AK-47 vs AR-15 in a Hurricane Situation

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No argument there. Buy what you can afford.
Also, in my area, I don't see where I need to worry about anything beyond 100 or 200 yards. Even outside the developed areas, the undergrowth is usually thick enough that you will not likely see or identify a bad guy from any more distance. I guess there are probably more wide open areas out there where 500 yards shots are mandatory. Your location and the lay of the land in that area should be considered.
I'd take the AR.

AR is not as bad as people think. In fact, it is a very, very reliable rifle. The trick is getting a good AR and not some frakenAR. Also, the use of quality ammo and real USGI magazines makes the difference.

I'd take the AR because it will be significantly lighter (pencil barrel) and has an Aimpoint red-dot with at least a year of battery life if not more. I prefer the ergonomics, accuracy and low recoil allowing for faster followup shots. I can carry more ammo in the same weight than a .30 cal anything. I can be more effective with it, while it won't weight me down as much.

The AR platform can handle anything in the New Orleans "theater".
Recent events have convinced me that the AR and some clothing that looks "official" or "military" will go a long way to help avoid getting shot by the "good" guys. The AK may be more reliable, more potent and every thing else, but it is not standard good guy issue, and when the situation degenerates to an "us vs. them" , it may get you popped with out the chance to explain.
A big consideration coming out of the Katrina situation is PR in your firearms.

Any kind of situation in which LE is not rendered irrelivant this is likely to be of high import.

An AR, maybe a black vest of some kind, and a t-shirt that says "RESCUE" vs shirtless w/ an AK might be the difference between getting shot by the fuzz (or another bug-outter) and not.
i wholeheartedly agree. i'd add, though that just wearing all black or navy blue clothing would help. hey, it gives you an excuse to buy all that tacticool gear that you've been wanting like the assault vest and the wall climbing ninja boots ;) seriously, the more you can look like police or well heeled private security, the safer you'll probably be.
Some Glocks jam, slop or no slop, just like every other firearm ever made. To answer the AR vs. AK question I would need to know the country I am in during the hurricane. If in the US the AR, if in just about any other country on earth the AK. Reason? Availability of rounds.
. . . i'd add, though that just wearing all black or navy blue clothing would help . . . . . the more you can look like police or well heeled private security, the safer you'll probably be.
Maybe so, but operating alone and in uniform without others equally attired WILL get you noticed really quick by the BG's and prolly sniped at BEFORE the dudes in skins w/AK's. Expect more BG's than LEO's during the highest risk part - the immediate aftermath.

You at least have a CHANCE that LEO's will investigate a bit before they shoot.

Recent events have convinced me that the AR and some clothing that looks "official" or "military" will go a long way to help avoid getting shot by the "good" guys. The AK may be more reliable, more potent and every thing else, but it is not standard good guy issue, and when the situation degenerates to an "us vs. them" , it may get you popped with out the chance to explain.

Another Good reason to carry an AR-15.

I need to add some royal robbins tactical pants, some Oakly sunglasses, and a T-shirt that says: "Blackwater Security Services" To my bug out arsenal.
That way when the PO PO come to confiscate my firearms, I can tell tham that the owner hired me to provide Security for his house. and they will leave me alone to guard my home. :p

Black Water doies not issue AKs to its operators. ;)
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