We know that the AHSA is a sham-group to divide gun owners on second amendment issues. They are aligned with those folks who want to infringe the right to keep and bear arms.
With due respect, I submit that this isn't even a serious question.
It's a VERY serious question, the purpose of which is to ensure that when the AHSA-bots return, they will have ZERO credibility with ANYONE.

As I said to them when they were here, "I may not be able to stop you from lying, but neither can you make me believe."
I am curious as to how an AWB impacts existing guns people own and especially the clip capacity. Have you historically been grandfathered into being able to keep what you have, or did you need to change your existing weapons to comply with the law. I'd like to know what has happened in the past.

As mentioned it depends on what is written.

We have really 2 things to go by.

First we have the original Clinton ban, with all the expiration dates and grandfathering.

Second we have the attempted AWB from last time, HR1022. This was was much stronger around what was banned, how things could be sold post-ban and how the grandfather stuff worked.

It did not pass.

So, it would be reasonable, but still a pure guess, to assume that new language would fall somewhere between these 2.

A pure guess would be that there would still be grandfathering since a door to door confiscation would never sell, but the grandfathering would likely limit the ability to sell and buy items.

HR1022 had a grandfather clause but items under the ban had to be sold through an FFL, it pretty much killed private transactions.

As for AHSA, can't say I expect to hear much from them. You can do a search of my username and AHSA to see what I think of that lovely organization. :)
And their level of compliance is what?

Among criminals, I'd say it's a safe bet that the compliance rate was 0%.

"Criminal" is a poor choice of words there. By definition anyone who failed to comply is a criminal. Whether they willfully chose not to register, never know of the requirement in time, or otherwise.
Who and what is a "criminal" changes with the stroke of a pen. I think you meant "criminal predators". ;)

The estimated number of such firearms as defined by legislation is much higher than the number of such firearms which were registered.
It is safe to say numerous illegal firearms are held throughout the state.
They find them all the time during other investigations, failure of payment of storage or similar bills causing them to come to the attention of LEO, or after natural disasters expose some.

Those who registered them are now an easy group to target with legislation, they become a smaller percentage of the population as the population increases. Transport restrictions for such weapons is high. Most legislation introduced to target such divided and conquered segments of the community will receive only token opposition, because it does not effect most or a growing portion of the community.

Parts and components become more expensive because the wholesale market shrinks dramaticly. Everything becomes custom. With foriegn import restrictions in place, that means formerly cheap weapon platforms become expensive to own and maintain with national level restrictions.

Once only grandfathered individuals have something, they and those firearms can be demonized as the population grows ever larger. New shooters are not exposed to such firearms and the myths surrounding them on a regular basis. Those myths grow larger and larger, and owners of such weapons viewed as more and more extremist.
So such demonization starts to make sense, and such bans and as a result future restrictions begin to be more logical to the next generation. A new weapon platform becomes the demonized catagory as a previous one is defeated.
What are the new platforms targeted? All semi autos? After all they are only cosmeticly different as they are told all the time.
Pump guns too? Made sense in Australia and the UK when they restricted semi-auto out of reach of most.
Guns considered "too powerful", or "too concealable"? Also made sense in places with minimum sizes of pistols and increasing caliber restrictions. The list of what is too powerful grows.

They can initialy be grandfathered with conditions, and those conditions can make you and the community easier to defeat later.

It also damages your ability to use such firearms for defense in the future. Much like using a select fire weapon today.
I lived through the Klinton AW ban! I held my nose and voted for Import ban excutive order GHW Bush!
I shed a tear when the ban was voted in by ONE VOTE.
It was BAD really just about -everything you wanted went out of sight price wise. I paid $1250.00 for a $500.00 HK91.$50 Hk mags !! Hicap pistol mags from CDNN $150.00 EACH... Hell I wanted a 22 polytech AK mag the last one I found $100.00 Each ..
I remember the BUFFALO News with there big full front page in your face GUN BAN PASSES !!!
I remember the militia guys and solder of fortune magazine in the news !
Followed by ATF putting 70% of the dealers out of business mostly small hobby dealers .
I remember the gun shows starting to decline .
I pray this time we Take up pitch forks and torches and storm the castle walls..

Remember Bideladen saying--- something will come up you american people will not understand our response to --BUT you must please trust our response -- Im thinking that was a message about GUN bans and Revolution because of them !!
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